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Anti Em Help

Compatible Pocket Computers

Sharp EL-5500, EL-5500II, PC-1401, PC-1402

Basic Usage

Anti Em's interface to the Sharp Pocket Computer is a printer emulator, so commands are issued to Anti Em as though they were being printed. There are two ways to do this:

  • Direct: Enable printing with Shift-Enter and run commands in RUN mode. If the command contains any non-numeric characters, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Program: Send commands with either LPRINT or by using PRINT = LPRINT in a program

To change Anti Em's mode, print a string to Anti Em containing @ and the mode name. The Anti Em modes are:

  • @EM (printer emulator)
  • @CV (send 0-5V control voltage and gate (high/low)
  • @MIDI (send MIDI commands)
  • @HELP (return to @EM mode, and write a help screen to the terminal)

@EM Usage

Print to Anti Em while its USB port is connected to a computer. Use a terminal program to listen to the USB port at 9600 baud.

@CV Usage


Emits voltage corresponding to the DAC value. This is uncalibrated voltage, and can be used to calibrate Anti Em


Saves the specified DAC value to EEPROM, and treats it as the value at 1V. Use the D command and a volt meter to find the DAC value that sends 1V, and then use = with that number to calibrate Anti Em. You may return Anti Em to its default calibration by printing the =0 command


Print a floating point number from 0 to 5 to emit the specified voltage. The maximum voltage depends on the Arduino's max output. If the voltage emitted does not match the expression, then follow the calibration procedure described under the = command


Gate on. The gate output goes high, to the Arduino's max output


Gate off. The gate output goes low, to 0V


Set gate length in ms for the S command. Defaults to 10ms on power-up


Synchronized output. Emits the specified voltage and sets the gate high for the length specifed by the L command

@MIDI Usage


Note On. Sends a note message for the current channel, at the current velocity. If a note was previously on, send a note off first


Note Off. Sends a note off message for the last note on, on the last channel


Set MIDI channel for subsequent note on messages. Defaults to 1 on power-up.


Set MIDI velocity for subsequent note on messages. Defaults to 127 on power-up. NOTE: At velocity of 0, Anti Em will send note off messages for the N command