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923 lines (683 loc) · 33.6 KB
  • Feature Name: throw_expr
  • Start Date: 2018-04-30
  • RFC PR:
  • Rust Issue:


Introduce diverging throw expr (or fail expr expressions), typed at !, which either break to the closest try { .. } if there is one, or if not, return from the fn or closure.

The expression form throw expr or fail expr is supported on edition 2018 onwards. This also means that throw and fail are reserved as keywords.

Only one of throw expr and fail expr will be supported. However, at this time, which one that is is left unresolved.

In the interest of brevity, throw is used uniformly instead of fail in this RFC. Anything that holds for throw also holds for fail except when discussing which keyword to chose and the familiarity of either.


Highlighting the "unhappy path"

RFC 243 writes regarding the ? operator that:

The ? operator itself is suggestive, syntactically lightweight enough to not be bothersome, and lets the reader determine at a glance where an exception may or may not be thrown.

This RFC takes the moral of that story to heart and agrees that you should be able to "determine at a glance where an exception may or may not be thrown". However, currently, when you write logic such as:

if condition {
    return Err(Foo)
} else {
    return Ok(Bar)

// other stuff...

the unhappy path is not particularly differentiated from the happy path in terms of syntax. By introducing throw, as RFC 243 indeed suggests, we can improve readability with distinct syntax:

if condition {
    throw Foo
} else {
    return Ok(Bar)

// other stuff...

In this case, it is also syntactically terser and conveys semantic intent better.

As a hypothetical extension, this can be further improved upon the future with Ok-wrapping try fns. With those you could then write:

if condition {
    throw Foo
} else {
    return Bar

// other stuff...

Terser code in generic contexts

The terser syntax discussed in the previous section matters even more when writing in a generic setting where the resulting type may not be Result<T, E>. If the R: Try is held generic, then we currently have to write:

if condition {
    return Try::from_error(Foo)

// other stuff...

By introducing throw, this can be made significantly terser:

if condition {
    throw Foo;

// other stuff...

Uniform support for early unhappy returns to functions and try { .. }

Consider the macro bail! in the failure crate. It is defined as:

macro_rules! bail {
    ($e:expr) => {
        return Err($crate::err_msg($e));
    ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {
        return Err($crate::err_msg(format!($fmt, $($arg)+)));

The use of return Err creates a problem. There's no way for bail! to perform an early "return" to the closest try { .. } block. To make this possible, we can change the definition of bail! to:

macro_rules! bail {
    ($e:expr) => {
        throw $crate::err_msg($e);
    ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {
        throw $crate::err_msg(format!($fmt, $($arg)+));

With this new definition, we've gained two abilities:

  1. bail! now works with any R: Try<Error = Error> and not just Result<T, E>.
  2. bail! can short circuit to the nearest try { .. } as well as to the nearest fn (if no enclosing try { .. } exists).

The existence of bail! shows there's a need

As discussed in the previous section and in the prior art, the failure and error-chain each define a bail! macro which has the same role as throw would. This shows that there's a need for throw.

Increasing familiarity

As discussed in the prior-art, a super majority of all programming languages (N = 41, TIOBE = 60.361%, PYPL = 83.99%) have a construct for throwing / raising exceptions.

Introducing throw increases familiarity and makes the language easier to learn for programmers who for example know Java. This can both facilitate adoption of Rust and make the language more readable for those programmers.

For multi-lingual folks, the cognitive dissonance when switching back and forth between languages can also be reduced.

Erasing dichotomies

Part of what Rust has been about is erasing dichotomies. We say:

  • Performance without unsafety.
  • Concurrency without fear.
  • Speed and ergonomics.

We have also started erasing the dichotomy between the correctness benefits of errors as values and the ergonomics benefits of implicit exceptions by introducing expr? and try { .. }. By introducing throw expr we can further erase parts of this dichotomy.

The time to reserve is now

At the time of writing, a new Rust edition 2018 is being prepared. The opportunity to reserve new keywords is now. The next opportunity will be years from now. Therefore, postponing the reservation of throw and fail as a keyword, because the proposal is not exactly the final design we end up with, would be a mistake, assuming we wish to introduce throw or ``fail` at some point.

