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Add support for raster layers (#191)
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Requires unofficial grainstore version.
Includes small testcase.
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Sandro Santilli committed Jul 15, 2014
1 parent 95b3aac commit bb1a75c
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Showing 7 changed files with 349 additions and 4 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
New features:

- Add support for raster layers (#190)

Bug fixes:

- Support specifying column name in MapConfig (#191)
Expand Down
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
# 1. Purpose

This specification describes
[MapConfig](MapConfig-specification) format version 1.2.0.

# 2. File format

Layergroup files use the JSON format as described in [RFC 4627](

// default map extent, in map projection
// (only webmercator supported at this version)
extent: [-20037508.5, -20037508.5, 20037508.5, 20037508.5],

// Spatial reference identifier for the map
// Defaults to 3857
srid: 3857,

// maxzoom to be renderer. From this zoom tiles will respond 404
// default: undefined (infinite)
maxzoom: 18,

// minzoom to be renderer. From this zoom tiles will respond 404. Must be less than maxzoom
// default: 0

// global CartoCSS, is prepend in cartocss generated when the full configuration is rendered
// takes precedence over per-layer cartocss setting
global_cartocss:'#layer0{} #layer1{}...',

// global CartoCSS version, takes precedence over per-layer setting
global_cartocss_version: '2.0.1', // optional,

// Array of layers defined in render order. Different kind of layers supported
// are described below
layers: [{

// string, sets layer type, can take 3 values:
// - 'mapnik' - rasterize tiles
// - 'cartodb' - an alias for mapnik, for backward compatibility
// - 'torque' - render vector tiles in torque format (to be linked)
type: 'mapnik',

// object, set different options for each layer type, there are 3 common mandatory attributes
options: {
// string, SQL to be performed on user database to fetch the data to be rendered.
// It should select at least the columns specified in ``geom_column``,
// ``interactivity`` and ``attributes`` configurations below.
// For ``mapnik`` layers it can contain substitution tokens !bbox!,
// !pixel_width! and !pixel_height!, see implication of that in the
// ``attributes`` configuration below.
sql: 'select * from table',

// name of the column containing the geometry
// Defaults to 'the_geom_webmercator'
geom_column: 'the_geom_webmercator',

// type of column, can be 'geometry' or 'raster'
// Defaults to 'geometry'
geom_type: 'geometry',

// raster band, only valid when geom_type = 'raster'.
// If 0 or not specified makes rasters being interpreted
// as either grayscale (for single bands) or RGB (for 3 bands)
// or RGBA (for 4 bands).
// Defaults to 0
raster_band: '1',

// spatial reference identifier of the geometry column
// Defaults to 3857
srid: 3857,

// string, CartoCSS style to render the tiles
// CartoCSS specification depend on layer type:
// Torque:
// Mapnik:
cartocss: '#layer { ... }',

// string, CartoCSS style version of cartocss attribute
// global_cartocss_version takes precedence over this, if present
// Version semantic is specific to the layer type.
cartocss_version: '2.0.1',

// string array, contains tables that SQL uses. It used when affected tables can't be
// guessed from SQL (for example, plsql functions are used)
affected_tables: [ 'table1', 'schema.table2', '"MixedCase"."Table"' ],

// string array, contains fields renderer inside grid.json
// all the params should be exposed by the results of executing the query in sql attribute
interactivity: [ 'field1', 'field2', .. ]

// values returned by attributes service (disabled if no config is given)
// NOTE: enabling the attribute service is forbidden if the "sql" option contains
// substitution token that make it dependent on zoom level or viewport extent.
attributes: {
// used as key value to fetch columns
id: 'identifying_column',

// string list of columns returned by attributes service
columns: ['column1', 'column2']
# Extensions

The document may be extended for specific uses.
For example, Windshaft-CartoDB defines the addition of a "stats_tag" element
in the config. See

Specification for how to name extensions is yet to be defined as of this version
of MapConfig.


- Allow for each layer to specify the name of the geometry column to use for tiles
- Allow to specify layer projection/srid and map projection/srid
- Allow to specify quadtree configuration (max extent, mostly)
- Link to a document describing "CartoCSS" version (ie: what's required for torque etc.)

