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Add CKF tests (no test on EKF just yet):
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ChristopherRabotin committed Apr 13, 2017
1 parent 8565ae5 commit 2c452a1
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Showing 16 changed files with 316 additions and 3 deletions.
313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions hybrid_test.go
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@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
package gokalman

import (


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,3 +51,311 @@ func TestHybridBasic(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal("the KF is still in EKF mode after CKF switch")

func TestCKFFull(t *testing.T) {
hybridFullODExample(-15, 0, -15, false, false, false, t)

func hybridFullODExample(ekfTrigger int, ekfDisableTime, sncDisableTime float64, smoothing, sncEnabled, sncRIC bool, t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
startDT := time.Date(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
endDT := startDT.Add(time.Duration(24) * time.Hour)
// Define the orbits
leo := smd.NewOrbitFromOE(7000, 0.001, 30, 80, 40, 0, smd.Earth)

// Define the stations
σρ := math.Pow(1e-3, 2) // m , but all measurements in km.
σρDot := math.Pow(1e-3, 2) // m/s , but all measurements in km/s.
st1 := smd.NewStation("st1", 0, 10, -35.398333, 148.981944, σρ, σρDot)
st2 := smd.NewStation("st2", 0, 10, 40.427222, 355.749444, σρ, σρDot)
st3 := smd.NewStation("st3", 0, 10, 35.247164, 243.205, σρ, σρDot)
stations := []smd.Station{st1, st2, st3}

measurements := make(map[time.Time]smd.Measurement)
measurementTimes := []time.Time{}
numMeasurements := 0 // Easier to count them here than to iterate the map to count.

// Define the special export functions
export := smd.ExportConfig{Filename: "SRIFFullOD", Cosmo: false, AsCSV: true, Timestamp: false}
export.CSVAppendHdr = func() string {
hdr := "secondsSinceEpoch,"
for _, st := range stations {
hdr += fmt.Sprintf("%sRange,%sRangeRate,%sNoisyRange,%sNoisyRangeRate,", st.Name, st.Name, st.Name, st.Name)
return hdr[:len(hdr)-1] // Remove trailing comma
export.CSVAppend = func(state smd.State) string {
Δt := state.DT.Sub(startDT).Seconds()
str := fmt.Sprintf("%f,", Δt)
θgst := Δt * smd.EarthRotationRate
roundedDT := state.DT.Truncate(time.Second)
// Compute visibility for each station.
for _, st := range stations {
measurement := st.PerformMeasurement(θgst, state)
if measurement.Visible {
// Sanity check
if _, exists := measurements[roundedDT]; exists {
t.Fatalf("already have a measurement for %s", state.DT)
measurements[roundedDT] = measurement
measurementTimes = append(measurementTimes, roundedDT)
str += measurement.CSV()
} else {
str += ",,,,"
return str[:len(str)-1] // Remove trailing comma

// Generate the true orbit -- Mtrue
timeStep := 10 * time.Second
scName := "LEO"
smd.NewPreciseMission(smd.NewEmptySC(scName, 0), leo, startDT, endDT, smd.Perturbations{Jn: 2}, timeStep, false, export).Propagate()

// Let's mark those as the truth so we can plot that.
stateTruth := make([]*mat64.Vector, len(measurements))
truthMeas := make([]*mat64.Vector, len(measurements))
for measNo, measTime := range measurementTimes {
measurement := measurements[measTime]
stateTruth[measNo] = measurement.State.Vector()
truthMeas[measNo] = measurement.StateVector()
truth := NewBatchGroundTruth(stateTruth, truthMeas)

// Compute number of states which will be generated.
numStates := int((measurementTimes[len(measurementTimes)-1].Sub(measurementTimes[0])).Seconds()/timeStep.Seconds()) + 1
residuals := make([]*mat64.Vector, numStates)

// Get the first measurement as an initial orbit estimation.
firstDT := measurementTimes[0]
estOrbit := measurements[firstDT].State.Orbit
startDT = firstDT
// TODO: Add noise to initial orbit estimate.

// Perturbations in the estimate
estPerts := smd.Perturbations{Jn: 2}

stateEstChan := make(chan (smd.State), 1)
mEst := smd.NewPreciseMission(smd.NewEmptySC(scName+"Est", 0), &estOrbit, startDT, startDT.Add(-1), estPerts, timeStep, true, smd.ExportConfig{})

// Go-routine to advance propagation.
go mEst.PropagateUntil(measurementTimes[len(measurementTimes)-1], true)

// KF filter initialization stuff.

