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Week 5

30th April/ 1st May 2019

At this point we have developed an Azure hosted Java Spring web application connected to an Azure SQL database.

The application reads products from the database and supports creation of new products which are inserted into the database.

The next class will add update and delete to complete the CRUD functionality (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). We will also add a product search function which will find products which include search words in their names or descriptions (using a like query). Try the completed app here:

5.0 Preperation Exercise

Create a Spring Boot web app and deploy to Azure

The web application should display a list of employees from an Azure SQL database. Employees should be organised by teir work department.

  1. Create a new Azure Web app (configure for Java 1.8 + Tomcat)
    • If you have an existing web app then create a new App Service Plan when creating this app
  2. Create a new Azure SQL database and add the required tables with sample data.
  3. Build the webapp.
    • Include four pages with a shared navigation.
    • Layout and format using BootStrap 4.
  4. Include a page for employees
    • List the employees in a table
    • Include a list of department links - when clicked show employees for that department.
  5. Deploy the web app to Azure via FTP.

5.1 Updating Products

5.2 Deleting Products

5.3 Searching for Products

Git Repository for completed web app (week 5)