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This is a kinematic simulator. Its biggest strengths are that the underlying position and velocity representations are robust, and this implementation is lightweight and fast. Below are high-level descriptions of the constituent scripts and classes (for users).

This is the workhorse of the simulator. It contains the loop that does a single "run" of simulated bodies, including precise timing. It also has convenience functions for loading simulation parameters from YAML, as well as a CLI.

CLI parameters:

  • config: Input config YAML file, defining simulated Things
  • time: Total simulation execution time, in seconds
  • speed: Simulation speed; a speed of 2, for example, makes the simulation twice as fast.
  • output: Output file, where metrics may be written (Thing Class)

The Thing class is the representation of bodies. All objects in the simulator are represented by "thing" objects. This class should be subclassed to create more complex behavior.

The member variables are:

  • name: String. Use is up to the developer, but I suggest using it to identify homogeneous groups/types of things.
  • position: Transform. The position (translation, rotation) of the thing.
  • velocity: Transform. The velocity (translation, rotation) of the thing. Applied to the position at each update

Warning: Be careful when combining translations and rotations! They might not have the effects that you think.

  • radius: Float. The radius of the sphere defining the extents of the thing.
  • vote_exit: Boolean. The simulator automatically exits when all things agree that it should.
  • force_exit: Boolean. Any thing can force the simulation to end immediately.
  • metrics: Dict. Anything saved as a "metric" will be output at the end of the simulation.

The member functions are:

  • update(delta, others): Called every frame. Includes the time since this thing last excecuted, as well as all other things in the world to operate on.

You should be putting most of your code in the update function for subclasses.

  • is_colliding(other): Convenience function for collision
  • from_dict(properties): A static method to instantiate a Thing of this type from a dictionary (effectively, YAML configuration).

Don't forget to implement from_dict when subclassing Thing. In addition, ensure that your subclass is recorded in's THINGS member list. (Transform Class)

The Transform class is the backbone of the simulated kinematics. Formally, it's a representation of the 3D Special Euclidean group with the General Linear group. It has convenience member functions, as well as some static helpers.

Most developers should only need to use the convenience member functions:

  • __init__(is_velocity, pos, rot): Constructs a transform using a position, rotation, and whether it encodes a velocity (which has a different representation)
  • displace(other): Displaces this transform by the transformation encoded by other
  • flow(time): If this transform encodes a velocity, then this function travels along that velocity for the provided unit time.
  • set_pos, get_pos, set_rot, get_rot: Getters and setters for positions and rotations.

Use the getters and setters! They make things faster, and you probably shouldn't interface with the member variables directly


A 3D kinematic simulator built on groups.






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