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Code templates for Angular 2 in Netbeans. Templates exists for TypeScript and HTML.


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Angular TypeScript Snippets for NetBeans

Now Updated for Angular 4.3.0 release

Biggest change

Now I use camelCase, because NetBeans has a problem when you type a-. The code completion will disappear. So this will not happen with camelCase.

Now I use a or aNg and rx as a prefix, to be faster while typing.

It is based on the Visual Studio Code implementation: This extension for NetBeans adds snippets for Angular for TypeScript and HTML.

TypeScript (old screenshot)

Use Extension

HTML (old screenshot)

Use Extension


Type part of a snippet, press enter or tab, and the snippet unfolds.

TypeScript Angular Snippets

  1. aComponent - component
  2. aComponentInline - component with inline template
  3. aComponentRoot - root app component
  4. aDirective - directive
  5. aGuardCanActive - CanActivate guard
  6. aGuardCanActiveChild - CanActivateChild guard
  7. aGuardCanDeactivate - CanDeactivate guard
  8. aHttpGet - http.get with Rx Observable
  9. aHttpclientGet - httpClient.get with Rx Observable
  10. aHttpInterceptor - Empty Angular HttpInterceptor for HttpClient
  11. aHttpInterceptorHeaders - Angular HttpInterceptor that sets headers for HttpClient
  12. aHttpInterceptorLogging - Angular HttpInterceptor that logs traffic for HttpClient
  13. aModule - module
  14. aModuleRoot - root app module
  15. aModuleRouting - routing module file (forChild)
  16. aOutputEvent - @Output event and emitter
  17. aPipe - pipe
  18. aRoutePath404 - 404 route path
  19. aRoutePathDefault - default route path
  20. aRoutePathEager - eager route path
  21. aRoutePathLazy - lazy route path
  22. aRouterEvents - listen to one or more router events
  23. aService - service
  24. aServiceHttp - service with Http
  25. aServiceHttpclient - service with HttpClient
  26. aCtorSkipSelf - angular NgModule's skipself constructor
  27. aSubscribe - Rx Observable subscription
  28. aResolver - resolver

TypeScript RxJS Snippets

  1. rxObservable - Rx Observable import
  2. rxSubject - Rx Subject import
  3. rxReplaySubject - Rx ReplaySubject import
  4. rxBehaviorSubject - Rx BehaviorSubject import
  5. rxAddOperator - Rx add operator import
  6. rxAddObservable - Rx add observable import

HTML Snippets

  1. aClass - [class] binding
  2. aNgClass - ngClass
  3. aNgContainer - <ng-container> element
  4. aNgContent - <ng-content> element
  5. aNgFor - *ngFor
  6. aNgForAsync - *ngFor with async
  7. aNgForTrackBy - *ngFor with trackBy
  8. aNgIf - *ngIf
  9. aNgIfElse - *ngIf with else
  10. aNgModel - ngModel
  11. aNgStyle - ngStyle
  12. aNgSwitch - ngSwitch
  13. aNgTemplate - <ng-template> element
  14. aPrej - show the JSON form of a model
  15. aPreja - show the JSON form of a model, using async
  16. aRouterLink - routerLink
  17. aRouterLinkParam - routerLink with a route parameter
  18. aSelect - <select> control
  19. aStyle - [style] binding

How to install

Install the plugin.

Test it into a TypeScript or HTML file (Examples: typescript shortcut aPipe + TAB => import { Pipe, PipeTransform..., html shortcut aNgSwitch + TAB => <div [ngSwitch]=...", ...)

Known Bugs

HTML code completion doesn't include the code templates, but the code templates are working well. A Ticket was created:


Code templates for Angular 2 in Netbeans. Templates exists for TypeScript and HTML.







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