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ToDo list

This project was created for the purpose of training.

The project presents ToDo list. Step by step, we are refactoring and using more and more complex technologies.

Author - Frontend Developer Viacheslav Chernogorov.

Teacher and Reviewer - Senior Frontend Developer `Alexey Abretov'.

Link to the project's backend Github


ToDo list

  • React js,
  • Redux toolkit,
  • useReducer,
  • Webpack,
  • StoryBook 6.3,
  • TypeScript,
  • StyledComponents,
  • ESLint,
  • Prettier;

Installation and Launch


  • npm >= 6.14;


To run on your computer, you need to run the command on your local computer:

  • git clone - To copy the project to a local PC over https;

After that, in the console, you need to run:

  • npm i - To install dependencies;

To use:

  • `npm start' - The command to start the project;
  • `npm run build' - To build the project;
  • `npm run storybook' - For using storybook;

Links to other projects

Projects created during Yandex training.Workshop:

  1. Static website Travel to Russia;
  2. Mesto project on pure js;
  3. Repository of a full-fledged modified project, Frontend and Backend location;
  4. Graduation project Movies explorer.

Projects created with the training and mentoring of senior web developer Abretova A.:

  1. Counter;
  2. Counter-temperature;
  3. ToDo list;
  4. Contacts keeper;
  5. Fish gallery;
  6. Refactoring of the Movies explorer graduation project.

Projects using different technologies:

  1. Dihitals clock using SCSS/jQuery;
  2. Films review using PUG/SCSS;
  3. 2d game on Vanila JavaScript/Canvas;
  4. React/Next js burger website.