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Note$^2$: A Note-taking Application

1. Introduction

Note$^2$ (Note Squared) is a web-based note-taking application. It creates a platform for users to create, manage, and share their notes.

2. Features & Demo

More UI demo images and system architecture design figures (e.g. UML class diagrams, UML sequence diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams, etc.) can be found in docs/README_img directory.

3. Technology Stack

4. Run Project in Local Computer

Please refer to the following instructions to run our project in your local computer.

4.1 Run Front-end Locally

4.1.1 Environment

  • Node.js

4.1.2 Launch Front-end

# open terminal in `front` directory
cd /note-squared/front

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run e2e tests
npm run e2e

# run all tests
npm test

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.

4.2 Run Server Locally

4.2.1 Environment

  • Node.js

    Server will run in port 3000 (i.e. localhost:3000)

  • MongoDB

    For simplicity, we kept all the configurations of MongoDB as default.

    • Make sure that MongoDB daemon is running in port 27017
    • This project do not set any user & password for the database
    • A database, named note_squared, will be created automatically after the server launches. You may check the data in it with MongoDB Compass.

4.2.2 Launch Server

# open terminal in `server` directory
cd /note-squared/server

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run dev

# OR you can run server without hot reload, using the following command
npm run start

5. Deployment Guide

You may deploy this project in a Linux server following the instructions below.

5.1 Front-end Deployment

5.1.1 Adjust Front-end Code

  • In /front/src/axios.js, replace localhost:3000 with your back-end API base URL, say

    const http = axios.create({
  • In /front/src/main.js, similarly replace the base URL:

    axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://localhost:3000/api'
    Vue.prototype.$axios = axios
  • In /front/src/utils/const.js, similarly replace the base URL:

    export const hostAddr = "http://localhost:3000";

5.1.2 Deploy Front-end

You may simply follow the normal procedures of deploying Vue project.

Here is a tutorial in YouTube for your reference: Deploy Vuejs App On Ubuntu Server.

5.1.3 Update Front-end Deployment

cd /var/www/html/vue/note-squared/front

git pull

npm run build

5.2 Server Deployment

5.2.1 Adjust Server Code

  • Change server listening port if needed.

    In app/index.js, update the following code:

    const PORT = 3000
  • Remove console log info if needed.

    In app/index.js, update the following code:

    // print request info from front-end to console
    // (comment this out if you do not want to see the log)
  • Update database config if needed.

    Go to app/config/db.js, update the config.

  • Update secret key for jwt signing if needed.

    Go to app/config/key.js, update secret_jwt.

  • Update email and password for sending verification code.

    Go to app/config/nodemailer.config.js, update the following.

    // config of email sender
    const user = ""
    const pass = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  • [IMPORTANT] Make the server really send the verification code emails.

    • Go to app/router/user/register-email-verification-code.js, uncomment the following:

      // send verification email
      // (temporarily removed)
      //await nodemailer.sendVerificationCode_register(_email, _email, _verificationCode)
    • Go to app/router/user/set-pwd-email-verification-code.js, uncomment the following:

      // send verification email
      // (temporarily removed)
      // await nodemailer.sendVerificationCode_resetPwd(, _email, _verificationCode)

5.2.2 Deploy Server

apt update

#apt install nginx
#service nginx status

apt install mongodb
service mongodb status

apt install npm
npm -v
node -v
# install `n` to manage node version
npm i -g n
n 12

#exit and login to server again
node -v
npm -v

git clone ...

# install dependencies
#npm i -g yarn
npm install

#set nginx to deliver static files...

npm i -g pm2

pm2 start ...
#pm2 start app
#pm2 restart app

pm2 status

#set nginx again...
#set server to only listen to localhost...


5.2.3 Update Server Deployment

cd /root/note-squared/server

git pull

pm2 restart app

6. Developers


A web-based note-taking application








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