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Generate streetview location files for importing as maps into Geotastic


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A script to generate maps files for importing into Geotastic.

Table of Contents
Import into Geotastic
Theory of operation

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  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install yarn
  3. Run yarn install in this project
  4. Copy settings.template.json and name it settings.json
  5. Add your Google API key in settings.json
    • Google Street View Static API must be enabled


Creating a data source

Before running, a data source must be created. The supported sources are:

Follow the below instructions to create your desired source.

Bounding Box

A sample bounding box file can be found in the input folder named box.template.json. This file defines the top, bottom, left, and right of the bounding box in latitude and longitude.

    "minLat": <latitude of bottom of box>,
    "minLon": <longitude of left of box>,
    "maxLat": <latitude of top of box>,
    "maxLon": <longitude of right of box>


A sample polygon file can be found in the input folder named polygon.template.json. This file lists all the points of the polygon in order.

An online tool such as can be used to create this list of points.

<longitude>, <latitude>
<longitude>, <latitude>
<longitude>, <latitude>
<longitude>, <latitude>

OpenStreetMap sources

OpenStreetMap data is retrieved through the Overpass API and OverpassQL. The query is loaded from the input file, run and the results are parsed based on the configured source (area or nodes).

An online interpreter such as can be used to create and test queries.


A sample OSM areas query file can be found in the input folder named osm_area.template.txt.

The query used for input should return a one or more relations, each with a continuous boundary of ways.


A sample OSM nodes query file can be found in the input folder named osm_nodes.template.txt.

The query used for input should return a one or more nodes.

Run script

Follow the above instructions to create the source file for map generation.

Run the script by specifying the source type and source file:

yarn start --source <source type> --input <path to source file>

There are a number of additional options that can be specified when running the script, found below.

Script options

Option Description Required
--help, -h Shows the help message No
--version, -v Shows the script version No
--source, -s Source type to use
'box', 'polygon', 'osmarea' or 'osmnodes'
--input, -i Path to input source file Yes
--output, -o Path to output drops CSV No
default: output/<date>_<time>-drops.csv
--name, -n Name to append to auto-generated output filename No
default: drops
--gap, -g Gap between grid points in metres No
default: 100 (metres)


Create with a bounding box

# creates output/20211012_2246-Sydney.csv
yarn start --source box --input ./input/box.template.json --gap 1000 --name Sydney

Create with a polygon

# creates output/custom_map.csv
yarn start --source polygon --input ./input/polygon.template.csv --output ./output/custom_map.csv

Import into Geotastic

Creating custom maps is restricted to supporters of Geotastic.

To create a custom map and import drop data:

  1. Login to Geotastic
  2. Click on your profile in the top-right, and choose "Map Editor"
  3. Click "CREATE NEW MAP" and enter the desired details
    • The overall size of the map is printed when the script runs. I'd recommended setting the Default Distance Threshold to half that size.
  4. Right click the new map and select "Import drop data"
  5. Choose the script-generated output .csv file
  6. Choose to merge with or override the existing drops
    • Only matters if modifying an existing map
  7. Due to a bug in Geotastic, the map needs to be manually updated by adding a new drop and deleting it
    • For whatever reason, the bounding box of a custom map is not updated after importing

Theory of operation

  1. Generate a grid of points within the specified region
  2. For each point, use the Google Street View Static Metadata API to find the nearest street view within a distance
    • For rate-limiting reasons, these are split into batches
    • This Metadata API currently has no usage costs or limits
  3. Remove all points with no nearby street view
  4. Export points to a .csv in Geotastic Drop format


OpenStreetMap data

© OpenStreetMap contributors

Google Street View Metadata

© Google