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534 lines (397 loc) · 23.1 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to Chadarius' StarCitizenVoiceAtk will be documented in this file.

a3.23.1d - 2024-07-30

Planned upgrade notes


  • Auto Docking command
  • Show main profile in logging info for ASMBL Init
  • Acknowledged function - Randomly says acknowledged, aye aye, affirmative, as you wish, or by your command
  • Mark function - When you say Mark, execute, now, engage or punch it, the macro will set Mark to true and continue the stand by command.
  • Mark Timer function - Counts down 15 seconds before cancelling stand by command.


  • stop macro - added belay that, belay that command, belay that order
  • Updated "Stand by for/to..." or "...on my mark" for the following commands:
    • Engage Jump
    • Fire Missiles
    • Deploy Counter Measures
    • Deploy Noise
    • Deploy Decoys
    • Emergency Boost
    • Emergency Stop
    • Afterburner/Boost
    • afterburner 2-20
    • autolanding
    • autodocking


  • stop macro - removed duplicate macro
  • HCS Engage Jump (custom command) - {TXT:hcsvt_StandBy} [engage;initiate;make the;go for;] [jump;warp;quantum;leap;ftl] [drive;] {TXT:hcsvt_OnMyMark}; {TXT:hcsvt_StandBy} {TXT:hcsvt_OnMyMark} [engage;initiate;] warp factor [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10] {TXT:hcsvt_OnMyMark}

a3.23.1c - 2024-07-12


  • Updated all LaGrange Nav Points to target the stations instead of just the Lagrange Point.

a3.23.1b - YYYY-MM-DD

Planned upgrade notes



  • Boost 2-20 - Removed trim off
  • Nav Mode - added "max engines" and "full impluse" to counter act the stupid half speed glitch.
  • Gun Mode - added power reset and full impulse


a3.23.1a - 2024-06-03

Planned upgrade notes


  • Added HCS Voicepack support! Make sure to update the HCS macros commands specified the README.
  • All ahead full - max speed and set trim to 100%
  • All ahead half - max speed and set trim to 50%
  • Targeting Defaults - uses "F3" to set a vastly improved targeting PIP under Vehicles -> Weapons
    • PIP Targeting Defaults (See Star Citizen Keybindings in the Readme)
  • Mouse "Set Impulse speed to 100" (Impulse 0-100") - Mouse only users can use this command to control their speed limiter. Star Citizen provides no means of exactly controlling your speed limiter or throttle with the mouse. The percentage is approximate in increments of 5 or 10 percent. Your results may vary and you may need to adjust the macro as needed. You have been warned! The Gremlin version of this uses Joystick Gremlin and can set exactly 5% increments
  • Verbose setting in ASMBL Init. To see some extra output in red, set this to true. Useful for troubleshooting ASMBL functions
  • PIP Targeting Defaults
    • Set your preferences for your targeting PIP to the F3 key. The Following are my settings that significantly improve the targeting PIP and setting it to lead PIP. This will be called when you run the "Prepare for Takeoff" macro.
    • Vehicles - Weapons - Set Lead PIPs - F3
    • Vehicles - Weapons - Set Precision Lines On - F3
    • Vehicles - Weapons - PIP Faiding Off - F3
    • Vehicles - Weapons - Gunnery UI Magnification On - F3
  • Toggle Speed Limiter - alt-zero
  • Reset SCM - R-shift-0 (Right parenthesis)
  • SCM Increase - R-shift-Minus (underscore "_")
  • SCM Decrease - R-shift-Plus (Plus "+")
  • Switch to S C M Mode - semicolon
  • Set gun mode - R-shift-semicolon (colon ":")
  • Set missile mode - R-ctrl-semicolon
  • Set scan mode - R-alt-semicolon
  • Switch to Nav mode - apostrophe
  • Set mining mode - R-ctrl-apostrophe (quote'"')
  • Set salvage mode - R-ctrl-apostrophe (quote'"')
  • Set quantum mode - R-shift-apostrophe (quote'"')
  • Set flight mode - R-alt-apostrophe (quote'"')


  • Updated all ASMBL macros with a #ASMBL tag in the description. Also added a #newkeybind tag for any macro that requires a keybind update. All keybind requirements are documented in the README.


a3.23.0 - 2024-05-02


  • New! ASMBL Free 3.23 Profile! All default keyboard commands, plus resolution independant mobiglass macros. Use Voice Attack to navigate to all planets, cities, planetary stations, moons, and LaGrange points!
  • Toggle/Set PIP (CTRL-P doesn't seem to work?)
  • Condition Green (Nav Mode On, Reset Poser, Full Impulse)
  • I will update the ASTRA profile when HCS Voice Packs updates their voice packs for 3.23.



