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Version 3.0.0

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@zuo zuo released this 01 Dec 05:45
· 20 commits to master since this release

This release is a big milestone. It includes, among others:

  • migration to Python 3

  • in the n6 data pipeline infrastructure: optional integration with IntelMQ

  • in the n6 Portal: a new frontend (implemented using React), two-factor authentication (based on TOTP), user's/organization's own data management (including config update and password reset forms, with related e-mail notices), and other goodies...

  • in the n6 REST API: API-key-based authentication

  • and many, many more improvements, a bunch of fixes, as well as some refactoring, removals and cleanups...

Note that many of the changes are not backwards-compatible.

Also, note that most of the main elements of n6 -- namely: N6DataPipeline, N6DataSources, N6Portal, N6RestApi, N6AdminPanel, N6BrokerAuthApi, N6Lib and N6SDK -- are now Python-3-only (more precisely: are compatible with CPython 3.9).

The legacy, Python-2-only stuff -- most of which are collectors and parsers (external-data-sources-related components) -- reside in N6Core and N6CoreLib; the collectors and parsers placed in N6Core, if related to non-obsolete external data sources, will be gradually migrated to Python-3-only N6DataSources (so that, finally, we will be able to rid of N6Core and N6CoreLib). There are also Python-2-only variants of N6Lib and N6SDK: N6Lib-py2 and N6SDK-py2 (needed only as dependencies of N6Core/N6CoreLib).