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Customizing Hydroshare

Stephanie Mills edited this page Jan 15, 2014 · 15 revisions

Hydroshare is a Django “project”. This document is part of the Hydroshare Developers' Guide.

Getting a working copy of Hydroshare to extend

We are currently using Docker to make getting Hydroshare as simple as possible. You can follow the Getting a working copy of Hydroshare guide.

Alternately, you can of course get Hydroshare through the GitHub repository. You will need to get the latest version of the code. Do a git pull in the Hydroshare directory, or see the document How to Push/Pull in GitHub for more detailed instructions.

Hydroshare project structure

git clone

After following the steps above, you'll get something like this:

hydroshare/        # empty.
hydroshare/        # project level settings. lead developers only.
hydroshare/  # override settings for your project here.
hydroshare/requirements.txt   # autogenerated by pip, library dependencies.
hydroshare/           # do not modify. webserver interface.
hydroshare/            # url mappings. see tutorial.
hydroshare/    # do not modify. task queue definition.
hydroshare/hs_core/*          # hydroshare core services.
hydroshare/hs/*               # hydroshare apps go here.
hydroshare/ga_resources/      # geoanalytics core.
hydroshare/ga_applications/	  # geoanalytics core.
hydroshare/ga_ows/            # geoanalytics core.
hydroshare/ga_irods/          # django IRODS interface.
hydroshare/ga_interactive/    # django-IPython Notebook int. (experimental)

All of your code goes in the hs/ directory inside of this. Change to this directory and then proceed to the next section.

Working on your own Hydroshare extension

Extending this core will involve creating a new Hydroshare app. We have a template for hydroshare apps in GitHub.

  1. Create a new GitHub repository with the same name as your new Hydroshare extension.

  2. Pull from the master branch of the hs_app_template into your newly created repository.

  3. Next, you can clone that repository in your Hydroshare project.This will result in a new directory in your machine with the same name as the repository. This is your new Hydroshare "app name".

  4. Open hydroshare/ and add the Hydroshare "app name" to the list of HYDROSHARE_APPS like so:

    HYDROSHARE_APPS=( 'hs_core', 'hs.my_app_name', )

  5. Now that you have added the app, Hydroshare recognizes it as a new application. You are essentially off and running at this point. From here, depending on what your extension does, you may want to:

Hydroshare app template structure

git clone

hs_app/         # utility or broad functions.
hs_app/           # database interface.
hs_app/            # website interface.
hs_app/             # url-to-view endpoint mapping.
hs_app/              # api interface.
hs_app/            # deferred application tasks.
hs_app/            # registrations of models into the admin interface.
hs_app/            # automatic tests.  
hs_app/static/hs_app/js/   # application specific javascript libraries.
hs_app/static/hs_app/css/  # application specific CSS libraries.
hs_app/templates/includes  # template includes.
hs_app/templates/hs_app    # application specific templates.
hs_app/templates/pages     # automatically discovered page rendering.
requirements.txt           # application specific library requirements.