Guide-level explanation

This RFC introduces throw (or alternatively fail) expressions. If before this RFC you wrote:

if condition {
    return Err(error) // or Err(error)?

you can instead now write:

if condition {
    throw error;

This also works for try { .. } expressions. If you write:

enum MyError { Foo, Bar }

fn foo() -> Result<(), MyError> {
    let foo: Result<(), MyError> = try {
        if true {
            throw MyError::Foo;

        println!("after throw");

    println!("after try");

then "after try" will be printed but "after throw" will not.

Note that if you change the return type of foo to Result<(), OtherError> and instead write:

fn foo() -> Result<(), OtherError> {
    let foo: Result<(), MyError> = try {
        if true {
            throw OtherError::Bar;


then a type error will be raised instead of throwing the OtherError::Bar to the enclosing function foo. See the section on exceptional syntax for a discussion on this.

Reference-level explanation

Reserving keywords

The keywords throw and fail are reserved in edition 2018. This implies that users must use the raw identifier r#throw or r#fail when they want to refer to throw or fail in an edition-2015 crate from an edition-2018 crate.


We introduce the token THROW which lexes "throw".

We modify the grammar of Rust by adding, to expr, expr_nostruct, and nonblock_expr, the following (directly after YIELD expr):

| THROW expr


An expression of the form throw expr, where expr is a meta-variable for some expression, is a diverging expression typed at !.

The semantics of throw expr is defined as: break 'to Try::from_error(From::from(expr)) where 'to is the closest try { .. } or the enclosing fn or closure if the throw expr is not within a try { .. } expression.

General properties

This property should hold:

  1. try { throw err; expr } ≡ try { throw err }

Assuming err and the ? operator performs no side effects, these should:

  1. ¬(err ≡ ok) -> ¬(try { throw err; ok }? ≡ ok), conversely:
  2. err ≡ ok -> try { throw err; ok }? ≡ ok


Erasing the syntactic component of "errors as values"

One of the oft touted benefits of Rust is that "errors are just values". This idea has two components:

  • The semantic - The important aspects of this are that:

    • You know from the type, such as Result<T, E> whether the exceptional case E can occur for an expression of type expr: Result<T, E>. Therefore, if you have an expression expr: usize, there can't be any exceptions there.
    • You know exactly what kind of errors there can be.
    • Errors must be handled.
  • The syntactic.

    In these case, what is considered important is that successes and errors values are explicitly wrapped. In the case of Result<T, E>, this is done with the data constructors Ok(..) and Err(..). Pattern matching is also done explicitly with if let or match on the variants of Result<T, E>.

While this RFC does not change the semantic component as "errors as values", it does moves us even further away from the syntactic component. This has been happening ever since the try!(expr) macro was introduced which was then changed to expr? and thus even more syntactically lightweight.

The next development was to then introduce try { .. } (previously catch {..}). The current (as of 2018-04-29) implementation of try { .. } performs Ok-wrapping. This change removes the success side of the syntactic component. Introducing throw expressions then removes the failure side.

For those who prefer to keep the syntactic component, this RFC presents a step in the wrong direction.

A mitigating factor is that while these people will need to read throw in other's code, they can still use Err(..) in their own projects.

More association with exceptions

Beyond try { .. }, this RFC further associates Rust with exceptional terminology. Some people take the view that since Rust does not use exception handling in the common mechanism that languages such as Java use, using exceptional terminology is misleading and bad for learning.

While we have considered the semantic differences between Rust and languages like Java as a drawback, we have mostly considered the familiarity beneficial.

Edition breakage

As always, when a new real keyword is introduced, there is some degree of breakage. This is a drawback of this proposal. A mitigating factor is that the degree is believed to be small.

"But what about the success case?"

If we introduce throw expr, then an obvious question becomes: - "How do you do an early return with Ok-wrapping?" Not being able to perform an early return for the success case could be considered a drawback. Although that could also be considered letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

A strategy for introducing early-return on success with Ok-wrapping could be to introduce try fn and / or to let return perform an early return to the nearest try { .. } block and Ok-wrap. In the latter case, the user loses the ability to return to the function. This could be solved with break 'fn expr. One problem with modifying what return means in try { .. } could be that people are so used to return always returning from the current function that it could become quite confusing.

Rationale and alternatives

The keyword can't be contextual

Whatever the keyword is, it can't be contextual (unless a macro is used..). To see why, let's define a unit struct named exactly as the keyword.

struct throw;

If we just want to throw a simple expression such as throw 42;, then it all works out well. If we however modify this slightly and wrap the expression 42 in a new scope, we get throw { 42 }. This is still fine and unambiguous.

