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CaffeinatedRat edited this page Oct 28, 2012 · 2 revisions

This service exposes the plug-ins that the server is currently using.


These are the properties that are available from this service:

  • Plug-in name
  • Description
  • Author
  • Version


You can query the plug-ins service by invoking the service name plugins.


The following is an example of how to invoke the service.

var ws = new WebSocket('ws://' );
ws.onopen = function() {

JSON Response Format

The following is the format of the response generated by the service.

			name(0): string
			description(0): string
			author(0): string
			version(0): string
			name(n): string
			description(n): string
			author(n): string
			version(n): string
	Status: string

Example of a JSON response

The following is an example of the JSON data that is returned by this service.

			"name": "WebSocketServices",
			"description": "Provides a simple websocket services for a Minecraft server.",
			"author": "[CaffeinatedRat]",
			"version": "1.0.2"
			"name": "Spectator",
			"description": "A plugin that will communicate through WebSocketServices to provide a server description to a webgl client.",
			"author": "[CaffeinatedRat]",
			"version": ""
	"Status": "SUCCESSFUL"

Example of how to parse the response

The following is an example of how to use JQuery to parse the JSON data.

var json = jQuery.parseJSON(;

if(json.Status == "SUCCESSFUL") {				
	if(json.Plugins.length > 0) {
		for(i = 0; i < json.Plugins.length; i++) {
			var plugin = '<tr><td>';
			plugin += json.Plugins[i].name;
			plugin += '</td><td>';
			plugin += json.Plugins[i].version;
			plugin += '</td><td>';
			plugin += json.Plugins[i].author;
			plugin += '</td><td>';
			plugin += json.Plugins[i].description;
			plugin += '</td></tr>';
	else {
		$('#pluginList').append('<tr><td colspan="4">No plugins.</td></tr>');