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Can-I-Grow project


Github Organization:


Jocelyn Triplett:

Jonathan 'JT' Canfield:

Kevin Harrison:

This project is designed to meet the needs of both first time and experienced gardeners. Specific Advantages afforded by this site include:

  1. Allowing a user to learn about plants based upon the user's location.
  2. Letting users save a list of plants to a 'plot' for future reference.
  3. Generating calendar data to illustrate a potential growing period based upon a given plant's maturation rate the the frost day based upon a user's location.

These are the Initial User Stories for the first two sprints of the project's development.

Specifically this site is built to:

  1. Allow users to search for a plant and receive information about said plant.
  2. Let users save a list of plants to a 'plot' for future reference.

Initial Planning:

Thursday, October 5th: Today we met as a group for the first time. Together we wire-framed and presented the project with basic user stories to Dana Calder. Jocelyn researched API options and began creating schema for the back-end. Kevin began working on bringing redux into the front-end. JT created routes with components and began work on the home page. Additionally JT began looking into local tracking options.

Friday, October 6th: In the morning we graduated from the Iron Yard coding bootcamp. Kevin got the login page to pass the token using redux. Jocelyn continued researching API options and got the first iteration of the backend up on Heroku. JT worked on styling and positioning the elements on each page.

Sprint 1: Goals: Finish User Story 1 and begin work on User Story 2.

Monday, October 9th: We met as a group to discuss our progress thus far. Jocelyn presented her API call options and continued working on authentication as well as controls and actions for adding plants to plots. Kevin worked on getting the login and registration pages to work with the ruby API, added some user stories to the trello board, and began work on the plant id page. JT worked on location services, wire-framing, and making the homepage search functionality work.

Tuesday, October 10th: Jocelyn worked on adding authentication and user plots. JT worked on the location data and making a sample set of plants appear on the homepage based on season and location. Kevin worked on getting images for the plants from wikipedia and other API sources.

Wednesday, October 11th: Jocelyn added the ability for a user to add a plant to a plot. She continued to work on plot features. JT worked on the user page, specifically working with plots. Kevin worked on styling and displaying images on the plant page.

Thursday, October 12th: Kevin improved styling on the plant page and added graphs with data. JT and Jocelyn coordinated efforts to manage content on the user page and within the user database files.

Friday, October 13th: After meetings in the morning, we outlined our progress and set a schedule for the next sprint. Kevin continued to work on the plant page. JT continued work on the user page. Jocelyn began work on rebuilding the user database to include new information.

Sprint 2: Goals: Finish User Story 2, test features, fix bugs, and deploy the website.

Monday, October 15th: In the morning we met to plan this next sprint. Jocelyn worked on password reset by email. JT worked on letting a user drag-and-drop plants and delete plants. Kevin worked on deployment, adding a footer, styling, and error fixes.

Tuesday, October 16th: Jocelyn worked on authorization email, emails for password reset, updating the database, error handling, and bug fixes. Kevin worked on adding react calendar using additional plant information as well as styling the front page, plant-page, footer, and header. JT was interviewing today.

Wednesday, October 17th: All three developers had mock interviews in the morning. Jocelyn worked on letting the user upload an avatar image. JT worked on responsive styling for mobile. Kevin worked on basic styling.

Thursday, October 18th: Jocelyn continued work on the avatar image upload feature and on the admin feature. Kevin made a calendar to visualize a suggested growing timeline for certain plants.

Friday, October 19th: Today we made refinements to the routes and styling. All of us worked to improve performance and to fix any remaining bugs. All user stories were successfully completed.


Wednesday, October 25h: The Can-I-Grow Team presented our project during the last Iron Yard Demo Day.

Friday, October 27th: With Demo Day completed, the team decided to take time to work on other projects, before returning to Can-I-Grow.

Future Goals:

  1. Secondary deployment
  2. Link deployment to domain
  3. Mobile development
  4. Submit to App store


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...


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