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Hosting an Attractive Resume on GitHub Pages

List of Contents


Here are some helpful guidelines about how to make a beautiful resume or something you want to show on the website. You are recommended to use a tool called GitHub which is widely used by many senior programmers in the world. There is a GitHub Pages inside, which can help you begin with your stuffs and achieve an online resume. Also, there is a book named “Modern Technical Writing” written by Andrew Etter that you probably need to read before you start. In this book, it talks about the steps of how to write and set websites and compares their tools and ways. The most helpful thing is that this book lists many examples that make users easy to learn.

Getting Started


  • You will work with popular and current technical documentation tools. The most important thing is GitHub Pages. From Etter, "GitHub use a Distributed Version Control System, it allows people work offline and work on the same file. Also, it can keep all versions of one file in the history." So DVCS is suitable to solve problems required collaboration.
  • You required a basic level for writing Markdown language, I will talk about benefits of this language later.
  • I recommend you write and edit codes by using a Markdown editor. Of course, it depends on you, you can directly write Markdown on GitHub files or anywhere you like.
  • If you want to make your resume more vivid in order to leave a nice first impression on employers, Jekyll is the best choice.


  • Markdown editors are common applications on computer, almost of them are supported by Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can directly go to their official websites to download them. Here are some brands of the best rate Markdown editors on Resources section.
  • Jekyll has a few complex steps to operate, you just follow the tutorials video, copy codes and paste them step-by-step in the terminal.
  • There is no need to install GitHub application on desktop of your computer.


1. Create a new repository

At the beginning, you need to create a GitHub account on the Internet. After you log in, you will see a “+” sign near your profile photo on the top right of screen, click it and there is a "New repository" where is the place to create your own GitHub Page. Next, you are required to enter a repository name, which the repository name must begin with exactly your username so that it can automatically generate a GitHub Pages site. Otherwise, it cannot build an online site from your GitHub repository. In other words, you just fill with there to ensure your resume can appear online successfully. I show you a demo below and I hope it can help you do this well.

2. Write resume in Markdown

First of all, before you start to make a home page, you need to prepare your resume code probably written by Markdown language. According to Etter, "Markdown is the most widely used lightweight markup language by many people who may work in the IT industry all over the world. If you write your resume in Markdown, you will enjoy the benefits it brings to you, such as the cleanest syntax, limited set of features, and no defined standard." To be specific, Markdown makes everything become simpler and easier to get started. Markdown has its flavors, especially we focus on one of them which is GitHub Flavored Markdown. Lastly, I provide you with some helpful Markdown tutorials on Resources section, including some commonly used syntax.

3. Use a Markdown editor

You maybe write your Markdown with a Markdown editor. It can make you easy and convenient since the editor can provide live view to you that you are able to glance the preview generated from what you write. I recommend you use one of these two free Markdown editors. They are Typora and Atom. Typora is a concise Markdown editor that supports instant rendering technology which means you can edit contents and see what happen next second. Other is Atom, it has abundant plug-ins.

4. Make an index file

If you have already created a repository and well done your resume, now you will click “Add file” button to create a new file named in GitHub repository. This file should be your resume formatted with Markdown. If this is the first time you process files in repository, I strongly advocate you to copy the source code from your Markdown file and paste them in this file.

5. Create static site by Jekyll

Etter mentions, "static websites have some excellent performances, such as speed and simplicity, and easy to migrate. If people want to create a static website, they will use a generator, like Jekyll, just provide content and theme and then it processes everything to build a website." However, you just need parts of Jekyll’s functions to generate your resume on web. First thing is that click Settings in your GitHub repository, then go down and find GitHub Pages. You may select main branch and click "Change theme". Choose a theme you want to show to your future employer. Also, come back to repository and enter "_config.yml" file (See video below), add code

title: yourname's Resume

Rename title
After a few seconds, you will see fantastic appearance of your resume on

Resume Demo

Sample Resume Demo


Authors and Acknowledgments

README template author: Othneil Drew
Group Members:
Huayi Chen, Connor Hryhoruk, David Le, Jai Sandhu


  1. Why is Markdown better than Microsoft Word?

    To some extent, Markdown is suitable for simple situations with no special requirements on format, such as writing a blog, a README or code documents, where line spacing, headers, footers, and indentation are all meaningless, and what matters is the content. In addition, markdown is simple text, which is convenient for Git management, while Word is too heavy and inconvenient.

  2. Why is my resume not showing up?

    Please try the following methods:

    • Correct your repository named as
    • Check the contents of file, it should be formatted with Markdown
    • Turn on your VPN to link your resume website if you are in some network monitoring regions
    • Retry to refresh this website after a while


Tutorial of building a static website on GitHub Pages







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