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Developer Board

Samuel Eberenz edited this page Jul 13, 2022 · 50 revisions
contributor working on reviewer
Emanuel Schmid
(Repository manager)
  • maintenance of the code base
  • integration tests
  • master branch, releases
  • data api
Chahan Kropf
(Developer team manager)
  • maintenance of the code base
  • Quantum physics in CLIMADA
  • Uncertainty module
David N. Bresch
(Repository owner)
  • CLIMADA legacy
  • physical risk (work with UK banks, ClimateWise, etc.)
  • Strategic development
  • Funding
Thomas Röösli
  • extratropical cyclones / winter windstorm in Europe
  • impact based warnings / impact forecast
Tobias Geiger
  • heat-related health impacts / mortality
  • impact based warnings / impact forecast
  • impact analysis tailored to Germany (Germany specific high-res exposure)
Gabriela Aznar Siguan
  • core climada / tropical cyclones / bush fire
  • economics of climate adaptation / impact based warnings
  • impact analysis tailored to Switzerland
Samuel Eberenz
  • regional tropical cyclone (TC) impact functions (calibration)
  • agricultural drought: crop production exposure (CP) and relative cropyield hazard (RC)
  • low flow / water scarcity hazard (LF)
  • global LitPop asset exposures
Inga Sauer
  • Flood (RF) / ISIMIP data input for river floods (improved in branch pik_merge)
  • flood trend/estimation for regional past changes in flood risk
Thomas Vogt
  • tropical cyclone (TC) surge hazard and impact function calibration
  • new data and models for storm surge modeling
  • global and future impacts of tropical cyclones under climate change
Samuel Lüthi
  • Bush Fire
  • tropical cyclone (TC) impact function calibration
Simona Meiler
  • tropical cyclone (TC) wind hazard model comparison
  • TC sub-hazards (details tbd)
Alessio Ciullo
  • tropical cyclone (TC)
  • Input-Output module
Chris Fairless
  • modelling social vulnerability
  • economics of climate adaptation
  • some experience with hazard for TCs, extratropical cyclones, wildfire, flood, SCS, earthquake, so happy to review code
Evelyn Mühlhofer
  • openstreetmap, landslides
  • future: infrastructure network modelling (TBC)
  • hazard modules: mostly on the user side
Pui Man (Mannie) Kam
  • River flood displacement
  • Early-tropical cyclone (TC) displacement warning
Jan Hartman
  • Translated storm_europe Module from erstwhile MATLAB version
  • TC Risk Forecasting (Master's Thesis; check this repo for details on how I push output to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database.)
rather not 
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