  • Updated (ASMBL Astra) HCS Engage Jump customization to

    "{TXT:hcsvt_StandBy}[engage;initiate;make the;go for;] [jump;warp;quantum;leap;ftl] [drive;mode;] {TXT:hcsvt_OnMyMark};{TXT:hcsvt_StandBy} [engage;initiate;]; warp factor [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10] {TXT:hcsvt_OnMyMark}"

    It had some duplicate errors in it

  • Fixed a few macros (Standard flight, fire weapon 1, fire weapon 2, fire all, suppression fire, )

  • Cycle Missiles

a.3.22.1 - YYYY-MM-DD

Planned upgrade notes


  • Itemized list


  • Updated Red Alert macro to use ship configuration for power management.


a3.22.0 - 2023-12-15

Planned upgrade notes


  • Configure VTOL Yes/No
  • Configure Wings Yes/No
  • Configure Weapons Yes/No
  • Configure Ballistics Yes/No (if you have all ballistics)
  • Configuration Status
  • Configure [ship name] (sets all configs for a model of ship)
  • Configure Ship Defaults - Configures VTOL-No, Wings-No, Weapons-Yes

Added in Keybindings

  • Flight - Movement -> Throttle - Set Trim (short) - F10
  • Flight - Movement -> Throttle - Remove Trim (long) - F10
  • Flight - Movement -> Speed Limiter - Reset to SCM - F9

New Voice Commands

  • Vehicles - Salvage -> Toggle Fire Focused - Button 1 (mouse)
  • Vehicles - Salvage -> Toggle Fire Left - Right Alt + A
  • Vehicles - Salvage -> Toggle Fire Right - Right Alt + D
  • Vehicles - Salvage -> Toggle Fire Fracture - Right Alt + W
  • Vehicles - Salvage -> Toggle Fire Disintegrate - Right Alt + S
  • Vehicles - Salvage -> Focus all salvage heads - Left Alt + S
  • Vehicles - Salvage -> Focus left salvage head - Left Alt + A
  • Vehicles - Salvage -> Focus right salvage head - Left Alt + D
  • Vehicles - Salvage -> Focus Fracture tool - Left Alt + W

Removed in Keybindings

  • Flight Power -> Decrease Throttle
  • Flight Power -> Decrease Throttle to Min
  • Flight Power -> Increase Throttle
  • Flight Power -> Increase Throttle to Min


  • Let's Get Undr Way - Updated with Ship Config for weapons power and wings
  • Cast off and head to standard orbit - Updated with Ship Config for weapons power and wings
  • Standard Flight - Updated with Ship Config for weapons power

a3.21.0 - 2023-10-20

Updated because CIG drastically changed the NAV map again, and not in a good way!


  • Added the Magnus, Pyro, and Terra jump points to the NAV macros. Because there will eventually be multiple jump points to these locations, they must be prefixed with their system location to avoid overlap and confusion. Say "Navigate to Stanton Pyro jump point", where "jump point" is optional but "Stanton" is not.
  • Added AsmblManualMouseCapture function. It will capture a mouse location based on a left click. It requires a passed txt variable on the name of what to click on.
  • Added AsmblZoom that will zoom at mouse coordinate the number of times that is passed to the function.
  • Added AsmblZoomHurston, which zooms the nav map once to force Hurston to show up.


  • Updated ASMBL Init profile with new target points for planets as they have all changed.
  • The planet Hurston, CRU-L1, CRU-L2, HUR-L1, HUR-L2, and HUR-L5 don't show up on the map without zooming. Who thought that was a good idea at CIG? This is going to be problematic and may not work.


a3.20.0b - 2023-09-26


  • Upload correct "ASBML Init.vap" file

a3.20.0a - 2023-09-22

NAV Fixes


  • Fixed some of the more complex NAV macros that needed tuning. I added a manual mouse selection for HUR-L1 and HUR-L2 as there was no other choice.

a3.20.0 - 2023-09-21


  • Fixed text to speech for Evasive Maneuvers
  • Fixed all NAV map macros for 3.20

a3.19.1a - 2023-07-20

Added macros to open the map for each planet and zoom in to allow the selection of planetary destinations.


