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A game that combines elements of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Chess, and Rock-Paper-Scissors.

The game contains two 3x3 grids where each player can places pieces that fall into one of three classes; Rogues, Warriors, and Mages.

The game uses RPS mechanics where Rogues beat Mages who beat Warriors who beat Rogues.

Each class contains 3 sub-classes which changes the playstyle in some way:


Assassins - standard rogue class, can attack from range but only in a straight line and only in one plane. They can only attack the first person in the plane they strike in.

Archers - less defensive than assassins or ninjas, they can attack with piercing arrows and hit all enemies in a line (damage reduces after each hit)

Ninjas - high risk, high reward. Can attack and move in the same turn - each succesful kill also refunds the move. If they fail to kill a target, your turn is over.


Swordsmen - generic "knight" character, can attack any space on the opposing field but they must be in the front row of the field they are on (and they cannot attack backwards) to compensate, they can defend any piece that is standing behind them.

Shieldbearers - almost the opposite of the knight, they can only attack units in the opposing field's front row but can defend any piece within a 2x2 area of them

Brutes - Balls-to-the-walls class; the brute can charge in a direction until it hits something - dealing supereffective damage to the first unit hit. However, that also causes it to take massive damage in return.


Sorcerers - typical mage class; can use spells to deal A.O.E damage but can only attack once per turn.

Alchemists - can convert other units into different classes or buff them with bonuses, but cannot deal super effective damage to other classes.

Battle Mages - use magic to amplify their physical stats - they always deal super effective damage and take ineffectivce damage from all units except other battle mages.

Players obtain pieces by rolling a 6-die from their "hand" (each player starts with 3 die) which are randomly distributed to the player from a deck of 20 (once all 20 are used they are recycled). The die have a major class, minor class, and a counter class. The major class can be any of the 3 main classes in the game. There are 3 major sides on a die. The minor class is the class that is weak to the major. There are 2 minor sides on a die. The counter class is the remaining class not already on the die. There is only 1 counter side on the die.

"Dice decks" will allow a player to specialise what class they want to, and to what extent, specialise for.


A game I am developing for a TAFE assessment.







No releases published
