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Cirro API Client

Low-level client for the Cirro API. Rather than using this package directly, we recommend using the Cirro SDK.

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Python Client project.


Python 3.8+.

Installation & Usage

pip install

Via PyPI:

pip install cirro-api-client

You can also install it directory from the repository using:

pip install git+

Getting Started

Basic usage

import os
from typing import List
from pprint import pprint

from cirro_api_client import CirroApiClient, TokenAuth
from cirro_api_client.v1.api.projects import get_projects
from cirro_api_client.v1.models import Project
from cirro_api_client.v1.types import Response

# Create auth method, you can also extend the AuthMethod class
auth_method = TokenAuth(token=os.environ['TOKEN'])
# You can also use the RefreshableTokenAuth class
# auth_method = RefreshableTokenAuth(token_getter=lambda : os.environ['TOKEN'])

# Create a client
client = CirroApiClient(base_url="",

# Call API endpoint, get list of projects
projects: List[Project] = get_projects.sync(client=client)
print("The response of get_projects:\n")
## or if you need more info (e.g. status_code)
resp: Response[List[Project]] = get_projects.sync_detailed(client=client)
projects = resp.parsed

Async usage

import os
from typing import List

from cirro_api_client import CirroApiClient, TokenAuth
from cirro_api_client.v1.api.projects import get_projects
from cirro_api_client.v1.models import Project

client = CirroApiClient(base_url="",

# async method
async with client as client:
    projects: List[Project] = await get_projects.asyncio(client=client)

Advanced usage

There are more settings on the generated CirroApiClient class which let you control more runtime behavior, check out the docstring on that class for more info. You can also customize the underlying httpx.Client or httpx.AsyncClient (depending on your use-case):

import os
from cirro_api_client import CirroApiClient, TokenAuth

def log_request(request):
    print(f"Request event hook: {request.method} {request.url} - Waiting for response")

def log_response(response):
    request = response.request
    print(f"Response event hook: {request.method} {request.url} - Status {response.status_code}")

client = CirroApiClient(
    httpx_args={"event_hooks": {"request": [log_request], "response": [log_response]}},

# Or get the underlying httpx client to modify directly with client.get_httpx_client() or client.get_async_httpx_client()

You can even set the httpx client directly, but beware that this will override any existing settings (e.g., base_url):

import os
import httpx
from cirro_api_client import CirroApiClient, TokenAuth

client = CirroApiClient(base_url="",

# Note that base_url needs to be re-set, as would any shared cookies, headers, etc.
client.set_httpx_client(httpx.Client(base_url="", proxies="http://localhost:8030"))

Developer information

Re-generate the API client by running:

openapi-python-client.exe update --url --config config.yml --custom-template-path=templates/