  • Open map of planet name or just Open planet name

a.3.19.1 - 2023-07-15

Added support for DCS-SRS AWACS Radio Channel Selection


  • Say "Select Radio Channel 1-10" (or just "channel 1-10") and the AWACS Radio Channel of that number will be selected. This requires you to set the controls for Radio 1 to CTRL-\ and Select Next Radio to CTRL-]. I also set Select Previous Radio to CTRL-[ and Push to talk as NUMPAD-Plus (same as in Star Citizen), but neither of these keybinds are used for the Select Radio Channel macro. I highly suggest you check out SRS-Citizen.

a3.19.0 - 2023-06-08

Added Voice Controls for all the main MobiGlass Buttons. Only Nav (F2) and Comms (F11) have function key binds. Only my macros, thanks to my resolution independant tech, can handle the other Mobiglass buttons.

I may add more sub-buttons in the future. For now it is just the list below.


  • Mobiglass Buttons
    • Contracts Manager
    • Delphi
    • Journal
    • Mo Trader
    • Niknax
    • Vehicle Loadout Manager
  • Functions
    • CheckASMBLInit - checks if resolution idependant variables are loaded and loads them if they are not. Used to fix issue in Full Maintenance macro.


  • Resolution Independant Issue
    • Fixed issue where ASMBLInit was not being called for Full Maintenance Macro

a3.18.2 - 2023-05-05


  • Updated the Camera macros to show examples of other camera angles including internal ship cameras.
    • Cam 1; Rear Left; Cargo
    • Cam 2; Rear; Entry 1
    • Cam 3; Rear Right; Medical
    • Cam 4; Left; Entry 2
    • Cam 5; Overhead
    • Cam 6; Right; Entry 3
    • Cam 7; Front Left; Bay 1
    • Cam 8; Front; Bridge
    • Cam 9; Front Right; Bay 2
  • Updated Readme with the custom HCS Voice Packs commands I've added to the ASTRA pack.


  • Updated "Prepare for takeoff" macro to have better timing so phrases don't overlap so much.


  • Fixed "Power up the ship" command in the "prepare for takeoff" macro. The "power up" command was a custom command I added in the HCS voicepack. "Power up the ship" is the default command in the HCS voice packs. I changed it so that it would use the default command.

a3.18.1 - 2023-04-17


  • Updated macros for reShade 5.7.0. ReShade keyboard macros for CTRL-ALT-Home/End/PgUp/PgDn stopped working for me. I changed the macros to use just CTRL-Home/End/PgUp/PgDn. See the readme for how to setup reShade.

a3.18.0.1 - 2023-03-30


  • AFK (Away From Keyboard) - Opens and closes Mobiglass every 10 minutes to stay logged in while you are AFK. Use the "stop macro" command to cancel out of AFK mode.
  • Evasive Maneuvers/Get me out of here - Splits power to shields and engines. Sets speed to max.


  • Removed Hail ATC command - Used old F11 comms method to request landings. Combined Hail ATC into newer ALT-N "Request Landing/Takeoff" command.
  • Removed Reset Gimbals - 3.18 has changed the way the gimbals work. Using the G key or a joystick key toggles the gimbals on and off.
  • Removed individual command category profiles. All commands are included in "ASMBL Astra-Profile.vap" and "ASMBL Init.vap"
  • Added "Battle Stations" to "Red Alert" macro


  • Added an extra half second pause for Full Maintenance as the Mobiglass screen can be slow to come up with the 3.18 server issues.

a3.18.0 - 2023-03-08

This is the 3.18 release. CIG plans on updating Live to 3.18 on March 9th, or soon after. So I've made this official release of my macros. I changed my versioning to match the version of Star Citizen to make things easier going forward.

This official release contains the resolution independent mouse macro functions. Check the readme, as it requires some user setup if you are playing with any other resolution besides 1920x1080.


  • Mic L1 Shallow Frontier Station: This station requires mouse zooming about 6 times to even see the station to select it. This is not even close to 100% accurate, so I've elected to just target the Lagrange point.



