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Hi, I'm Catalina Hasnas 👋

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Typescript

Thank you for visiting my GitHub profile. Although I have professional experience of 3 years working with React, I am keen on understanding the fundamentals of the web, especially frontend development. Check out these smaller personal projects that showcase that:

1. News Homepage (HTML + CSS)

2. Country finder App with Next.js

  • URL:
  • Highlights:
    • Proper usage of Static Site Generation and Server Side Rendering;
    • Flickerless theme toggling based on user prefference;
    • Zero Layout Shifts.

3. Javascript Calculator

4. Pomodoro App with React:

  • URL:
  • Highlights:
    • Usage of modern CSS tools for responsiveness such as container queries and CSS clamp;
    • Usage of CSS Animations;
    • Browser and audio notifications.

5. Timer Component Library:

Projects with backend:

1. Coffee Shop App:

using C# with .NET on the backend and React with Redux on the frontend

2. Fullstack Quiz App

using Next.js' API Routes to query mongoDB:

3. Backpack shop multipage app

Not my proudest code, but one of the earliest. It's for an actual business that I had, with a simple node.js backend and a multipage app on frontend, using vanilla javascript and a bit of jQuery.

Coding Stats


You can also find me on

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