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Mockito for other languages

Brice Dutheil edited this page Apr 21, 2014 · 1 revision

People use different languages but there is something everyone has in common. Everyone enjoys the refreshing taste of Mockito!


So, your favorite pet is a snake? Check out Serhiy Oplakanets' Mockito-Python's Google Code site.


Ok, you're a flexible one. You might be interested in Krzysztof Karczmarczyk's Mockito-flex.


Excellent, welcome to the cool kids. Take a sip of Chris Leishman's jsMockito.


My friend Phil Wills, the guardian of Guardian, informs that two dominant Scala testing frameworks, Scalatest and Specs have some syntactic sugar support for Mockito.

Objective C

Jon Reid brewed a nice port for the bitten apple developpers. Taste it at OCMockito's place.


Two entries in the Perl menu.

  • Spencer P uses Perl to serve the best coctails. Check out Pockito.
  • Steven Lee offers a different mix with the aroma of Test::Mocha.


Even the notorious web developers know what to drink to keep smiling. The Phockito is brought to you by Hamish Friedlander.


Mathematicians will certainly enjoy MMockito by Vladimir Perić.

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