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Project: Mesto

Job Description

This project is the 9th project work on the Yandex course.The workshop of Viacheslav Chernogorov.

In the final version, it should represent a social network where the user can edit his account, add pictures, describe them and like the ones he likes.

In this version, we use the api.

mindedness!!! If you are opening a project from Russia, you may need to enable vpn, otherwise the pictures may not load!!!

The difference from all past projects is that here (in the 1st version):

  1. I have made up and connected more forms and buttons.
  2. I learned how to make up pop-up.
  3. Through the modifier and js did the hiding and opening of the pop-up.
  4. I got into the basics a bit and started using JavaScript more consciously.
  5. I started to formulate my questions more correctly and accurately, and Google them (yandex:D).
  6. I started naming commits more competently and consciously, using branches.

The difference from all past projects is that here (in the 2nd version):

  1. I worked almost 95% of the time using js.
  2. Added the first cards via the Template TAG using an array.
  3. I made up and connected a new form that adds new images to the project.
  4. Made it possible for all cards to put likes.
  5. Implemented the card deletion function by clicking on the special urn button in the picture.
  6. I set up viewing photos, when you click on the picture, it unfolds, and when you click on the cross it hides.
  7. Added smooth opening and closing of all popups.

The difference from all past projects is that here (in the 3rd version):

  1. Added validation of all forms via js.
  2. Decomposition and encapsulation methods were used.
  3. Was created and connected to index.html validate file.js, where the form validation functions are located.
  4. Popups can now be closed by clicking on overley and the Esc key.

The difference from all past projects is that here (in the 4th version):

  1. A rather large-scale refactoring of the js code was carried out.
  2. The methods of decomposition, encapsulation, inheritance are more in-depth.
  3. During refactoring, the Card and FormValidator classes were created, which simplified the understanding of the code.

The difference from all past projects is that here (in the 5th version):

  1. Created additional classes and divided the work between them.
  2. We used weak connections to be able to use some classes without modifications.
  3. Used to build the webpack project.
  4. Used npm and babel.

The difference from all past projects is that here (in the 6th version):

  1. The Api class and PopupWithConfirmation have been created.
  2. Added the ability to change the avatar.
  3. Added 2 new popups when deleting the card and when loading a new avatar.
  4. The project is connected to a remote server, receives and sends information to it.
  5. Removed icons Removing cards from other people's cards.
  6. The number of likes is now fixed in numbers.

Technology stack:

  • HTML,
  • CSS,
  • JavaScript,
  • Babel,
  • Webpack,
  • Api project created by BEM,
  • Photo graffiti from the site - Unsplash.

Requirements, installation and launch:


  • npm >= 6.14;


To install on your computer, you need to run the command on your local computer:

  • git clone - To copy the project to a local PC over https;

After that, in the console, you need to run:

  • npm install - To install dependencies;

To use:

  • `npm run dev' - Command to start the project;

Specialists checking the project

Dear reviewers, I would like to express my great gratitude to you. The real value of this course, I see it in the people working at Yandex.the workshop.

By your activity, you add life to learning, give cool and competent advice, and are mentors that students would like to look up to.

Thank you for your work.

** Personally, you are another incentive for me to continue my studies._**

  1. Project version No. 1 - Gor Grigoryan
  2. Project version No.2 - Gennadiy Barsegyan
  3. Project version No. 3 - Irina Logvinovich
  4. Project version No. 4 - Vladislav Ukhanov
  5. Project version No. 5 - Gennadiy Barsegyan
  6. Project version No. 6 - Anastasia Podkopaeva

Links to other projects

Projects created during Yandex training.Workshop

  1. Static website Travel in Russia.
  2. The project repository is located on pure js.
  3. The repository of a full-fledged modified project is the place of Frontend and Backend.
  4. Graduation project Movies explorer

Projects created with the training and mentoring of senior web developer Abretova A.

  1. Counter
  2. Counter-temperature
  3. ToDo list
  4. Contacts keeper
  5. Fish gallery
  6. Refactoring of the Movies explorer graduation project

Projects using different technologies:

  1. Digitals clock using SCSS/jQuery;
  2. Films review using PUG/SCSS;
  3. 2d game on Vanila JavaScript/Canvas;
  4. React/Next js burger website.