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Greedy algorithm of verfication InOrder

kasalolek edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 2 revisions

Understanding 'greedy' algorithm

In Mockito verification inOrder mode is greedy. Example:;;;
//greedy algorithm (Mockito way):
inOrder.verify(mock, times(2)).foo(); //pass - I'm greedy - called 2 times, must be times(2)
inOrder.verify(mock, times(1)).bar(); //pass

//non-greedy algorithm allows this:
inOrder.verify(mock, times(1)).foo(); //pass - I'm not greedy, one instance is enough
inOrder.verify(mock, times(1)).bar(); //pass

Non-greedy algorithm seems more intuitive: when you read the verification if feels right: one instance of foo() was called before one instance bar(). However non-greedy algorithm is not consistent with standard verification in Mockito where times(x) is rigid. Also non-greedy may lead to:

  • may lead contradicting assertion statements that pass (e.g. same verifications but with different times(x) pass)
  • may lead inability to verify the exact number of invocations occasionally
  • may lead to bugs

Hence our design choice was to go for 'greedy' algorithm when verifying in order.

Theoretical example where non-greedy algorithm leads to bugs

//production code:

inOrder.verify(service, times(1)).saveEntity(); //this has to happen *once*
inOrder.verify(service, times(1)).commit();

Later on the bug is introduced:

//production code:
service.saveEntity(); // <<-- dev introduces bug: saving the entity twice leads to runtime exception

//non-greedy algorithm does not detect the bug and the *test passes*
inOrder.verify(service, times(1)).saveEntity(); // <<-- passes in non-greedy mode

//greedy algorithm *detects the bug*
inOrder.verify(service, times(1)).saveEntity(); // <<-- fails in greedy mode

Disclaimer: This example is theoretical. We didn't find a real use case in production code that would asses what is better: greedy or non-greedy algorithm. This seems to be a truly edge case. Decent, KISSy, refactored code should be easy to test without acrobatics.

More complex examples

Using atLeast() mode in order.


Explanation of greedy algorithm:

inOrder.verify(mock, atLeast(2)).add("A");
inOrder.verify(mock, atLeast(1)).add("B");

inOrder.verify(mock, times(2)).add("A");
inOrder.verify(mock, atLeast(1)).add("B");

//atLeast(x) may not fit the greedy paradigm but again...
//the API should be consistent

Another example, with argument matchers:

mock.add("10 EURO");
mock.add("10 GBP");
mock.add("20 GBP");
//non-greedy - passes:
inOrder.verify(mock, times(1)).add(startsWith("10"));

//non-greedy - also passes:
inOrder.verify(mock, times(2)).add(startsWith("10"));

//API needs to be 'close' to how Mockito regular verification works.
//Hence the same verification with different times(x) should not pass
//In Mockito only this passes:
inOrder.verify(mock, times(2)).add(startsWith("10"));