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Listenable Explanations for Music recOmmeNder Systems

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LEMONS: Listenable Explanations for Music recOmmeNder Systems

LEMONS addresses the issue of explaining of why a track has been recommended to a user by providing listenable explanations based on the track itself.


LEMONS consists of 2 parts:

  1. A Content-Based Music Recommender System. The Recommender System takes in input the audio tracks and outputs a relevance score for the user.
  2. audioLIME for generating post-hoc listenable explanations for audio data.

The functionality is demonstrated using a streamlit app. A screenshot of the LEMONS app can be seen below.

You can check out the video of our demo (~9 minutes).

Below you can find the details about the recommender system, how to setup and conduct the same experiments and how to run the streamlit app to play around with the explanations.

Audio-based Recommender System - Model and Training details


For training on the Million Song Dataset, we use snippets from 7digital. Snippet durations range from 30s to 60s. Audios are downsampled to 16kHz and transformed in decibel mel-spectograms. We use 256 mel bins with a hop size of 512. Only for training, we train on 1s randomly selected part of the snippet, leading to input with shape of 256 X 63.


The structure of the audio-based recommender system is depicted below.

Conv2d(1,64), BatchNorm2d, ReLU, MaxPool2d
Conv2d(64,128), BatchNorm2d, ReLU, MaxPool2d
Conv2d(128,128), BatchNorm2d, ReLU, MaxPool2d
Conv2d(128,128), BatchNorm2d, ReLU, MaxPool2d
Conv2d(128,64), BatchNorm2d, ReLU, MaxPool2d
Cat(AdaptiveAvgPool2d + AdaptiveMaxPool2d)

Convolutions have a kernel of 3x3 while MaxPooling halves in both dimensions each time. In the last layers we concatenate global average pooling and global max pooling, apply dropout, and feed it to a linear layer.


We use a batch size of 20 and train for 1000 epochs with a learning rate of 1e-3, weight decay of 1e-4, and Adam optimizer. We train a total of 7 models, one for each user.

Validation and Testing

For evaluation, we use as input the whole track.


Create an environment with all dependencies

conda env create -f lemons.yml
conda activate lemons

Install lemons

In the root directory, run the following:

python3 develop

or, if it doesn't work

pip install -e .


Some paths need to be set, e.g. to the location of your data. Copy to and set your paths there. is in .gitignore such that each user has their own config without overwriting the others.

Notice that it may be necessary to set up a small webserver in order to correctly show audios and images in the streamlit app.


Before training, it could be necessary to tune some parameters.

We use sacred to log all experiments. In local_conf in recsys/ you need to set the following parameters to correctly log experiments on mongodb. Check also here.

local_conf = {
    'mongodb_url': '',
    'mongodb_db_name': '',
    'experiment_name': '',

In experiment_config() in recsys/, you can change the following parameters:

  • use_tensorboard: if also tensorboard should be used to log the experiments.
  • log_step: after how many batches the system logs the results.
  • input_length: training input length, default to 1 second.
  • model_load_path: path to a pre-trained network, default to ''.
  • batch_size: batch size.
  • n_epochs: number of epochs.
  • lr: learning rate.
  • wd: weight decay.
  • num_workers: number of workers for the data loader.
  • device: device used for training, if cuda is available then it runs on cuda:0, cpu otherwise.
  • user_name: name of the user for training the model

Then training can be run with:

cd recsys

The best model will be saved by default in the directory /experiments/<date>.

NB Some paths need to be configured in the file!


We use sacred to log all experiments. In local_conf in recsys/ you need to set the following parameters to correctly log experiments on mongodb. Check also here.

local_conf = {
    'mongodb_url': '',
    'mongodb_db_name': '',
    'experiment_name': '',

In experiment_config() in, you can change the following parameters:

  • use_tensorboard: if also tensorboard should be used to log the experiments.
  • model_load_path: path to a pre-trained network.
  • batch_size: batch size.
  • num_workers: number of workers for the data loader.
  • device: device used for training, if cuda is available then it runs on cuda:0, cpu otherwise.
  • user_name: name of the user for training the model

Then the evaluation can be run with:

cd training/

The results will be saved in the same directory of model_load_path.


In order to correctly show the audio andb images in the Demo, it is necessary to set up a simple web server where the explanations are saved and audios are loaded from. In, webb_foldershould be set accordingly to point to the folder of the webserver. In, the function generate_audio_link should also be modified in order to correctly provide a link to the audios.

You can look at a demonstration using the streamlit app. It has to be run from the lemons root directory.

streamlit run explanations/

Experiments & Results

We split the tracks into train, validation,and test set in a 80-10-10 fashion and select the model that achieves the best results in terms of AUC and MAP on the validation set. The results on the testset averaged across the users are 0.734±0.130 MAP and 0.758±0.113 AUC.

Stability of explanations

For audioLIME we need to select the number of samples in the neighborhood N_s to get stable explanations. To do so, we follow the procedure in Mishra 2020. We repeat the the computation of the explanations is 5 times, and each time the top k=3 interpretable components are recorded. With increasing number of samples N_s the number of unique components U_n should approach k (in our case: 3). We found that a number of N_s = 2^11 = 2048 suffices to compute stable explanations in a reasonable amount of time. This is shown in the graph below:

Each violin represents the results for one user model for a subset of the test set (50 examples). Each data point in a violin shows how many unique components U_n (shown on the x-axis) were selected when repeating computation of the explanation for a test sample 5 times. The y-axis shows the number of neighborhood examples N_s that was used for training the explainer in each case. The figure shows that increasing N_s decreases U_n, on average. This means that for example for Sandra (purple), using N_s=2048 and repeatedly computing an explanation consisting of 3 components for the same track will result in the same 3 components being picked (for a majority of the test songs).


Listenable Explanations for Music recOmmeNder Systems






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