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Use Cases 3: Profile

Adil Malik edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 2 revisions

User Story: As a participant, I want to be uniquely identifiable. (US 03.01.01)
Use Case Name: CreateProfile
Primary Actors: User
Goal: To allow the user to have a uniquely identifiable profile
Trigger: User selects the create profile option
Precondition: The user knows what name they want to choose
Post-condition: On success, the user will be given a new profile that is uniquely identifiable by the name they chose.


  1. User is prompted for a unique name that identifies their profile
  2. User selects the finish option
  3. The system creates a new profile for the user
  4. The user is signed into the application on their new profile

2. If the user chose a name that is already being used by another profile
2.1 The system will display an error
2.2 The system returns to step 1