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Local Machine Setup without Docker

This page provides instructions on how to run ClarityNLP locally on your machine without having to use Docker or OAuth2. We call this a native installation of ClarityNLP. It is much simpler to use Docker, since everything is provided and configured for you. But if you want more control over your ClarityNLP installation and you prefer to configure everything yourself, then these are the instructions you need.

This installation is also useful if you neither need nor want the OAuth2 security layers built into the Docker version of ClarityNLP. A native installation is emphatically NOT appropriate for patient data that must be protected in a HIPAA-compliant manner. So only store de-identified public data in your Solr instance if you choose to do this.


There are five major components in a ClarityNLP installation: Solr, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Luigi, and Flask.

ClarityNLP uses Solr to index, store, and search documents; Postgres to store job control data and lots of medical vocabulary; Mongo to store results; Luigi to control and schedule the various processing tasks, and Flask to provide API endpoints and the underlying web server.

A native installation means that, at a minimum, Luigi and Flask are installed and run locally on your system. Solr, Postgres, and Mongo can also be installed and run locally on your system, or one or more of these can be hosted elsewhere.

A university research group, for example, could have a hosted Solr instance on a VPN that is accessible to all members of the group. The Solr instance might contain MIMIC or other de-identified, public data. Members of the research group running a native ClarityNLP installation would configure their laptops to use the hosted Solr instance. This can be accomplished via settings in a ClarityNLP configuration file, as explained below. These users would install and run Postgres, Mongo, Luigi, and Flask on their laptops.

At GA Tech we have hosted versions of Solr, Postgres, and MongoDB. Our native ClarityNLP users only need to install and run Luigi and Flask on their laptops, and then setup their configuration file to "point" to the hosted instances.

These flexible configuration options are also available with the container-based, secure version of ClarityNLP.

The instructions below have been tested on:

  • MacOS 10.14 "Mojave"
  • MacOS 10.13 "High Sierra"
  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS "Bionic Beaver"

Recent versions of MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and Solr are assumed:

  • MongoDB version 3.6 or greater
  • PostgreSQL version 10 or 11
  • Solr version 7 or 8


This installation and configuration process is somewhat lengthy, so here's a high-level overview of what we'll be doing.

First, we'll need to setup and install the source code, the necessary python libraries, and all of the associated python and non-python dependencies. We will perform the installation inside of a custom conda-managed environment so that ClarityNLP will not interfere with other software on your system.

Next we'll install and/or configure Solr, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, depending on whether you have access to hosted instances or not.

Then we'll ingest some test documents into Solr and run a sample NLPQL file so that we can verify that the system works as expected.

After that we'll show you where you can find instructions for ingesting your own documents into Solr, after which you will be ready to do your own investigations.

The instructions below denote MacOS-specific instructions with [MacOS], Ubuntu-specific instructions with [Ubuntu], and instructions valid for all operating systems with [All].

Install the Prerequisites

[MacOS] Install the Homebrew package manager by following the instructions provided at the Homebrew website. We prefer to use Homebrew since it allows packages to be installed and uninstalled without superuser privileges.

After installing homebrew, open a terminal window and update your homebrew installation with:

brew update
brew upgrade

Next, use homebrew to install the git version control system, the curl command line data transfer tool, and the wget file transfer tool with these commands:

brew install git curl wget

[Ubuntu] Update your system using the apt package manager with:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Then use apt to install the three tools:

sudo apt install git curl wget

[All] Solr requires the java runtime to be installed on your system. In a terminal window run this command:

java --version

If you see a message about the command java not being found, then you need to install the java runtime. Please visit the Oracle Java download site and follow the instructions to download and install the latest version of the Java runtime environment (JRE).

Next, visit the Conda website and install either the Anaconda python distribution or its much smaller Miniconda cousin. Anaconda provides a full python-based numerical computing and machine learning stack. Miniconda provides a minimal python installation. Both give you the conda package manager, an essential tool for resolving labyrinthine dependencies among python and non-python packages. The installation package and instructions for both are provided at the Anaconda website. For these instructions we will assume that you choose the smaller Miniconda distribution.

Important: download the Miniconda installation package for the latest python 3 release, not python 2.7.

