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Use Cases 7: Offline Behavior

Adil Malik edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 2 revisions

Use Case Name: HabitEventActivity
User Story: As a participant, I want to add, edit, or delete a habit event while offline, and have any of these changes synchronized once I get connectivity. (US 07.01.01)
Primary Actors: User
Goal: To allow the user to perform an event-related activity that does not become visible by others until the user is online.
Trigger: The user adds, edits, or deletes a habit event.
Precondition: The user knows what kind of habit to perform an activity for.
Post-condition: On success, details about the event are visible to others immediately. Otherwise, they will not become visible until the user regains connectivity.
Related: CreateHabitEvent, EditHabitEvent, DeleteHabitEvent


  1. The system verifies that the user is connected to the internet
  2. Details about the event are updated in the system and available for everyone to see


  1. If the user is not connected to the internet
    1.1 The system adds the event to a queue of pending events that will all be added when the user goes back online