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Releases: CMSgov/mgov-design-system


01 Jul 18:52
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What's new in Medicare Design System 3.3.1

This release incorporates the following core design system updates


29 Jun 19:47
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What's new in Medicare Design System 3.3.0

This release incorporates the following core design system updates

Medicare design system updates

  • Add babel-plugin-typescript-to-proptypes (#32)
  • Update (#36)
  • Update type to use agnostic styles (#37)
  • Adding dependabot to for design system dependency automation (#40)


07 May 17:29
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🛠 Fixed

Replaced url for the CloseSymbol.svg with $image-path variable.


05 May 14:30
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🚀 Added

  • New button class for making buttons full-width on mobile
  • New prop for changing the language preference in the Simple Footer component
  • Added new button examples for full-width buttons on mobile and using the hide on print utility class on buttons

💅 Changes

  • Changed the Modal Dialog icon to align with the designs


20 Apr 14:27
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💅 Changes

🛠 Fixed

  • Ensure button focus styles are applied in all variations (#18)

📦 Internal

  • React example files in the Mgov doc site have been updated to use the @design-system alias. (#18)
    • This change ensures React example files will resolve design system imports from dist/esnext/index.js, meaning named imports without specifying the path. This also means example React files don't need to import from the core CMSDS package.


31 Mar 21:07
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🛠 Fixed

  • Added unique key props to the Stars component.
  • Removed teal background from the outline inverse button.


02 Feb 20:51
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🚀 Added

  • Added button guidelines to button components page

🛠 Fixed

  • Fixed the font style for the 'Landing Page' button.

📦 Internal

  • Fixed release script.


15 Jan 15:03
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🛠 Fixed

The buttons in the header were updated to work with the new button design changes


13 Jan 21:29
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🚨 Breaking changes

The design of various buttons has been updated. Some buttons are backwards compatible, others will need to be updated to maintain the desired style

  • Primary buttons remain the same and do not need to be modified
  • Primary Alt (Secondary) buttons remain the same and do not need to be modified
  • Primary Outline and Primary Alt Outline buttons have been replaced with the default (tertiary) style. This will happen automatically and the existing "ds-c-button--primary-outline" and "ds-c-button--primary-alt-outline" classes will have no effect and can be removed
  • The Default Inverse button has been replaced with the Primary Inverse button and any inverse buttons will need the "ds-c-button--primary" class in order to get the new style
  • The new Default Inverse button is now available as an outline button that has a transparent background
  • The Primary transparent and Primary Alt transparent buttons have been replaced with the Default Transparent button and you will need to remove the "ds-c-button--primary" or "ds-c-button--primary-alt" classes from any transparent buttons to get the new style
  • Inverse Transparent buttons remain the same and do not need to be modified

The information above is contained in this reference image:
Screen Shot 2020-12-14 at 8 47 57 AM

📦 Internal

  • Added documentation on the publishing process