  • I noticed that the Clear Route function was not working properly the first time the function was run. I added the Asmbl Init check to that function to fix the issue.

v0.4.9 - 2023-02-28

Further refinement of the resolution independent macros for some of the Lagrange points


I converted all of these to target the mouse movement coordinates using the resolution independent function AsmblMouseMove.

  • ARC-L1 Wide Forest Station - Updated mouse move target to use resolution independent calculations
  • CRU-L5 Beautiful Glen Station - Updated mouse move target to use resolution independent calculations
  • HUR-L3 Thundering Express Station - Updated mouse move target to use resolution independent calculations
  • HUR-L4 Melodic Fields Station - Updated mouse move target to use resolution independent calculations

v0.4.8 - 2023-02-25

More 3.18 resolution independent macro updates and fixes


  • AsmblMouseMove is a new function macro. It moves the mouse but not click anything.


  • Euturpe and Clio nav macros have been updated to use the new AsmblMouseMove function


  • Fixed Arial macro to target the correct moon.

v0.4.7 - 2023-02-23

Resolution Idependant Mouse Clicks are here! See the for more information


  • Function category
    • AsmblMouseClick - resolution independant mouse click
    • AsmblMouseDblClick - resolution independant mouse double click
    • AsmblSetRoute - resolution independant mouse click on Set Route button
    • AsmblClearRoute - resolution independant mouse click on Clear Route button
  • Assemble Initialize macro - Contains variables for new resolution targeting. Contains variables for any XY targets that are used in more than one macro. See for more details on how to use.


  • Mobiglass - Navigation Mode macros have all been updated to use the resolution independant mouse targeting functions
  • Mobiglass - Maintenance macros have all been updated to use the resolution independant mouse targeting functions

v0.4.6 - 2023-02-16

Added new files for PTU 3.18. VAP files that end with "PTU 3.18".


  • Move Inventory [2-999] - Uses the new 3.18 shift click to move items between inventory containers


  • Mobiglass Navigation Mode - Updated all macros to adjust for interface changes in 3.18. The map interface has unexplainably changed so that all previous mouse click targets no longer work.

v0.4.5 - 2023-02-08


  • Performance Settings console macro

v0.4.4 - 2023-02-06


  • Advanced Camera System
    • Cam/Camera [camera name]
      • Camera names are rear left (1), rear (2), rear right (3), left (4), overhead (5), front left (7), front (8), and front right (9)
    • Cam/Camera Default
    • Cam/Camera save [camera name]
      • Camera names are rear left (1), rear (2), rear right (3), left (4), overhead (5), front left (7), front (8), and front right (9)
    • Switch Cam/Camera (HCS Voice Pack command)

v0.4.3 - 2023-01-23

Created Voice Attack macros to control Joystick Gremlin keyboard shortcuts that control vJoy 2 Z axis that sets the Speed Limiter.


  • Navigation
    • "Set Impulse Power to 0-100" (or just "Impulse 0-100") where 0-100 is just the percentage you want it set at. This will set it to the nearest percent in 5 percent increments.
      • CTRL-minus speed control down 5%
      • CTRL-plus speed control up 5%
      • CTRL-zero speed control to 0
    • Standard Impulse
      • This sets the speed limiter to 15%. This is approximately the SCM speed for most ships.
    • Combat impulse
      • This sets the speed limiter to 35%
    • Half Impulse
      • This sets the speed limiter to 50%
    • Full Impulse
      • This sets the speed limiter to 100%
    • Full stop
      • This sets the speed limiter to 0
  • Takeoff and Landing
    • Cast off and head to Standard Orbit
      • Runs cast off (reset power triangle, turns on engines), runs HCS VoicePack Launch (lifts off, gear up), and then runs Standard Orbit (sets max engine power, full impulse, and 10 second burn)
      • Prepare for landing/Final approach
        • Request landing, Reset power, standard impulse, Gear down
  • Combat
    • Red Alert
      • Reset power triangle, combat speed (35%) gimbles on
    • Reset Gimbals
      • Changes gimbal setting two times to set to gimbals off (will change in 3.18 when gimball controls are updated to work better)


