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#CheckoutCrypto's Drupal, Apache, Site

##Install There are two methods of install

  1. Git(below)
  2. Docker CheckoutCrypto Stack instructions

###Prerequisite repositories:

###Git Procedure git clone site module, copy contents(modules, themes and .git folder) to a fresh drupal site root path at /var/www/yoursite/sites/all

cd /var/www/yoursite/sites/all && git submodule init && git submodule update

Login to your drupal site as administraitor, visit the admin->modules menu, enable all checkoutcrypto modules except:


  • Account, Admin, Balance, Coins, Groups, OTP, Wallets, Trading, Transactions, Worker

####Ignore / View and develop

  • Hosting(under development), Send payment by email(under development), cgPopup (a ctools modal example module, created by me for developers), service payments.

#####Modifications for your API URL

You need to modify the ccAccount module's API connection (it's done automatically in docker build, not git).

$base_url = '';

to your API host's IP address.

###Drupal installation Site files located at /var/www/html/site - includes all necessary modules, submodules and repositories.

Follow at Step 4 of Drupal Install Guide, as settings.php is prefilled by site docker image. All you need to do is visit http://localhost:83/site/install.php (or whichever port you selected), continue with the admin and site setup.

##CheckoutCrypto + Modules The last steps are to: enable the correct modules(Most of CheckoutCrypto, Ctools, Jquery_update, etc), theme(CheckoutCrypto), adjust the module blocks.


  1. enable all modules, fix configurations e.g. smtp, site config, theme settings, blocks, etc.

2)enable Mod_rewrite:

sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo service apache2 restart
  1. go to admin -> configuration -> clean urls, hit the check for enable cleanurls;

  2. You need to add all coins to the ccdev_coins table(site's Coins page). Add each coin's RPC config data to offline worker cache menu(worker option 2).

  3. You need to add a "default" type group to the ccdev_groups table.

  4. You need to select a user for use as a "hot wallet", you need to get that userid from the users table, copy it to the api configuration (api/config/ccapiconfig.php, within api repository).

see site documentation or development doc


  1. cd /var/www/ && git clone && sudo chown ccuser:ccuser ./api -R
  2. cd ./api && git submodule init && git submodule update
  3. cd /var/www/api/config/ && gedit ./dbconfig.php add your drupal database and username/password
  4. gedit ./ccapiconfig.php set the worker port, address, apikey, hotwallet.

see API Docs or API Calls


  1. git clone from repo
  2. cd ./worker && qmake && make
  3. run with ./workServer
  4. create/copy service to /etc/init.d/worker
  5. sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d worker defaults (to set it to start on restart)

see Worker Docs

##Client Platforms See Drupal Wordpress OpenCart CheckoutCrypto repositories

###Instructions for any given crypto daemon

  1. git clone daemon's repo
  2. install all dependencies
  3. cd ./anycoin/src ./configure && make
  4. configure nano ~/.anycoin/anycoin.conf ensure rpcuser and pass are unique and save add rpcallowip= or w.e your ip
  5. add daemon service linked to daemon binary in /etc/init.d
  6. make service start on restart sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d anycoin defaults
  7. start coin and ensure rpc connection to local network

###Additional notes: Get all the validation codes, for the ccdev_coins table, by inserting any address here

##Contributing See CONTRIBUTING


Grant Hutchinson

##License Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, with one small reservation.