After installing Miniconda, update to the latest version of conda with:

conda update -n base -c defaults conda

Clone the ClarityNLP GitHub Repository

Open a terminal window on your system and change directories to wherever you want to install ClarityNLP. Create a new folder called ClarityNLPNative, to emphasize that it will hold a version of ClarityNLP configured for running locally on your system without Docker or OAuth2. You can create this folder, clone the repo, and initialize all submodules with these commands:

cd /some/location/on/your/disk
mkdir ClarityNLPNative
cd ClarityNLPNative
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ClarityNLP

This command sequence will give you an up-to-date checkout of the master branch of the main ClarityNLP project. It will also checkout the latest master branch of all git submodules (additional code that ClarityNLP needs).

The master branch of the git repository holds the most stable and well-tested version of ClarityNLP. If you instead want the latest development code, with the caveat that it will be less mature than the code in the master branch, checkout the develop branch of the repo with these additional commands:

git checkout develop
git submodule foreach git pull origin develop

After checking out your desired branch of the repository, change to the native_setup folder of the repo with:

cd native_setup

Create the Conda Environment for ClarityNLP

From the ClarityNLPNative/ClarityNLP/native_setup folder, create a new conda managed environment with:

conda create --name claritynlp python=3.6
conda activate claritynlp
conda config --env --append channels conda-forge
conda install --file conda_requirements.txt
pip install -r conda_pip_requirements.txt

The conda version of pip knows about conda environments and will install the packages listed in conda_pip_requirements.txt into the claritynlp custom environment, NOT the system folders.

You can activate the claritynlp custom environment with the command

conda activate claritynlp

Whenever the claritynlp environment is active, the command line in the terminal window displays (claritynlp) to the left of the prompt. If the default environment is active it will display (base) instead.

Always activate the claritynlp environment whenever you want to do anything with ClarityNLP from a terminal window.

Install Additional Model Files

ClarityNLP uses the spacy and nltk natural language processing libraries, which require additional support files. From the same terminal window in the native_setup folder, run these commands to install the support files:

conda activate claritynlp   # if not already active
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
python ../nlp/

Setup MongoDB

ClarityNLP stores results in MongoDB. If you do not have access to a hosted MongoDB installation, you will need to install it on your system.

[MacOS] Use Homebrew to install MongoDB with:

brew install mongodb

After the installation finishes, run the command brew info mongodb, which displays information about how to start the MongoDB server. You can either configure the server to start automatically each time your system reboots, or you can start the server manually. We will assume manual startup, which can be accomplished by opening another terminal window and running this command (assumes the default path to the mongo config file):

mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf

After the server initializes it will deactivate the prompt in the terminal window, indicating that it is running.

[Ubuntu] Use apt to install MongoDB with:

sudo apt install mongodb

The installation process on Ubuntu should automatically start the MongoDB server. Verify that it is active with:

sudo systemctl status mongodb

You should see a message stating that the mongodb.service is active and running. If it is not, start it with:

sudo systemctl start mongodb

Then repeat the status check to verify that it is running.

[All] Now start up the Mongo client and find out if it can communicate with the running MongoDB server. From a terminal window start the MongoDB client by running mongo. If the client launches successfully you should see a > prompt. Enter show databases at the prompt and press enter. The system should respond with at least the admin database. If you see this your installation should be OK. You can stop the client by typing exit at the prompt.

If you have access to a hosted MongoDB instance, you will need to know the hostname for your mongod server as well as the port number that it listens on. If your hosted instance requires user accounts, you will also need to know your username and password. These will be entered into the project.cfg file in a later step below.

Setup PostgreSQL

Now we need to install and configure PostgreSQL. ClarityNLP uses Postgres for job control and for storing OMOP vocabulary and concept data.

[MacOS] Perhaps the easiest option for installing Postgres on MacOSX is to download and install, which takes care of most of the setup and configuration for you. If you do not have access to a hosted Postgres server, download the .dmg file from the website, run the installer, and click initialize to create a new server.

After everything is installed and running, you will see an elephant icon in the menu bar at the upper right corner of your screen. Click the icon and a menu will appear. The button in the lower right corner of the menu can be used to start and stop the database server. For now, click the button and stop the server, since we need to make a small change to the postgres configuration file.

[Ubuntu] Install postgres with:

sudo apt install postgresql

The installation process should automatically start the postgres server, as it did with the MongoDB installation. For now, stop the server with:

sudo systemctl stop postgresql

Edit the PostgreSQL Config File

You will need to follow these configuration steps as well if you have a hosted Postgres instance. You may need to ask your local database admin to perform the configuration, depending on whether or not you have superuser privileges for your particular installation. The location of the data directory on your hosted instance will likely differ from that provided below, which is specific to a local installation.