  • Navigation
    • Standard Flight
      • Reset power triangle and set speed limiter to 15%
    • Standard Orbit
      • Instructs to point ship to 90 degrees with 3 second count down. Then sets max engine power, full impulse, and 10 second burn.
  • Takeoff and Landing
    • Request landing/takeoff
      • ALT-N (must setup in Star Citizen config). This will be the default in 3.18
  • Utility
    • Display Info 0-4
      • Sets console command "r_displayinfo" from 0-4
    • Configure HOTASAS
      • Runs "pp_rebindkeys X-55-56-LogiExtreme-HOTASAS" command in console
  • Quick Reference Guides
    • Open Voice Attack Quick Reference Guide


v0.4.2 - 2022-12-30


  • Mobiglass - Navigation Mode
    • Navigate to ARC-L2, ARC-L3, ARC-L4, ARC-L5
    • Navigate to CRU-L2, CRU-L3, CRU-L4, CRU-L5
    • Navigate to HUR-L1,HUR-L2, HUR-L3, HUR-L4, HUR-L5
    • Navigate to MIC-L1, MIC-L2, MIC-L3, MIC-L4, MIC-L5



  • Mobiglass - Navigation Mode
    • Navigate to ARC-L1 - Change nav map mouse movement to use "Move using relative data (useful for 3D games)" with Animate movement, timing .250, steps 30, and ease movement unchecked. This gives 100% consistent movement to manipulate nav map as needed for certain locations to be able to be targeted properly.
    • Improved comments in the Nav macros.

v0.4.1 - 2022-12-12


  • Added two more Lagrange point stations
    • Navigate to ARC-L3 - Modern Express Station
    • Navigate to CRU-L5 - Beautiful Glen Station


  • Updated Station commands to be able to use the station designation (e.g. CRU-L 1) or the name of the station (e.g. Ambitious Dream Station). This applies for ARC-L1, ARC-L3, CRU-L1, and CRU-L5)

v0.4.0 - YYYY-MM-DD

Planned upgrade notes


  • Mobiglass - Navigation Mode
    • Clear Route
    • Navigate to ArcCorp
      • Navigate to Lyria
      • Navigate to Wala
    • Navigate to [Arc-L1] Wide Forest Station
    • Navigate to [CRU-L1] Ambitious Dream Station
    • Navigate to Crusader
      • Navigate to Cellin
      • Navigate to Daymar
      • Navigate to Yela
    • Navigate to Hurston
      • Navigate to Aberdeen
      • Navigate to Arial
      • Navigate to Ita
      • Navigate to Magda
    • Navigate to microTech
      • Navigate to Calliope
      • Navigate to Clio
      • Navigate to Euterpe



v0.3.1 - 2022-11-20


v0.3.0 - 2022-11-15


  • Included "star citizen voice attack quick reference guide.ods" (Libre Office Calc file) and a PDF
  • ReShade Macros
  • Install reshade with this video from Fist and Jawa
  • Reshade Overlay Ctrl-Home
  • Reshade Effect toggle Alt-Home - Toggle Reshade
  • Reshade Previous preset Alt-PgUp - Pervious preset
  • Reshade Next preset Alt-PgDn - Next preset
  • Reshade default hotkey Alt-Ctrl-Home - Default vision
  • Reshade NightVision hotkey Alt-Ctrl-End - Night Vision
  • Reshade Infra-Red hotkey Alt-Ctrl-PgUp - Infrared vision
  • Reshade LyriaMining hotkey Alt-Ctrl-PgDn - Sun Shield/Shade or Mining vision


  • Removed VTOL from Prepare for landing
  • Clarified some text in about the ASMBL Astra-Profile.vap file


v0.2.0 - 2022-11-09


  • Separate VAP files for macros or groups of related macros
    • FOIP
    • Inventory and Selling
    • Mobiglass - Maintenance
    • Navigation
    • Quick Reference
    • ReShade
    • Scanning
    • Takeoff and Landing
    • Utility


  • Updated ASMBL Astra profile categories
  • Spilt "Restock and Refuel" macro into separate "Restock" and "Refuel" macros. Added both new macros to "Full Maintenance" macro.


  • Fixed mispelling in Batten down the hatches macro
  • Fixed Standard flight description

v0.1.1 - 2022-11-09



  • Updated format
  • Minor format changes in Updated download link to point to latest release tag.