# History

## 1.2.0

- Add support for 'geom_type' and 'raster_band' in 'mapnik' type layers

## 1.1.0

- Add support for 'torque' type layers
- Add support for 'attributes' specification

## 1.0.1

- Layer.options.interactivity became an array (from a string)

## 1.0.0

- Initial version
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion lib/windshaft/render_cache.js
Expand Up @@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ module.exports = function(timeout, mml_store, map_store, mapnik_opts) {
var sql = [];
var style = [];
var geom_column = [];
var column_type = [];
var extra_ds_opts = [];
var interactivity = [];
var style_version = cfg.hasOwnProperty('global_cartocss_version') ? cfg.global_cartocss_version : [];
for ( var i=0; i<cfg.layers.length; ++i ) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,11 +212,18 @@ module.exports = function(timeout, mml_store, map_store, mapnik_opts) {
geom_column.push( lyropt['geom_column'] ); // possibly undefined
column_type.push( lyropt['geom_type'] ); // possibly undefined
extra_opt = {};
if ( lyropt.hasOwnProperty('raster_band') ) {
extra_opt['band'] = lyropt['raster_band'];
extra_ds_opts.push( extra_opt );
if ( ! sql.length ) throw new Error("No 'mapnik' layers in MapConfig");
return { sql:sql, style:style, style_version:style_version,
interactivity:interactivity, ttl:0,
gcols:geom_column };
gcols:geom_column, gcoltypes:column_type,
extra_ds_opts:extra_ds_opts };

function TileliveAdaptor(renderer, format) {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"underscore": "~1.3",
"step": "~0.0.5",
"grainstore": "",
"grainstore": "git://",
"generic-pool": "~2.0.3",
"express": "~2.5.11",
"tilelive": "~4.4.2",
Expand Down
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions test/acceptance/raster.js
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
// FLUSHALL Redis before starting

var assert = require('../support/assert')
, tests = module.exports = {}
, _ = require('underscore')
, querystring = require('querystring')
, fs = require('fs')
, redis = require('redis')
, th = require('../support/test_helper')
, Step = require('step')
, mapnik = require('mapnik')
, Windshaft = require('../../lib/windshaft')
, ServerOptions = require('../support/server_options')
, http = require('http');

suite('raster', function() {


var server = new Windshaft.Server(ServerOptions);
var redis_client = redis.createClient(ServerOptions.redis.port);

checkCORSHeaders = function(res) {
var h = res.headers['access-control-allow-headers'];
assert.equal(h, 'X-Requested-With, X-Prototype-Version, X-CSRF-Token');
var h = res.headers['access-control-allow-origin'];
assert.equal(h, '*');


suiteSetup(function(done) {

// Check that we start with an empty redis db
redis_client.keys("*", function(err, matches) {
if ( err ) { done(err); return; }
assert.equal(matches.length, 0, "redis keys present at setup time:\n" + matches.join("\n"));


test("can render raster for valid mapconfig", function(done) {

var mapconfig = {
version: '1.1.0',
layers: [
{ type: 'mapnik', options: {
sql: "select ST_AsRaster(" +
" ST_MakeEnvelope(-100,-40, 100, 40, 4326), " +
" 1.0, -1.0, '8BUI', 127) as rst",
geom_column: 'rst',
geom_type: 'raster',
cartocss: '#layer { raster-opacity:1.0 }',
cartocss_version: '2.0.1'
} }
var expected_token;
function do_post()
var next = this;
assert.response(server, {
url: '/database/windshaft_test/layergroup',
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
data: JSON.stringify(mapconfig)
}, {}, function(res, err) { next(err, res); });
function checkPost(err, res) {
if ( err ) throw err;
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.statusCode + ': ' + res.body);
// CORS headers should be sent with response
// from layergroup creation via POST
var parsedBody = JSON.parse(res.body);
if ( expected_token ) assert.deepEqual(parsedBody, {layergroupid: expected_token, layercount: 2});
else expected_token = parsedBody.layergroupid;
return null;
function do_get_tile(err)
if ( err ) throw err;
var next = this;
assert.response(server, {
url: '/database/windshaft_test/layergroup/' + expected_token + '/0/0/0.png',
method: 'GET',
encoding: 'binary'
}, {}, function(res, err) { next(err, res); });
function check_response(err, res) {
if ( err ) throw err;
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body);
assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-type'], "image/png");
var next = this;
try {
if (err) throw err;
} catch (err) { next(err); }
function finish(err) {
var errors = [];
if ( err ) errors.push(''+err);
redis_client.exists("map_cfg|" + expected_token, function(err, exists) {
if ( err ) errors.push(err.message);
//assert.ok(exists, "Missing expected token " + expected_token + " from redis");
redis_client.del("map_cfg|" + expected_token, function(err) {
if ( err ) errors.push(err.message);
if ( errors.length ) done(new Error(errors));
else done(null);


suiteTeardown(function(done) {

// Check that we left the redis db empty
redis_client.keys("*", function(err, matches) {
try {
assert.equal(matches.length, 0, "Left over redis keys:\n" + matches.join("\n"));
} catch (err2) {
if ( err ) err.message += '\n' + err2.message;
else err = err2;
redis_client.flushall(function() {



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