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The official repository for the RS #633 revision. This project is built off of a pure 633 Client & Cache (no cheap hacks/edits made). The initial goal of this project is offer user-friendly development code-base whilst greatly improving whenever and wherever we can!


👋 Our Community 👋

We have our own community discord server where you can join in and recieve latest news & updates regarding the development of this repository. We have a user-friendly webhook that relays all the progress made so it's easier to navigate (rather than sifting though this repository manually). You can also join if you just want to hang out with the rest of the growing community.

Click here to join our community discord server.

Official Rune-Server Project thread

🗨️ Our Trello Board 🗨️

To maintain easier workflow and project management we have now officially launched our very own Trello Board. You'll need to DM Zed ([Via Discord - click here])( to gain access to this board firstly. Once granted access you'll be able to see what's needed to be done, being worked on, finished task, such.. with much more ease.

🛠️ Installation 🛠️

There's a few ways to begin development (or testing). Follow any of the applicable options below to get started! It's recommended to use Intelij over Eclipse, however it's your choice in the end!

Using GitHub Desktop app:

Follow this guide

Installing via terminal:

git clone

Installing via GitHub CLI:

gh repo clone CSS-Lletya/633-official

✔️ Dependancies ✔️


This is an essential for setting up the environment in your IDE. You'll need to install using their installer and add the latest dependancy to your project build. If you don't you'll have a mountain of errors before you can do anything else. In advance please check out the documentation and use accordingly!


You'll need to ad Gradle to your project. Refer to your specified IDE for setup & documentation. Gradle will automatically add the additional dependancies as well, dependancies are subject to change whenever needed as well. The additional dependancies used are as follows:

Fast Utils



Netty (3.6.6.Final)

TinyLog (v2)


⬇️ Client download ⬇️

ou can download the Client by clicking here, or by joining the official Discord. Should the cache link become dead notify any contributor or Zed directly.

⬇️ Cache Download ⬇️

You can download the Cache by clicking here, or by joining the official Discord. Should the cache link become dead notify any contributor or Zed directly.

❤️ Credits ❤️

  • Darkan Development. Without the talents behind Darkan development may be at a slower pace than desired. Darkan is an open source #727 development (where we are 633), Go check them out and support and join the development if you'd like to as well!
  • Rune-Server Community. When in doubt, rune-server usually has your back. With the help of quality developers the official 633 development will continue to grow!
  • Arios Development. Providing great quality code and Scripting language.


The official repository for the RS #633 revision







No releases published