[MacOS] With the Postgres server stopped, click the elephant icon, click the Open Postgres menu item, and then click the Server Settings button on the dialog that appears. Note the location of the data directory, which defaults to ~/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-11. The postgresql.conf file is located in the data directory and contains various important parameters that govern the operation of the database. We need to edit one of those params to make the data ingest process run more smoothly.

[Ubuntu] The postgres config file for Postgres 10 is stored by default in /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf. If you installed Postgres 11 the 10 should be replaced by an 11. This file is owned by the special postgres user. To edit the file, switch to this user account with:

sudo -i -u postgres

The whoami command should display postgres.

[All] Open a text editor, browse to the location indicated above and open the file postgresql.conf. Search the file for the entry max_wal_size, which governs the size of the write-ahead log (hence the WAL acronym). If the entry happens to be commented out, uncomment it. Set its value to 30GB (if the value is already greater than 30GB don't change it). By doing this we prevent checkpoints from occurring too frequently and slowing down the data ingest process. Save the file after editing.

[Ubuntu] Log out as the postgres user with:


Then restart the Postgres server with either:

[MacOS] Click on the elephant icon and press the start button.

[Ubuntu] Use systemctl to start it:

sudo systemctl start postgresql

Create the Database and a User Account

With the database server installed, configured, and running, we now need to create a user account. Open a terminal and browse to ClarityNLPNative/ClarityNLP/utilities/nlp-postgres. From this folder run the command appropriate to your operating system to start psql:


psql postgres


sudo -u postgres psql

Then run this command sequence (we suggest using a better password) to setup the database:

CREATE USER clarity_user WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';
\connect clarity
\i ddl/ddl.sql
\i ddl/omop_vocab.sql
\i ddl/omop_indexes.sql
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA nlp TO clarity_user;

These commands create the database, setup the tables and indexes, and grant the clarity_user sufficient privileges to use it with ClarityNLP.

Load OMOP Vocabulary Files

THIS STEP IS OPTIONAL. The OMOP vocabulary and concept data is used by the ClarityNLP synonym expansion macros. Synonym expansion is an optional feature of ClarityNLP. If you are unfamiliar with OMOP or do not forsee a need for such synonym expansion you can safely skip this step. The ingestion process is time-consuming and could take from one to two hours or more, depending on the speed of your system. If you only want to explore basic features of ClarityNLP you do not need to load this data, and you can skip ahead to the Solr setup instructions.

If you do choose to load the data, then keep your psql terminal window open. From a different terminal window follow these steps to download and prepare the data for ingest:

cd /tmp
mkdir vocabs
cd vocabs

You should see these files in /tmp/vocabs after unzipping:


Go back to your psql window and begin the process of loading data into the database with:

\i dml/copy_vocab.sql

As mentioned above, the loading process could take a long time, possibly more than two hours, depending on the speed of your system. As the load progresses, it should gradually generate the following output:

COPY 2465049
COPY 2781581
COPY 23396378
COPY 21912712
COPY 3878286
COPY 446
COPY 321

Once you start the loading process, just let it will eventually finish. After loading completes, log out with the command \q. You can close this window and the tmp/vocabs window.

Setup Solr

ClarityNLP uses Solr as its document store. If you do not have access to a hosted Solr instance you will need to install it on your system.

[MacOS] Use Homebrew to install Solr with:

brew install solr

When the installation finishes run the command brew info solr to learn how to start Solr. You can either have it start on boot or on demand with the command

solr start

Start the solr server.

[Ubuntu] Ubuntu does not seem to provide a suitable apt package for Solr, so you will need to download the Solr distribution from the Apache web site. Open a web browser to the Solr download site and download the binary release for the latest version of Solr 8. For now we will assume that you download the 8.1.1 binary release, which is in the file solr-8.1.1.tgz.

Open a terminal window and run these commands to unzip the distribution into your home directory:

cd ~
mkdir solr
tar -C solr -zxvf ~/Downloads/solr-8.1.1.tgz
mv ~/solr/solr-8.1.1 ~/solr/8.1.1

Open a text editor and add this line to your .bashrc file, which places the Solr binaries on your path:

export PATH=~/solr/8.1.1/bin:$PATH

Close the text editor, exit the terminal window, and open a new terminal window to update your path. Run which solr and verify that ~/solr/8.1.1/bin/solr is found.

Start your Solr server by running:

solr start

[All] After starting Solr, check to see that it is running by opening a web browser to http://localhost:8983 (or the appropriate URL for your hosted instance). You should see the Solr admin dashboard. If you do, your Solr installation is up and running.

We need to do some additional configuration of the Solr server and ingest some test documents. We provide a python script to do this for you. This script assumes that you are running a recent version of Solr, version 7 or later. If you are running an older version this script will not work, since some field type names changed at the transition from Solr 6 to Solr 7.

Open a terminal window to ClarityNLPNative/ClarityNLP/native_setup. If you installed Solr on your local system run:

conda activate claritynlp
python ./

If you use a hosted Solr instance, you should run these commands instead, replacing the <hostname> and <port_number> placeholders with the values for your hosted instance:

conda activate claritynlp
python ./ --hostname <hostname_string> --port <port_number>

This script creates a Solr core named claritynlp_test, adds some custom fields and types, and loads test documents contained in four .csv files. You should confirm that the files sample.csv, sample2.csv, sample3.csv, and sample4.csv were loaded successfully (load statements appear in the console as the script runs). If the load failed for any reason an error message will be written to stdout.

If the script ran without error, your claritynlp_test Solr core should have ingested 7016 documents. Verify this by opening a web browser to http://localhost:8983, or if you have a hosted Solr instance, to its admin page. From the core selector at the left of the screen, select the claritynlp_test core and look in the Statistics window. The value of the Num Docs field should equal 7016.

ClarityNLP expects the ingested documents to have a minimal set of fields, which appear in the next table:

Field Name Description
id a unique ID for this document
report_id a unique ID for this document (can use same value as id field)
source the name of the document set, the name of your institution, etc.
subject a patient ID, drug name, or other identifier
report_type type of data in the document, i.e. discharge summary, radiology, etc.

timestamp in a format accepted by Solr:

  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fZ
  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffZ
  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ
report_text the actual text of the document, plain text

The test documents have all been configured with these fields. If you decide to ingest additional documents into the claritynlp_test Solr core, you will need to ensure that they contain these fields as well. Additional information on document ingestion can be found here.

Python scripts for ingesting some common document types can be found here.

Setup the Project Configuration File

In the ClarityNLPNative/native_setup directory you will find a file named project.cfg. This file gets loaded on startup and it configures Clarity to run locally on your system.

If you plan to use hosted instances of either Solr, Postgres, or MongoDB, you will need to edit the file and set the values appropriate for your system. The file has a simple key=value format for each parameter. The Solr parameters are located under the [solr] header, the Postgres params under the [pg] header, and the MongoDB params under the [mongo] header.

For instance, if you installed everything locally, but you changed the PostgreSQL password above when you created the user account, you need to open project.cfg in a text editor, locate the [pg] section, find the password=password entry, and change the text on the right side of the equals sign to the password that you used. If you used a password of jx8#$04!Q%, change the password line to password=jx8#$04!Q%.

Make the appropriate changes for Solr, Postgres, and MongoDB to conform to your desired configuration. Note that the username and password entries for MongodB are commented out. It is possible to use MongoDB without having to create a user account. If this is the case for your system, just leave these entries commented out. Otherwise, uncomment them and set the values appropriate for your system.

If you followed the instructions above exactly and installed everything locally, you do not need to change anything in this file.

The provided project.cfg file tells ClarityNLP to use /tmp as the location for the log file and various temporary files needed during the run. If you want to put these files somewhere else, create the desired folders on your system, make them writable, and set the paths in the [tmp] and [log] sections of project.cfg. The paths would look like this after any changes:



Double-check all entries in this file! You will have problems getting the system to run if you have typos or other errors for these parameters.

Once you are satisifed that the data in the file is correct, copy project.cfg from the native_setup folder into the nlp folder, which is where ClarityNLP expects to find it:

cp project.cfg ../nlp/project.cfg

Running Locally without Docker

Now we're finally ready to run. Here are the instructions for running a job with your native ClarityNLP system. We open several terminal windows to start the various servers and schedulers. You can reduce the number of windows by configuring Mongo, Postgres, and Solr to start as background processes after each reboot, as mentioned above.