// Initialize the KF noise
σQExponent := 6.0
σQx := math.Pow(10, -2*σQExponent)
var σQy, σQz float64
noiseQ := mat64.NewSymDense(3, []float64{σQx, 0, 0, 0, σQy, 0, 0, 0, σQz})
noiseR := mat64.NewSymDense(2, []float64{σρ, 0, 0, σρDot})
noiseKF := NewNoiseless(noiseQ, noiseR)

// Take care of measurements.
estHistory := make([]*HybridKFEstimate, len(measurements))
stateHistory := make([]*mat64.Vector, len(measurements)) // Stores the histories of the orbit estimate (to post compute the truth)
estChan := make(chan (Estimate), 1)
go processEst("hybridkf", estChan, 1e0, 1e-1, t)

prevP := mat64.NewSymDense(6, nil)
var covarDistance float64 = 50
var covarVelocity float64 = 1
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
prevP.SetSym(i, i, covarDistance)
prevP.SetSym(i+3, i+3, covarVelocity)

visibilityErrors := 0

if smoothing {
fmt.Println("[INFO] Smoothing enabled")

if ekfTrigger < 0 {
fmt.Println("[WARNING] EKF disabled")
} else {
if smoothing {
fmt.Println("[ERROR] Enabling smooth has NO effect because EKF is enabled")
if ekfTrigger < 10 {
fmt.Println("[WARNING] EKF may be turned on too early")
} else {
fmt.Printf("[INFO] EKF will turn on after %d measurements\n", ekfTrigger)

var prevStationName = ""
var prevDT time.Time
var ckfMeasNo = 0
measNo := 1
stateNo := 0
kf, _, err := NewHybridKF(mat64.NewVector(6, nil), prevP, noiseKF, 2)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s", err))
// Now let's do the filtering.
for {
state, more := <-stateEstChan
if !more {
roundedDT := state.DT.Truncate(time.Second)
measurement, exists := measurements[roundedDT]
if !exists {
if measNo == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("should start KF at first measurement: \n%s (got)\n%s (exp)", roundedDT, measurementTimes[0]))
// There is no truth measurement here, let's only predict the KF covariance.
kf.Prepare(state.Φ, nil)
est, perr := kf.Predict()
if perr != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("[ERR!] (#%04d)\n%s", measNo, perr))
// TODO: Plot this too.
stateEst := mat64.NewVector(6, nil)
stateEst.SubVec(est.State(), state.Vector())
estChan <- truth.ErrorWithOffset(-1, est, nil)
if roundedDT != measurementTimes[measNo] {
panic(fmt.Errorf("[ERR!] %04d delta = %s\tstate=%s\tmeas=%s", measNo, state.DT.Sub(measurementTimes[measNo]), state.DT, measurementTimes[measNo]))

if measNo == 0 {
prevDT = measurement.State.DT

// Let's perform a full update since there is a measurement.
ΔtDuration := measurement.State.DT.Sub(prevDT)
Δt := ΔtDuration.Seconds() // Everything is in seconds.
// Infomrational messages.
if !kf.EKFEnabled() && ckfMeasNo == ekfTrigger {
// Switch KF to EKF mode
fmt.Printf("[info] #%04d EKF now enabled\n", measNo)
} else if kf.EKFEnabled() && ekfDisableTime > 0 && Δt > ekfDisableTime {
// Switch KF back to CKF mode
ckfMeasNo = 0
fmt.Printf("[info] #%04d EKF now disabled (Δt=%s)\n", measNo, ΔtDuration)

if measurement.Station.Name != prevStationName {
fmt.Printf("[info] #%04d %s in visibility of %s (T+%s)\n", measNo, scName, measurement.Station.Name, measurement.State.DT.Sub(startDT))
prevStationName = measurement.Station.Name

// Compute "real" measurement
computedObservation := measurement.Station.PerformMeasurement(measurement.Timeθgst, state)
if !computedObservation.Visible {
fmt.Printf("[WARN] station %s should see the SC but does not\n", measurement.Station.Name)

