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Downloading Sentinel-2 data

For now, the Sentinel-2 scene download process is not integrated into the MAD-Mex system. The download process is described below using the sentinelsat and sentinelhub libraries.

It is assumed that you have such libraries installed in a UNIX environment as well as the sen2cor tool, for more details on the installation and configuration of Sentinelat and Sentinelhub you can review the documentation here and here respectively.

The approach we show below is to search the available scenes for a region using the Sentinelsat search engine. Here is an example of use for the region of Oaxaca, Mexico for a specific period of time. The --footprints flag means that you do not download the found scenes but write the results to a file called search_footprints.geojson (which will be in the path where you executed the cmd).

sentinelsat -u <user> -p <passwd> -g oaxaca.geojson -s 20180801 -e 20180810 --producttype S2MSI1C -q "orbitdirection=Descending" --url "" --footprints --cloud 5 --sentinel 2

Note: the q flag in command above are extra search keywords for query

With the following output:

Found 6 products
Product 86734389-979e-4655-b081-89c07e8429e0 - Date: 2018-08-09T16:38:29.024Z, Instrument: MSI, Mode: , Satellite: Sentinel-2, Size: 749.11 MB
Product aa8662c7-78d5-49ba-b1a2-7e86f168b844 - Date: 2018-08-09T16:38:29.024Z, Instrument: MSI, Mode: , Satellite: Sentinel-2, Size: 699.30 MB
Product d2f77768-9e19-4e8b-9d15-7998fa83a82c - Date: 2018-08-09T16:38:29.024Z, Instrument: MSI, Mode: , Satellite: Sentinel-2, Size: 402.28 MB
Product aedab398-aaa7-4369-ab82-c21824dcdd3c - Date: 2018-08-07T16:49:01.024Z, Instrument: MSI, Mode: , Satellite: Sentinel-2, Size: 734.11 MB
Product eae1b4f2-1c61-4dc2-a121-4f9e00be5256 - Date: 2018-08-07T16:49:01.024Z, Instrument: MSI, Mode: , Satellite: Sentinel-2, Size: 210.16 MB
Product e06d305a-5355-4a8a-bd68-24fa61cb37f4 - Date: 2018-08-05T17:00:09.024Z, Instrument: MSI, Mode: , Satellite: Sentinel-2, Size: 23.55 MB
6 scenes found with a total size of 2.75 GB

It is very important to mention that the file of the search region must be a polygon as simple as possible, a very complex polygon with many points can cause an error in the command. For the previous example, here is the geojson file for Oaxaca. To create new geojson you can consult the following link.

It is possible to configure environment variables for the user and password in sentinelsat and avoid entering them in the command line. Simply write the following lines in the ~/.bashrc file

export DHUS_USER="<user>"
export DHUS_PASSWORD="<password>"
export DHUS_URL=""

Therefore, an alternative command line would be:

sentinelsat -g oaxaca.geojson -s 20180801 -e 20180810 --producttype S2MSI1C -q "orbitdirection=Descending" --footprints --cloud 5 --sentinel 2

Using sentinelsat

If you want to download, remove footprints flag and add d flag which is the one to download all files found and path to set the path where the files will be saved (here we delete orbitdirection keyword):

sentinelsat -u <user> -p <password> -g oaxaca.geojson --sentinel 2 --url --producttype S2MSI1C -s 20180801 -e 20180810 -d --path <directory>

Using jupyter notebook

See: search_and_download_s2.ipynb

Using AWS

The download now is done with Sentinelhub with its download tool from AWS. To do that, we'll use a python script to read the search_footprints.geojson file to get the product name.

import json

with open('search_footprints.geojson') as f:
    data = json.load(f)

for feature in data['features']:
    print (feature['properties']['identifier'])

In our case, with the following output:


In order to process the scenes downloaded with sen2cor, we must download the images in a .SAFE format as shown below: --product S2B_MSIL1C_20180805T170009_N0206_R069_T14QPE_20180805T221143 -f ~/s2_downloads

The ~/s2_downloads folder must be created previously.

Parallel downloading

To speed up the download process, you can use the python script for parallel downloads, simultaneously downloading as many scenes as cores in the CPU. The python script reads the geojson file from the query, then builds the sentinelhub commands and runs them in parallel.



1 .- There is a preconfigured AMI for MAD-Mex called sentinel2_download_preproc with all the libraries and configurations needed to reproduce this example.

2.- If what you want is to process a scene that is already in S3, maybe it is more convenient to copy it into the EC2 instance. Keep in mind that when we download a scene and store it in S3, the empty folders are not copied. Therefore, to run sen2cor properly, folders that are lost when copying a scene in S3 must be generated. This is to generate the folders HTML, AUX_DATA and rep_info inside the folder with .SAFE format.

