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andy.rothwell edited this page Sep 26, 2019 · 1 revision


A phila-vue-mapping MapAddressInput is a custom widget that can be added to a Leaflet map.

The props that can be passed to a phila-vue-mapping MapAddressInput are:

  • position
  • placeholder

In a Vue template

The <address-input> tag is put inside a <map_> tag:

  <div v-once>
    <map-address-input :position="this.addressInputPosition"

The "handle-search-form-submit" Event

There is a function in @philly/vue-datafetch which can be called by any component which uses the MapAddressInput component:

handleSearchFormSubmit(value) {

In a Mapboard config file

If using Mapboard, the phila-vue-mapping MapAddressInput is automatically included on the map.

You can still include it in main.js, in order to override defaults.

Note that some of the options you can use are only used by the corresponding AddressInput.vue component of the library phila-vue-comps. They do not affect the MapAddressInput on the map, but only the other one that appears in the topics panel if the map is not included or hidden:

option definition only for topic panel? required?
width sets the width true no, default is 350px
position sets the position, options are left, right, center true no, default is right
autocompleteEnabled turns on autocomplete false no, default is false
autocompleteMax if autocomplete is turned on, sets max number of suggestions false no
placeholder sets the placeholder text false no, default is "Search the map"


mapAddressInput: {
  width: 415,
  position: 'right',
  autocompleteEnabled: false,
  autocompleteMax: 15,
  placeholder: 'Search the map',