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Cghlewis edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 34 revisions

These are functions used for recoding values. Recoding often happens in situations such as:

  • Research scales need to be reverse coded for scoring
  • NA values need to be recoded
  • A value was coded wrong in a survey and needs to be recoded
  • A character variable needs to be recoded into a numeric variable
  • Survey participants were allowed to write in responses to a question and similar responses need to be collapsed into the same categories in order to standardize your variable
  • Several response categories need to be collapsed into a smaller number of categories
  • A multiple choice question needs to be scored to correct or incorrect

Recode values

Recode using a data dictionary

Collapse categories

Main functions used in examples

Package Functions
dplyr recode(); recode_factor(); case_when(); na_if(); if_else()
tidyr replace_na()
gendercoder recode_gender()
forcats fct_recode()

Other functions used in examples

Package Functions
dplyr mutate(); across(); if_any(); if_all(); rename_with(); tolower(); filter(); select()
base as.numeric(); levels(); paste0(); table(); is.numeric()
janitor tabyl()
stringr str_detect(); regex()
labelled val_labels()
tidyselect everything(); all_of()
purrr map()
tibble deframe()


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