Running sen2cor

There is an important aspect to keep in mind, the scenes downloaded with Sentinelhub come from the S3 bucket sentinel-s2-l1c, therefore the .SAFE format is only being emulated by the download tool. Once the download has finished, we can proceed to run sen2cor as follows:

L2A_Process ~/s2_downloads/S2B_MSIL1C_20180805T170009_N0206_R069_T14QPE_20180805T221143.SAFE

The above command is possible if the following alias is previously defined in the ~/.bashrc file:

alias L2A_Process='/home/<user>/Sen2Cor-02.05.05-Linux64/bin/L2A_Process'

The complete path depends on the folder of installation defined for sen2cor.

sen2cor as docker service

We can run sen2cor.2.8.0 with dem as a docker service creating an image from here which is persisted in madmex/sen2cordocker_l2a dockerhub. The following is an example how to create two services:

sudo docker service create --name l2a --detach=false --restart-condition=on-failure --env USERID=1000 \
--env SEN2COR_HOME=/sen2cor --env SEN2COR_BIN=/sen2cor \
--workdir=/var/sentinel2_data/unzipped_scenes \
--mount type=bind,source=$archives,destination=/var/sentinel2_data/archives \
--mount type=bind,source=$unzipped_scenes,destination=/var/sentinel2_data/unzipped_scenes \
--mount type=bind,source=$src,destination=/src \
--mount type=bind,source=$aux,destination=$aux_container \
madmex/sen2cordocker_l2a:2.8.0 \
/src/ -d S2A_MSIL1C_20180107T175721_N0206_R141_T12QUM_20180107T193335
sudo docker service create --name l2a-2 --detach=false --restart-condition=on-failure --env USERID=1000 \
--env SEN2COR_HOME=/sen2cor --env SEN2COR_BIN=/sen2cor \
--workdir=/var/sentinel2_data/unzipped_scenes \
--mount type=bind,source=$archives,destination=/var/sentinel2_data/archives \
--mount type=bind,source=$unzipped_scenes,destination=/var/sentinel2_data/unzipped_scenes \
--mount type=bind,source=$src,destination=/src \
--mount type=bind,source=$aux,destination=$aux_container \
madmex/sen2cordocker_l2a:2.8.0 \
/src/ -d S2A_MSIL1C_20180107T175721_N0206_R141_T12QVM_20180107T193335

to monitor them:

sudo docker service ps l2a

to view the logs:

sudo docker service logs l2a
sudo docker service logs l2a-2

and to delete the ones that already finished:

for container in $(sudo docker service ps l2a | grep Shutdown  | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'.' -f1); do sudo docker service rm $container; done

sen2cor with SLURM

Requirement: in your nodes make sure to have docker image: madmex/sen2cordocker_l2a:2.8.0 already pulled

  1. Create file list_zipped.txt with zip files to preprocess with sen2cor and directories: logs_docker and logs_slurm in your working directory. Clone next repository: sen2cor_docker in your working directory and modify bash variable src (in the next shell) to the path of your working directory which holds src from repo.

  2. Create shell

Note: modify exclude and partition, archives, unzipped_scenes, src flags according to your specifications

# first parameter is file to preprocess with sen2cor

#SBATCH --partition=cacomixtle
#SBATCH --ntasks=1           # total processes across nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --requeue
#SBATCH --exclude keri,nodo2,nodo4,nodo5


id_container=$(sudo docker run  \
-e USERID=1000 -e SEN2COR_HOME=/sen2cor -e SEN2COR_BIN=/sen2cor \
--workdir=/var/sentinel2_data/unzipped_scenes \
-v $archives:/var/sentinel2_data/archives \
-v $unzipped_scenes:/var/sentinel2_data/unzipped_scenes \
-v $src:/src \
-v $aux:$aux_container \
-dit madmex/sen2cordocker_l2a:2.8.0 \
/src/ -d $1)

status=$(sudo docker ps -a -f id=$id_container --format "{{.Status}}"|cut -d' ' -f1)
logfile=logs_docker/$(basename -s '.zip' $1).txt

while [ "$status" == "Up" ]
status=$(sudo docker ps -a -f id=$id_container --format "{{.Status}}"|cut -d' ' -f1)

sudo docker logs $id_container > $logfile

sudo docker rm $id_container
  1. Execute next line to create list of jobs to launch:
for f in $(cat list_zipped.txt);do filename=$(basename -s '.zip' $f);echo "sbatch --error=logs_slurm/$filename.err --output=logs_slurm/$filename.out $f" >>;done

  1. Launch:
  • Check logs in directory: logs_docker and in logs_slurm.

  • Also use scontrol show jobid -dd <jobid> to get info from job


Workflow to download Sentinel imagery for MAD-Mex






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