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Algorithm and benchmark instances for Robust production scheduling with energy consumption limits


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Robust production scheduling with energy consumption limits

This repository contains the source code (see src/), benchmark instances (see experiment-data/datasets/) and experiment results from this paper (see experiment-data/experiments/<experiment-name>/results) for the robust production scheduling problem with energy consumption limits. For more details about the algorithms and instances, see the paper in this section.

Building the project

The project has been tested and known to work on Fedora 26 operating system. Other systems (Windows, MacOS) should also work, although they may require some changes to the build script.

The project has following dependencies:

  • CMake (>= 3.7) - build system
  • RapidJSON (>= 1.1.0) - library for handling JSON files
  • Gurobi (>= 7.0) - library for Mixed Integer Linear Programming (environment variable $GUROBI_HOME has to be set, please see the Gurobi documentation)
  • Boost system & filesystem (>= 1.63.0) - utility libraries
  • C++ compiler with support for C++11 standard

If all the dependencies are correctly installed, then it should be enough to do

mkdir ./bin
cd bin
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../

which will generate the following executables

  • bin/rseclp-solver
  • bin/rseclp-experiment
  • bin/rseclp-datasetgen

Important: if you are using g++ compiler in version 5.0 or newer, it is possible that you have to built the C++ interface for Gurobi by yourself

cd $GUROBI_HOME/src/build
cp libgurobi_c++.a $GUROBI_HOME/lib

File formats

All files are using JSON, which is a simple key-value file format. To document the fields (key and value) of the files, we use key: valueType syntax, e.g. dueDates: int[] represents a field with key dueDates and integer array as a type.

The type may contain | character, which represents union type. For example, dueDates: int[] | int is a field which may be specified either as an array or as a single value. If a single value is given, then the file loader will automatically create an appropriately sized array (the length depends on the context) where each value is the same as the single value specified in the field, e.g. all the operations will have the same due date.


An instance file has following fields

  • numOperations: int
  • releaseTimes: int[] | int
  • dueDates: int[] | int
  • processingTimes: int[] | int
  • powerConsumptions: double[] | double
  • maxDeviation: int
  • numMeteringIntervals: int
  • lengthMeteringInterval: int
  • maxEnergyConsumptions: double[] | double

All the fields are mandatory. The values of release times, due dates, processing times and power consumptions are given as a vector with increasing index of the operations (starting from 1).

Consider the following example instance (corresponds to the example instance from Section 2 in our paper)

  "numOperations": 5,
  "releaseTimes": [0, 6, 8, 10, 18],
  "dueDates": [5, 10, 15, 17, 30],
  "processingTimes": [2, 2, 7, 4, 3],
  "powerConsumptions": [50.0, 70.0, 150.0, 120.0, 30.0],
  "maxDeviation": 3,
  "numMeteringIntervals": 5,
  "lengthMeteringInterval": 15,
  "maxEnergyConsumptions": 1200.0

Notice that since the maximum energy consumption in every metering interval is the same, the limit is passed as a single value instead of vector.

Instance result

A result file has following fields

  • status: int the status code of the result, for the interpretation see enum Solver::Result::Status in file src/rseclp/solvers/Solver.h
  • startTimes: int[]
  • objectiveValue: double
  • solverRuntimeInMilliseconds: int
  • optional: object additional data that could be provided by the solver, e.g. Lazy Constraints solver will insert lower bound and the number of generated lazy constraints in this object.

Solver configuration

A solver configuration file has following fields

  • timeLimitInMilliseconds: int
  • gurobiEnvParams: object parameters for Gurobi environment given as object. The values of the parameters are always given as strings and the supported keys are listed in Gurobi documentation.
  • initStartTimes: int[] | undefined
  • useInitStartTimes: bool | undefined
  • previousStage: string | undefined used in experiments for passing the result of the previous solver to the current one.
  • solverStage: { name: string, cfg: object } solver to use use and its specialized configuration passed in cfg object. The name of the solver is defined in the solver source code as static field KEY_SOLVER, e.g. LazyConstraints::KEY_SOLVER. The specialized config is an object where keys correspond to the values of static fields KEY_* in Config class in the solver source code, e.g. GreedyHeuristics::Config::KEY_RULE is a key for configuring the priority rule for the Greedy heuristics.

As an example consider the following configuration for Lazy Constraints

  "timeLimitInMilliseconds": 1000,
  "gurobiEnvParams": {
    "OutputFlag": "1",
    "Threads": "1"
  "initStartTimes": [ 8, 6, 10, 30, 18 ],
  "useInitStartTimes": true,
  "solverStage": {
    "name": "LazyConstraints",
    "cfg": {
      "generateCuttingConstraintsOneSolution": "0",
      "noEnergyConsumptionLimits": "0",
      "noDeviations": "0",
      "generateCuttingConstraintsTowardsOptimal": "1"

Running a solver on a single instance

The command line interface is following



  • SOLVER_CONFIG_PATH is the path to solver configuration file
  • INSTANCE_PATH is the path to instance
  • RESULT_PATH is the path where to store the result

Running the experiment on a dataset

The command line interface is following



  • DATASET_NAME is the name of the dataset in experiment-data/datasets to run the solver on
  • SOLVER_CONFIG is the name of solver configuration in experiment-data/experiments/$DATASET_NAME/ to use
  • NUM_THREADS is the number of threads that will be solving different instances in parallel

For example,

./bin/rseclp-experiment n=10 lazy.json 3

will run the Lazy Constraints solver on n=10 dataset with 3 instances being solved in parallel.


MIT license


Please see file AUTHORS.txt for the list of authors.


If you find our code or benchmark instances useful, we kindly request that you cite the following paper

title = "Algorithms for robust production scheduling with energy consumption limits",
journal = "Computers & Industrial Engineering",
volume = "112",
pages = "391 - 408",
year = "2017",
issn = "0360-8352",
doi = "",
author = "István Módos and Přemysl Šůcha and Zdeněk Hanzálek",


Algorithm and benchmark instances for Robust production scheduling with energy consumption limits







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