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Andrew Kiss edited this page Sep 12, 2022 · 23 revisions

Welcome to ACCESS-OM2 — a coupled ocean-ice model and collection of configurations developed by the Consortium for Ocean-Sea Ice Modelling in Australia (COSIMA).

ACCESS-OM2 consists of the MOM 5.1 ocean model, CICE 5.1.2 sea ice model, and a file-based atmosphere called YATM coupled together using the OASIS3-MCT v2.0 coupler. Regridding is done using ESMF and KDTREE2.

The configurations available here are updated from the version 1.0 configurations described in Kiss et al. (2020). Further details are given in the ACCESS-OM2 technical report.

How to access existing ACCESS-OM2 output

NCI users can access model output via the COSIMA Cookbook. A good place to start is the data explorer, which will give an overview of the data available. Also see this overview of 0.1° IAF outputs.

Non-NCI users can access a subset of the ACCESS-OM2 output via the COSIMA Model Output Collection.

How to run ACCESS-OM2

Start by reading the Quick start guide. If you are using at the NCI National Facility and are happy to use our pre-compiled executables then this should be all you need. The page also provides instructions for building your own executables.

NOTE: All ACCESS-OM2 model components and configurations are undergoing continual improvement. We strongly recommend that you "watch" this repo (see button at top of screen; ask to be notified of all conversations) and also watch all the component models, whichever configuration(s) you are using, and payu to be kept informed of updates, problems and bug fixes as they arise.

Getting help and reporting issues

For all help requests and error reports please create a "GitHub issue" at ACCESS-OM2 issues.

For self-help

Setting up and running the model is primarily supported via the ACCESS-OM2 wiki (that you are already reading). It is a "wiki" so feel free to correct and contribute.

How to update this wiki

The wiki attached to a public repository can be edited by anyone. Just navigate to the page you wish to edit and click on the 'edit' button on the top right hand side.