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Justin Chadwell edited this page Jul 12, 2020 · 4 revisions

These docs in this wiki are meant as a guide for future developers and maintainers of the site, from the person who originally who built most of it.

If you're new to the site, I'd recommend reading through all of these docs in their entirety (if you have the time). If you've got experience with static sites though, then you can probably just skim to the section you want (or not even bother reading this at all!).

These docs should be kept up to date as major changes are made to the site.


If you're just getting started then I can recommend going through the Netlify CMS page, as well as the Manual Editing page to get a good idea of how the site works and how to quickly make most of the changes you need.

If you want to dive into it a bit more, that's what the other pages are for! Also, don't be afraid to read through the code itself, it's not that hard to read and edit 🎉

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