Htilde := computedObservation.HTilde()
kf.Prepare(state.Φ, Htilde)
if sncEnabled {
if Δt < sncDisableTime {
if sncRIC {
// Build the RIC DCM
rUnit := smd.Unit(state.Orbit.R())
cUnit := smd.Unit(state.Orbit.H())
iUnit := smd.Unit(smd.Cross(rUnit, cUnit))
dcmVals := make([]float64, 9)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
dcmVals[i] = rUnit[i]
dcmVals[i+3] = cUnit[i]
dcmVals[i+6] = iUnit[i]
// Update the Q matrix in the PQW
dcm := mat64.NewDense(3, 3, dcmVals)
var QECI, QECI0 mat64.Dense
QECI0.Mul(noiseQ, dcm.T())
QECI.Mul(dcm, &QECI0)
QECISym, err := AsSymDense(&QECI)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[ERR!] QECI is not symmertric!")
kf.SetNoise(NewNoiseless(QECISym, noiseR))
// Only enable SNC for small time differences between measurements.
Γtop := ScaledDenseIdentity(3, math.Pow(Δt, 2)/2)
Γbot := ScaledDenseIdentity(3, Δt)
Γ := mat64.NewDense(6, 3, nil)
Γ.Stack(Γtop, Γbot)
est, err := kf.Update(measurement.StateVector(), computedObservation.StateVector())
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("[ERR!] %s", err))

prevP = est.Covariance().(*mat64.SymDense)
stateEst := mat64.NewVector(6, nil)
stateEst.AddVec(state.Vector(), est.State())
// Compute residual
residual := mat64.NewVector(2, nil)
residual.MulVec(Htilde, est.State())
residual.AddScaledVec(residual, -1, est.ObservationDev())
residual.ScaleVec(-1, residual)
residuals[stateNo] = residual

if smoothing {
// Save to history in order to perform smoothing.
estHistory[measNo] = est
stateHistory[measNo] = stateEst
} else {
// Stream to CSV file
estChan <- truth.ErrorWithOffset(measNo, est, state.Vector())
diff := mat64.NewVector(6, nil)
diff.SubVec(stateEst, measurement.State.Vector())
prevDT = measurement.State.DT

// If in EKF, update the reference trajectory.
if kf.EKFEnabled() {
// Update the state from the error.
R, V := state.Orbit.RV()
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
R[i] += est.State().At(i, 0)
V[i] += est.State().At(i+3, 0)
mEst.Orbit = smd.NewOrbitFromRV(R, V, smd.Earth)
} // end while true


severity := "INFO"
if visibilityErrors > 0 {
severity = "WARNING"
t.Logf("[%s] %d visibility errors\n", severity, visibilityErrors)
// Write the residuals to a CSV file
f, ferr := os.Create("./hkf-residuals.csv")
if ferr != nil {
defer f.Close()
for _, residual := range residuals {
csv := "0,0\n"
if residual != nil {
csv = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f\n", residual.At(0, 0), residual.At(1, 0))
if _, err := f.WriteString(csv); err != nil {
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions srif_test.go
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Expand Up @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func TestSRIFFullODExample(t *testing.T) {

// Take care of measurements.
estChan := make(chan (Estimate), 1)
go processEst("hybridkf", estChan, t)
go processEst("hybridkf", estChan, 1e-3, 1e-6, t)

prevP := mat64.NewSymDense(6, nil)
var covarDistance float64 = 50
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ func TestSRIFFullODExample(t *testing.T) {

func processEst(fn string, estChan chan (Estimate), t *testing.T) {
func processEst(fn string, estChan chan (Estimate), rmsPos, rmsVel float64, t *testing.T) {
// We also compute the RMS here.
numMeasurements := 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ func processEst(fn string, estChan chan (Estimate), t *testing.T) {
rmsVelocity = math.Sqrt(rmsVelocity)
t.Logf("RMS: Position = %f\tVelocity = %f\n", rmsPosition, rmsVelocity)
// We don't have any unmodeled dynamics, so the RMS should be tiny.
if rmsPosition > 1e-3 || rmsVelocity > 1e-6 {
if rmsPosition > rmsPos || rmsVelocity > rmsVel {
t.Fatal("RMS values too big")
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Binary file added test_output/no-unmodeled-CKF_Residuals.png
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Binary file added test_output/unmodeled-J3-CKF_Residuals.png
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