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Pattern Problem Improvement Workshop Activity
Huge images (or auto-playing videos), especially in the header / hero section. Uses up lots of data: expensive and slow. Heavily optimise images, don't auto-play video. Be aware of the cost (in data and time) of your images. Use image optimisation tools. Get ideas from Lara Hogan's Optimizing Images chapter of Designing for Performance
Parallax Janky: processor-intensive, especially on mobile. Causes scrolling issues. Don't use it. Have static images breaking up the content instead. Make a plan for ditching parallax.
Off-canvas navigation Hides your content from users, removes information scent. Review your IA, use a different style of navigation. Review the IA, sketch new navigation styles.
Low contrast text Not very readable or legible in low light, or for users with poorer eyesight. Up the contrast. Use some colour contrast checking tools. (e.g. Lea Verou's contrast ratio, )
Carousels, especially auto-playing ones. People often ignore them (like they do with ad banner blindness), seldom interact with them. Many have accessibility issues. Don't use them! Or at least let the user move the slides, and provide labels that give them a reason to use it. Make a plan for how to ditch your carousels, and how to explain it to the bosses.
Share Widgets Interactive widgets slow down a page, and can block loading of the rest of it. Share buttons add weight to a page and are seldom used. Remove social media sharing widgets entirely, or replace them with simple link versions. Make a plan for what to do in own work.
Relying on custom fonts in your design Custom fonts can be slow to load, or fail to load at all. Make sure your site works great with the generic serif or sans-serif system fonts. Remove custom fonts from your site and see what changes you need to make.
Loading screens Hides a bigger problem: your site is too slow! Conduct a thorough performance review of your site. Use WebPageTest and Google's Page Speed Insights to get some ideas for improvements.
Single Page websites Can result in large, heavy, pages. That means slow and expensive, especially on mobile. More difficult for people to share a specific part of the page. Split it into several pages. Make a plan for splitting it into several pages.
Ghost buttons They don't offer proper affordance as a button, and often aren't visually distinct from other interface elements. Make buttons look like buttons. Redesign some existing buttons in your work.
Thinking in pages Focus shits to look and feel as opposed to content Concentrate on systems design with reusable modular components Concentrate on modular design
Static prototypes Still thinking in pages and a print-like mindset Move to in-browser design, utilizing rapid and style prototyping Use tools like Invision. Use HTML.
Over-reliance on grid systems Generic grids (Boostrap, Foundation, etc) are neither a good representation of a site's content nor its design. Consider content out layouts Simplify your grid
Modal/overlay Terrible for keyboard users. Impede flow through site. (Ok for image galleries?) In almost all cases, there is no need to force users into specific actions. Rather, show the content that you were going to put into an overlay within the page Consider collapsible UI elements or dynamic inline elements.
Text over images Produces unexpected results if length is not ideal. Obscures images. Tricky with responsive design. Flow text around images. Do you actually need that image? Redesign image/text layout
Fixed positioning Performance killer if you are using js. Interferes with scrolling. Can take up a lot of screen real estate especially on mobile. Use natural element flow Remove fixed positioning (especially on mobile).
Hiding information behind hover states (or even worse, clickable js elements) Makes information inaccessible to non-mouse users Don't hide information Consider why info needs to be hidden. Is it really necessary to have?
Typography Too many font-size and family declarations Very hard to maintain Keep font variations to a minimum. Use a typographic scale like Modular scale or Type scale
Pagination Large datasets can lead to confusion (where am I?). Only use when it is not possible to display all the data on a single page/screen or when the dataset is in some way ordered. Do not use when you don't want the user to pause for navigating to the next page. Reconsider / redesign pagination controls.
Infinite scrolling Removes sense of control from user (no endpoint). Not easy to discern information. Inefficient. Poor performance. Consider cumulative search filters Allow user to narrow down interest/search. See So You Think You’ve Built a Good Infinite Scroll
Animation Obscure navigation interactions, annoying banner ads, Flash intros. Performance and bandwidth killers Micro animations can improve user experience, eg. communicating status, adding affordance, showing status. Use where appropriate.
Forms What element to use when. "Designed" inputs. Inappropriate inputs. Use appropriate inputs for desired user behaviour. Look at the forms you have designed and see if they can be improved.
Login forcing login. Social login. Which one did I use. What if one ceases to exist. Only Facebook / Twitter, etc. Consider specific use cases for login Evaluate and reconsider logins on your sites.
Responsive Web Design 🧌 Make separate sites for: mobile, tablet, desktop, watch, and fridge. Figure out that this one is a joke.