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A comprehensive multi-library project template employing the latest CMake features.


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State-of-the-Art Project Template

A comprehensive multi-library project template employing the latest CMake features.

GitHub Workflow Status

  • Compatible with CMake 3.23+
  • Includes compiled and header-only library examples
  • Header file management via file sets
  • Allows unit testing of non-exported library symbols without recompiling
  • Supports installing Debug and Release configuration to the same directory
  • Provides versioning info to find_package() calls

Building and Testing

This project uses CTest to run tests regardless of the test framework used.

Linux (Ninja build system)

The following commands will build the project with the default compiler in both Debug and Release configurations, run the tests in Debug configuration, and install the library to the install directory.

# Optional: Install ninja-build (Debian/Ubuntu shown)
sudo apt install ninja-build

# Configure and build (Release)
cmake -S . -B build/ -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build/ --target install
rm -rf build/

# Configure amnd build (Debug)
cmake -S . -B build/ -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build/ --target install

# Test
cd build/
ctest --output-on-failure
cd ..

The install directory will contain CMake configuration files for both Debug and Release configurations and can be used by other CMake projects. Add a find_package(MyProject) statement to the consuming project and make sure that the install path is added to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable.

Windows (Visual Studio 2022)

The following commands will build the project with MSVC v143 in both Debug and Release configurations, run the tests in Debug configuration, and install the library to the install directory.

# Configure
cmake -S . -B .\build\ -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64

# Build
cmake --build .\build\ --target install --config Debug
cmake --build .\build\ --target install --config Release

# Test
cd .\build\
ctest --output-on-failure -C Debug
cd ..

The install directory will contain CMake configuration files for both Debug and Release configurations and can be used by other CMake projects. Add a find_package(MyProject) statement to the consuming project and make sure that the install path is added to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable.

Adapting This Template

This template is designed to be easily adapted to your needs. The following steps will help you get started:

  1. Click on "Use this template" at the top of the repository page to create a copy of this repository with a clean history.

  2. Replace the placeholder library names with your own library name. The following files and paths will need to be adjusted:

    • Any occurrences of Lib1 and Lib2 targets and tests
    • Top-level CMakeLists.txt file
      • Project name specified for the project() call
    • Rename to match ${PROJECT_NAME}
    • File paths in the lib1/include/ directory
    • lib1/CMakeLists.txt file
      • Include path suffix in set(INCLUDE_PREFIX ...)
      • lib1_export.h filename in set(EXPORT_HEADER ...)
      • LIB1_EXPORT macro name in the generate_export_header() call
      • EXPORT_NAME in the set_target_properties() call
    • lib1/tests/CMakeLists.txt file
      • MyProject_Lib1_EXPORTS compile definition
    • File paths in the lib2/include/ directory
    • lib2/CMakeLists.txt file
      • EXPORT_NAME in the set_target_properties() call
  3. Update the target_sources() calls in the respective libraries as you replace the dummy sources with your own files.

  4. If you want to add additional linked libaries, use the lib1/ template, use lib2/ for header-only libraries.

Additional Notes

  • When adding dependencies via find_package() calls (not counting test dependencies), be sure to also add them to a find_dependency() call in cmake/ This ensures that client code can simply call find_package(MyProject) without having to worry about hidden dependencies.
  • The version config file written by this project uses the SameMajorVersion setting. Depending on your needs, you may want to change this to SameMinorVersion, AnyNewerVersion, or ExactVersion.
  • The MyProject_Lib2_EXPORTS compile definition in the lib1/tests/ test is used to select between exporting and importing the library. It is optional, but its omission would lead to MSVC warnings about local symbols being imported.
  • Targets are named ${PROJECT_NAME}_<tgt> to avoid name collisions with other libraries. This would lead to names like MyProject::MyProject_Lib1, so the EXPORT_NAME property is used to ensure the desired MyProject::Lib1 name. Similarly, OUTPUT_NAME is used for lib1 to control the name of the generated library file.
  • Since the dummy library lib1 already starts with "lib", the default library name would be liblib1 on Unix systems. To avoid this, the PREFIX property is set to an empty string.


If you have any suggestions or improvements, please open an issue or pull request.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file or


A comprehensive multi-library project template employing the latest CMake features.








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