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Alpha Release: Commands, More Events, Config Overhauls, and Tweaks

Caltinor edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 1 revision

This is the seventh alpha and brings a ton of changes.

Here is everything in this release:

  1. XP commands
  2. Creative Reach
  3. Player Death Event
  4. Entity Death Event
  5. Tame and Breed Events (and Ride Req handler)
  6. Config Overhaul
  7. Fish Event
  8. Potion Event
  9. Grow Event
  10. A number of small tweaks
    • fixed raw XP display in overlay skill list
    • Action denial messages
    • removed unnecessary files
    • staged data dump feature
    • fixed cancelled-but-not event cases

XP Commands

They are here!! you can now use the /pmmo admin <user> <set/add/clear> commands to change player xp/levels. the format for the command is the same as the current version, however, you can now use the command on entity arguments that have multiple results. Therefore it is now possible to clear the data of all online players in one command.

Creative Reach

Enjoy 50 blocks range while in creative. On a technical note, this modifier is separate from the perk modifier, so disabling the perk or tweaking its settings will not impact this. Oh and there's a config setting for the reach distance if you want to change it.

Player Death Event

oh yeah. lose that XP when you die. muahaha. Config settings in the server config will let you define the amount lost. There are 3 main settings:

  • how much should be lost: setting to 0 will disable xp losses on death up to 1.0 at lose all xp.
  • should losses cross levels: if false a player can only lose xp down to the minimum needed for their current level
  • should losses be calculated from the xp above the level: if the above setting is false should the player lose the percentage lost from their xp above their level or from their total xp.

Entity Death Event

when a player kills things what happens. This event captures kill and weapon reqs as well as kill XP. note that harming an entity and killing them do not need to give the same XP and are distinct events. You may want to decide if damaging and/or killing should give xp.

Tame and Breed Events (and Ride Req handler)

Requirements can be set for Taming, Breeding, and Riding mobs. additionally, Taming and Breeding now give XP. note that a breeding req will not stop a player from feeding breeding materials to the parents, it will only stop the baby from spawning. Keep that in mind and use Entity Interact or the upcoming Right_Click_Item events to prevent players from wasting materials.

Config Overhaul

perks.json, skills.json, and globals.json are now server configs. this marks the end of config/pmmo/ 😢 . Note that since these are server configs now, they auto-sync to the client meaning you will need to include them in defaultConfigs when making packs or omit them if you want proprietary server settings. Another server config added is the pmmo-AutoValues.toml. This currently does nothing but was a testing ground for the other configs as well as staging for the actual auto-values features. Much more to come in that area.

Fish Event

get xp when you fish. Cannot be cancelled. events and perks are still possible.

Potion Event

when removing potions by hand from a brewing stand, you can get XP for the potions. NBT Xp values are strongly recommended. also note shift-click collection of potions does not award XP. it's a bug with forge. you've been warned. pick them bad boys up by hand.

Grow Event

crops you place will give xp. this cannot be cancelled, but perks are still an option.


Fixed raw XP display in overlay skill list

just as it sounds, you now get 3 digits of xp with an interval character.

Action Denial Messages

when you attempt actions you cannot perform, you get a message about it now.

Removed unnecessary files

All the old default config files were removed from the jar. just makes things a bit smaller since they weren't needed anymore.

Staged data dump feature

staged a command feature that will let you dump an item's configuration to a file. In the simplest terms it creates a default file for you for the object you specified so you don't have to write the entire thing by hand. It will use auto-values to generate default content and place the file in an output folder that you can take from to make your configuration datapack.

Fixed cancelled-but-not event cases

a number of events were being cancelled on the forge side but the rest of the PMMO logic, such as XP awards, was still going through. Fixed a bunch of these.

Testing Notes

  • Test the new Events (reqs, xp gains, perk triggers, fringe cases where they might behave oddly)
  • Play around with the new configs. A note about testing these: changing values will automatically update as soon as you save the file, however if you add a section or key, the file will not recognize and will fail. This is a limitation of Forge. If you need to add a new key:value pair to the config, close the server (or go to the main menu in singleplayer) then edit your file and rejoin. Only the server needs to restart, not the clients.
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