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Note! Ahti project has ended and is no longer being actively developed.



Development with Docker


  • Docker engine: 18.06.0+
  • Docker compose 1.22.0+
  1. Create a docker-compose.env.yaml file in the project folder:

    • You can use docker-compose.env.yaml.template as a base, it does not need any changes if you want all features enabled.
    • Change DEBUG and the rest of the Django settings if needed.
      • TOKEN_AUTH_AUTHSERVER_URL, URL for tunnistamo authentication service
    • Set entrypoint/startup variables according to taste.
      • CREATE_SUPERUSER, creates a superuser with credentials admin:admin (
      • APPLY_MIGRATIONS, applies migrations on startup
      • IMPORT_FEATURES, imports features from configured sources on startup
  2. Run docker-compose up

The project is now running at localhost:8082

Development without Docker


  • PostgreSQL 10
  • PostGIS 2.5
  • Python 3.8

Installing Python requirements

  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt (development requirements)


To setup a database compatible with default database settings:

Create user and database

sudo -u postgres createuser -P -R -S ahti  # use password `ahti`
sudo -u postgres createdb -O ahti ahti

Create extensions in the database

sudo -u postgres psql ahti -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

Allow user to create test database

sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER ahti CREATEDB;"

Daily running

  • Create .env file: touch .env
  • Set the DEBUG environment variable to 1.
  • Run python migrate
  • Run python createsuperuser
  • Run python runserver localhost:8082

The project is now running at localhost:8082

Periodic tasks

In order to get updates to imported features, ./ import_features needs to be run periodically.

Keeping Python requirements up to date

  1. Install pip-tools:

    • pip install pip-tools
  2. Add new packages to or

  3. Update .txt file for the changed requirements file:

    • pip-compile
    • pip-compile
  4. If you want to update dependencies to their newest versions, run:

    • pip-compile --upgrade
  5. To install Python requirements run:

    • pip-sync requirements.txt

Code format

This project uses black, flake8 and isort for code formatting and quality checking. Project follows the basic black config, without any modifications.

Basic black commands:

  • To let black do its magic: black .
  • To see which files black would change: black --check .

pre-commit can be used to install and run all the formatting tools as git hooks automatically before a commit.

Running tests

  • Set the DEBUG environment variable to 1.
  • Run pytest.

API documentation

View the API documentation by visiting your local environment and see the Documentation Explorer section.

Dependent services

For a complete service the following additional components are also required: