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CaffeinatedRat edited this page Mar 20, 2013 · 4 revisions

This service exposes the online player information.


These are the properties that are available from this service:

  • Maximum number of players the server can support concurrently.
  • Total number of players online.
  • Player's name.
  • Player's online time formatted.
  • Player's online time in milliseconds.
  • Player's environment.
  • Player's operator status.


You can query the who service by invoking the service name who.


The following is an example of how to invoke the service.

var ws = new WebSocket('ws://' );
ws.onopen = function() {

JSON Response Format

The following is the format of the response generated by the service.

	MaxPlayers: number,
			name(0): string,
			onlineTime(0): string,
			onlineTimeSpan(0): long,
			environment(0): string {NORMAL | NETHER | THE_END},
			isOperator(0): boolean
			name(n): string,
			onlineTime(n): string,
			onlineTimeSpan(n): long,
			environment(n): string {NORMAL | NETHER | THE_END},
			isOperator(n): boolean
	Status: string

Example of a JSON response

The following is an example of the JSON data that is returned by this service.

	"MaxPlayers": "20",
			"name": "caffeinatedrat",
			"onlineTime": "0d 0h 2m 41s",
			"onlineTimeSpan": 161292,
			"environment": "NORMAL",
	"Status": "SUCCESSFUL"

Example of how to parse the response

The following is an example of how to use JQuery to parse the JSON data.

var json = jQuery.parseJSON(;

if(json.Status == "SUCCESSFUL") {
	if(json.Players.length > 0) {
		for(i = 0; i < json.Players.length; i++) {
			//Open the player element.
			var element = '<li><div class="playerElement">'
			//Show the mod icon if the user is a moderator.
			if(json.Players[i].isOperator) {
				element += '<div class="inline"><div title="Moderator" class="tiles modTile"></div></div>';
			else {
				element += '<div class="inline"><div title="Player" class="tiles playerTile"></div></div>';
			//Show the player's face.
			element += '<div id="test" class="inline"><canvas class="playersFace" id="can';
			element += json.Players[i].name; 
			element += '"></canvas></div>';
			//Show the player's name with profile link.
			var environment = json.Players[i].environment.replace('_', '').toLowerCase();
			element += '<div class="inline">';
			element += '<strong><a class="playerName" href="#" data-name="';
			element += json.Players[i].name;
			element += '" data-environment="';
			element += environment;
			element += '" click="javascript:return false;">';
			element += json.Players[i].name;
			element += '</a></strong>';
			element += '</div>';
			//Show the total time the player has been online.
			element += '<div class="inline">(Online: ' + json.Players[i].onlineTime + ')</div>';
			//Display the environment the player is currently in.
			element += '<div class="inline" style="padding-left: 5px;">';
			element += '<div title="';
			element += json.Players[i].environment.replace('_', ' ');
			element += '" class="tiles ';
			element += environment;
			element += 'Tile"></div>';
			//Close the player element.
			element += '</div></li>';				
			//Resize the player's face.
			$('#playerList').append('<script>drawPlayersFace("can' + json.Players[i].name + '", "' + json.Players[i].name + '");</script>');
		//END OF for(i = 0; i < json.Players.length; i++) {...
	else  {
		$('#playerList').text('<li>No one is online.</li>');
	//END OF if(json.Players.length > 0) {...
//END OF if(json.Status == "SUCCESSFUL") {...