Let's now consider the expression {} which is typed at (), which we see in this example:

let x: () = {};

If we instead write throw {}, that is equivalent to throw (), then this conflicts with the struct literal throw {}. Therefore, while the probability of throw {} being written is low, we still have an ambiguity and the keyword can't be contextual.

The keyword shouldn't be contextual

A recent keyword policy (permalink), adopted by the language team, decided that moving forward, keywords for new features in new editions should be real keywords instead of being contextual. The main motivation for this was to optimize for maintenance (and reduce technical debt).

Choice of keyword

We consider the following keywords:

  • throw
  • raise
  • fail
  • die
  • error

We dismiss die because we don't want to refer to killing the process.

A reason to reject error specifically is that std::error exists as a module, std::io::IntoInnerError::error is also a function that would be broken by introducing error as a keyword. This keyword is also the only one that is used in the standard library as an identifier.

It could be considered a benefit of fail that it is close to the failure crate's bail! macro. However; the RFC author considers this to mainly be a drawback because it is easy to mistake one for the other. Meanwhile error and fail are too tied to failure and error handling. However, fail fits nicely with try { .. } as you might "try but fail" at doing something in English. The expression form fail expr should also be as immediately understandable as throw expr would be.

Since the words die, error are much less commonly used than the keywords throw, raise we move on to consider the latter three. We also consider fail.

The main benefit of throw is that while it is familiar in languages with exception handling, it is less indicative of exceptions. It makes sense to say "throw a ball" and it works with the "re-throw" framing of the ? operator. One problem with throw however could be that if you can throw something then there might be an expectation that you can catch something, and so it may obligate us to introduce the try { .. } catch { .. } form which we may not want to do.

In the RFC authors view, raise + a noun is used less often. However, one benefit of raise is that while you can throw something vertically and horizontally, you usually only raise something upwards. This is good because if we consider nested try { .. } expressions or scopes, then raise moves "up".

Considering crates named as the keyword we find that there isn't a crate named raise, there is a crate named throw. This crate would not be directly usable on the new edition, but it has zero reverse dependencies. With respect to fail, it does exist as a crate, which has reverse dependencies. However, all of those transitive dependencies are written by the same author.

Searching for raise with sourcegraph indicates a very small number of uses as an identifier. For fail, we find slightly more hits than raise on sourcegraph. Meanwhile, sourcegraph identifies 3 cases with throw where breakage would occur which is fewer than for raise and fail. To sum up, none of the considered keywords would result in much breakage.

Since both raise and throw are equally long (5 characters), the extent of breakage is very low, and it is hard to make decisive arguments in either way, we turn to popularity. In the summary of the prior art in other languages, throw is more than twice as popular in languages with such a concept than raise. throw also exists in approximately twice as many languages.

Therefore, if we go with popularity alone, we should chose throw, and so we do that. However, fail also fits well with try as previously explained. Thus, the RFC opts to reserve throw and fail and leaves the decision on which one to chose unresolved for now.

A built-in macro

In one alternative design throw expr is a macro throw!(expr).

The case against it

This design is less good because:

  • It is less readable and ergonomic. In particular, a writer has to track the closing parenthesis ).

  • It is less consistent.

    We have moved away from introducing important functionality such as this via built-in macros. An example of this is the macro try! which later became dedicated syntax with the ? operator. The macro then became deprecated.

    While the async and await RFC does introduce await! as a macro under the Stroustrup rule, the RFC does introduce await as a keyword. This is indicative of that the final syntax will indeed not be await! Indeed, the RFC has this to say on the matter:

    Though this RFC proposes that await be a built-in macro, we'd prefer that some day it be a normal control flow construct.

  • It is less familiar. Most languages use the throw expr syntax instead of using throw(expr) and especially throw!(expr).

  • It gives us freedom and peace of mind. By reserving a new keyword, we can use throw in other contexts. It is difficult to see what those other contexts would be right now, but we should expect the unexpected.

The case for it

  • It breaks nothing. While throw as a keyword will cause some small degree of breakage, a throw! macro will break nothing and can therefore be implemented on edition 2015. However, we do want to encourage switching to edition 2018.

Desugaring to a trait

The current specification of throw expr's semantics is that it works with the Try trait by wrapping expr as Try::from_error(expr) and then short circuits to the closest try { .. } or fn.

While the short circuiting behaviour should not change, we can consider alternate semantics of how the expression is converted into the partiality monad (such as Result<T, E>) or container.

Let's consider throw expr desugaring to a dedicated trait. Two designs come to mind in this space.

The associated model

In this design, we use an associated type. This means that there can only be one Error type implementer of Throw.

pub trait Throw {
    type Error;

    fn from_error(error: Self::Error) -> Self;

impl<T, E> Throw for Result<T, E> {
    type Error = E;

    fn from_error(error: E) -> Self {

struct NoneError;

impl<T> Throw for Option<T> {
    type Error = NoneError;

    fn from_error(error: NoneError) -> Self {

The relational model

In this design, we instead use a type parameter. This means that there can be many implementers of Error per implementer of Throw. This model is more flexible.

pub trait Throw<Error> {
    fn from_error(error: Error) -> Self;

impl<T, E> Throw<E> for Result<T, E> {
    fn from_error(error: E) -> Self {

impl<T> Throw<()> for Option<T> {
    fn from_error(_: ()) -> Self {

The desugaring of throw;

In the case of Option<T>, the error variant contains zero extra bits of information as we see from the definition of Option<T>:

pub enum Option<T> {
    None, // We only know that there was nothing, but not the reason why.

Therefore, it is redundant from a user's perspective to say throw ();. This becomes especially problematic if you have to say throw NoneError;. Instead, we would like to say throw; and let the compiler fill in NoneError.

While this is not part of the current proposal, to not lock in a specific design, we could add that later. In this space, we consider three designs:

Using Default

In this design, we leverage the Default trait to fill in the error and desugar throw; to throw Default::default(). This mechanism is flexible and works with both Option<T> as well as Result<T, E> where you can fill in the default error reason (assuming there is one). This also works with both the associated and relational models discussed above.

This design leverages the fact that many types implement the Default trait which is a good thing.

Using a dedicated DefaultThrow trait

We can define a trait DefaultThrow:

pub trait DefaultThrow {
    fn default_throw() -> Self;

The expression throw then uses DefaultThrow::default_throw() directly and does not go via Try or the Throw traits discussed above.

The primary benefit of this design is that it is maximally flexible. You don't even need to implement Throw and can simply implement DefaultThrow for your exception carrying type.

This design is perhaps too flexible however. The combination of Throw and Default is simpler to implement. Since there may not be comparatively many types that implement Throw, using DefaultThrow could still be worthwhile.

Using Throw<SpecialType>

We could desugar throw; to throw SpecialType; where SpecialType is some unit type, which could be (). For this mechanism to work well for Result<T, E>, specialization is needed. This design can further be augmented with X: From<SpecialType>, Throw<X>.

yield throw expr as a special construct?

Let's first consider the expression return (return). Since return is a diverging computation, the second return will never be reached. Therefore, return (return) is semantically equivalent to just return. A Rust compiler understands this and correctly warns us with:

warning: unreachable expression

Let's now consider yield and throw. There are two ways to nest them:

throw yield x or throw (yield x)

If we consider this to be return Err(yield x), then we have that:

let y: () = yield x;
let r: Result<?T, ()> = Err(y);
return r

We see that throw yield x has reasonable and productive semantics, even if its not readable, where you return () the error.

yield throw x or yield (throw x)

If we simply see this as yield (return Err(x)) then we get back the unreachable warning from before. In this case, yield throw x is not useful beyond throw x as the yield is unreachable. Therefore, we could repurpose yield throw x as a special construct (and a separate AST node..).

A special construct

The question naturally becomes: Should we repurpose yield throw x, and if so, what would yield throw x mean?

One possible meaning is to desugar yield throw x simply as: yield Try::from_error(x). This could be useful if you were yielding a sequence of results and wanted to yield the error case.

However, there may be code generation hazards for macros to differentiate yield throw x and yield (throw x). To some the behaviour may also be confusing. Perhaps, reusing throw for yielding errors should be considered to stretch the keyword throw too far since it does not leverage the intuition about throw from other programming languages.

This RFC does not propose yield throw x to be introduced as a special construct since the proposal is intentionally conservative to begin with. However, it is worth considering at some later point.

Doing nothing

As usual, we have the choice of doing nothing. Some motivation for why we might want to do nothing is discussed in the section on drawbacks. In particular, this proposal edges us ever closer to exceptional terminology and erasing the syntactic component of errors as values.

