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Caltinor edited this page Apr 23, 2022 · 3 revisions

All of Project MMO revolves around experience. You gain experience through actions in game, and that experience is applied to a specific skill. Experience in a specific skill is then used as a prerequisite for certain game actions. All forms of experience gain and prerequisites are configurable. Let's see and example.

Suppose breaking a stone block awards the player 1 experience in mining. If they break 10 stone blocks, they will have 10 experience. Now suppose that a stone pickaxe requires level 2 in mining to use. if level two requires 20 experience, then we will have to break 10 more stone to be able to use a stone pickaxe.

There are many events that can be used to award experience to players. You can read more about them in Award Events. There are also many ways to lock content behind levels. You can read about those in Gameplay Gating.

You may also want to familiarize yourself with how skills work. Since skills are the unique way that experience is stored, this can help in understanding how best to use them in award events and gameplay gating: Skills.