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Calculate Row Values

Cghlewis edited this page Jan 24, 2024 · 51 revisions

In education, we often create sum scores or means scores for different measures. And when your data is structured in a wide format (one row per participant), you will want those scores to be calculated row-wise for every individual in your data.

stu_id item1 item2 item3 sum_score
234 4 3 2 9
255 3 5 2 10
276 1 2 4 7

You may also want to calculate a row-wise total for something like total number of students in a school when your data is disaggregated by a category such as grade level per school.

sch_id grade_6 grade_7 grade_8 total
4578 120 113 142 375
5900 55 48 61 164
5787 180 175 154 509

There are several different ways to achieve this.

In the tidyverse the two most common methods of calculating row sums, means, etc. is to use:

base::rowSums() or base::rowMeans()



There has been some debate around which function is more efficient. Some people have said that rowwise is less efficient and will slow you down because it essentially is a dplyr::group_by() for every row in your data. However, others have said that rowwise has been reinvigorated and is the preferred method now. Both work well so I say take your pick.

I also want to note, that as someone who works with a lot of .sav files and users who use SPSS, I have also included an example of how to calculate row values when your variables contain labelled NA values (as used often in SPSS). R does not recognize labelled NA (like -999 as user-defined missing value) as an NA value in rowwise calculations. Therefore I have included an example, in Calculate row sums or means, of how you may want to work with these types of variables.

Calculate row values

Main functions used in examples

Package Functions
base rowSums(); rowMeans()
dplyr rowwise()
janitor adorn_totals()

Other functions used in examples

Package Functions
dplyr mutate(); across(); c_across(); select(); case_when(); summarise(); group_by()
tidyselect starts_with(); contains()
base sum();mean(); round(); ifelse(); diff()
labelled na_values()
stringr str_detect()


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