Prior art

This mechanism exists in many languages

All of the languages listed below have either a built in expression or statement form for the equivalent of throw expressions, or they have library functions which are widely used in the community.

Note that this is not necessarily a complete list! It is only a best effort to compile the prior art. The categorization of functional, c++-family languages is also fuzzy. In some cases, such as in Haskell, more than one word is used. When this is the case, it is noted and the duplication is discounted from the total TIOBE and PYPL shares.

Summary of data

  • There are 26 languages with throw, while there are 14 languages with raise.
  • According to TIOBE:
    • throw takes up 48.005% of the share, while raise takes up 11.701%.
    • 60.361% of the share belongs to a language with some form of keyword.
  • According to PYPL:
    • throw takes up 58.80% of the share, while raise takes up 27.74%.
    • 83.99% of the share belongs to a language with some form of keyword.
  • Other keywords are also noted below but do not have a notable share.

throw (N = 26, TIOBE = 48.005%, PYPL = 58.80%)

Functional (N = 5, TIOBE = 0.604%, PYPL = 0.31%)

C++ family (N = 7, TIOBE = 28.754%, PYPL = 32.24%)

Javascript family (N = 3, TIOBE = 3.717%, PYPL = 10.14%)

SQL (N = 1, TIOBE = 0.400%, PYPL = Unlisted)

Other (N = 10, TIOBE = 14.530%, PYPL = 16.11%)

raise (N = 14, TIOBE = 11.701%, PYPL = 27.74%)

ML derivatives (N = 5, TIOBE = Unlisted, PYPL = Unlisted)

SQL (N = 2, TIOBE = 1.173%, PYPL = Unlisted)

Other (N = 7, TIOBE = 11.701%, PYPL = 27.74%)

fail (N = 1, TIOBE = 0.221%, PYPL = 0.31%)

  • Haskell
    • note: see previous note for Haskell. Only counted once in total share.

die (N = 1, TIOBE = 1.527%, PYPL = 0.78%)

error (N = 2, TIOBE = 0.378%, PYPL = 0.37%)

Crates: failure and error-chain

The failure crate has a macro bail! that plays the same role as throw would. In essence, bail!(x) boils down to:

return Err(format_err!(x))

The error-chain crate also has a bail!(expr) macro which amounts to:

return Err(expr.into());

Paper: Exceptional Syntax

In the paper Exceptional Syntax [1] a lambda calculus is discussed where one can raise exceptions.

One interesting difference between the relationship of try and throw in this proposal and the paper is the last rule in Fig. 1:

            M ↑ E
------------------------------  E ∉ H
(try x ⇐ M in P unless H) ↑ E

This rule means that if the expression M raises the exception E but the handler in H does not handle the exception, then try x ⇐ M in P unless H raises E.

We could optionally mimic the same behaviour in Rust with respect to try { .. } and functions by saying that if expr? raises e : E but try { .. } does not capture E, then e is instead raised to the next try { .. } until one block is found which supports the exception type E.

If no block supports it, meaning that the enclosing function does not support it, then the type checker rejects the function and raises a type error.

For throw e, the nearest supporting try { .. }, or the enclosing function, is chosen with the same logic as for expr?.

These semantics could be added after introducing a simpler version of the throw e expression form since it would accept strictly more programs as well typed. However, one drawback of the more complex semantics is potentially that programs involving throw expr and expr? become harder to reason about.

[1] Nick Benton and Andrew Kennedy. 2001. Exceptional syntax.
J. Funct. Program. 11, 4 (July 2001), 395-410.

Unresolved questions

The choice of keyword should be finalized during the RFC period.

Post RFC period and during stabilization, we have the following unresolved question:

  • Use throw or fail as the keyword?

  • How will the trait(s) look that backs up the throw operator? See the section on desugaring for a discussion on possibilities.

  • Allow throw;? See the section on the possible semantics of throw; for a discussion on possibilities.

  • Should From conversions be involved?

  • Should throw only be permitted inside try { .. }? Doing this would have two main drawbacks:

    1. throw can't be used in normal functions and thus the usefulness of throw diminishes significantly.
    2. throw can't act as double-duty primitive for the bail! macro as discussed in the motivation.
  • What is the relationship between throw and yield? See the rationale for a discussion.

  • Should throw 'label expr be supported? This would be akin to break 'label expr but use Error-wrapping. It is unclear how often the need for this would arise, but the consistency with break could be one benefit.