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andy.rothwell edited this page Sep 26, 2019 · 3 revisions


A LegendControl is a custom widget that can be added to a Leaflet map.

The props that can be passed to a phila-vue-mapping LegendControl are:

prop description or example

In a Vue template

the <legend-control> tag is put inside a <map_> tag:

  <div v-once>
    <legend-control v-for="legendControl in Object.keys(legendControls)"

In a Mapboard config file

If using Mapboard, a "legendControls" object can be added to the config. It includes objects with options. One of the options is "topics", which is a list of topics which will show this legend when the topic is activated:

water: {
  options: {
    topics: ['water'],
    showWithBaseMapOnly: false
  data: {
    'Roof': {
      'background-color': '#FEFF7F',
    'Other Impervious Surface': {
      'background-color': '#F2DCFF',