1. Start Solr

If you installed Solr locally and chose the manual start method, start Solr by opening a terminal window and running solr start.

Verify that you can communicate with your Solr core by pinging it. For a local installation, open a Web browser and visit this URL: http://localhost:8983/solr/claritynlp_test/admin/ping. For a hosted instance, change localhost to whatever is appropriate for your system.

The Web browser should display a status of OK in the final line of output if it is connected. If you get an HTTP 404 error, make recheck your URL and make sure that your Solr instance is actually running.

2. Start the MongoDB Server

If you installed MongoDB locally, launch the the mongod server with one of these options:

[MacOS] Provide the path to your local MongoDB config file as follows (this command uses the default location):

mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf


sudo systemctl start mongodb

Verify that the mongo server is running by typing mongo into a terminal to start the mongo client. It should connect to the database and prompt for input. Exit the client by typing exit in the terminal.

For a hosted MongoDB instance you need to supply the connection params from the terminal. If your Mongo installation does not require accounts and passwords, connect to it with this command, replacing the <hostname or ip> and <port number> placeholders with values appropriate for your system:

mongo --host <hostname or ip> --port <port number>

If your hosted instance requires a user name and password, you will need to supply those as well. More info on connecting to a remote Mongo server can be found here.

3. Start the Postgres Server

If you installed Postgres locally:

[MacOS] Start the server by clicking the elephant icon in the menu bar at the upper right corner of your screen. Press the start button at the lower right of the popup menu.

[Ubuntu] Start the server with:

sudo systemctl start postgresql

Verify that your server is available by running the command pg_isready from a terminal window. It should report accepting connections.

If you use a hosted Postgres instance, check to see that it is up and running with this command, replacing the hostname and port number with values suitable for your installation:

pg_isready -h <hostname> -p <port number>

If your Postgres server is running it should respond with accepting connections.

4. Start the Luigi Task Scheduler

ClarityNLP uses Luigi to schedule and manage the data processing tasks. Luigi must be started manually in a native setup.

We will run Luigi from a dedicated directory, ~/tmp/luigi. Open another terminal window and create ~/tmp/luigi with these commands (this only needs to be done once):

mkdir -p ~/tmp/luigi
cd ~/tmp/luigi
mkdir logs

Launch Luigi with:

conda activate claritynlp
cd ~/tmp/luigi
luigid --pidfile pid --logdir logs --state-path statefile

Luigi should start and the command prompt should become inactive. Keep Luigi running for your entire ClarityNLP session. You only need to start Luigi once, even if you plan to run multiple ClarityNLP jobs.

5. Start the Flask Web Server

ClarityNLP uses Flask as the underlying web framework. Flask must be started manually in a native setup.

Open yet another terminal window, cd to the ClarityNLPNative/ClarityNLP/nlp directory, and launch the web server with:

conda activate claritynlp
python -m flask run

Just like Luigi, the Flask web server only needs to be started once. The web server prints startup information to the screen as it initializes. You can safely ignore any No section: warnings. When initialization completes you should see output similar to this:

* Serving Flask app "nlp.api"
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

At this point ClarityNLP is fully initialized and waiting for commands.

6. Run a Validation Job

Open (yet another) terminal window and cd to ClarityNLPNative/ClarityNLP/native_setup. Run the ls command and note the file validation0.nlpql. This is an NLPQL file that runs several ClarityNLP tasks on a special validation document that was loaded into the claritynlp_test Solr core during setup.

When we run this validation job, ClarityNLP will process the validation document, run the validation tasks, and write results to MongoDB. We can extract the results into a CSV file for easy viewing and then run a special python script to check that the results are correct.

You launch a ClarityNLP job by performing an HTTP POST of your NLPQL file to the ClarityNLP nlpql API endpoint. Since the local running instance of ClarityNLP is listening at http://localhost:5000, the appropriate URL is http://localhost:5000/nlpql. We will see how to post the file using the curl command line tool below. If you are familiar with Postman or other HTTP clients you could certainly use those instead of curl. Any HTTP client that can POST files as plain text should be OK.

Before running the NLPQL file, we should first check it for syntax errors. That can be accomplished by POSTing the NLPQL file to the nlpql_tester API endpoint. From your terminal window run these commands to do so:

conda activate claritynlp
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:5000/nlpql_tester -H "Content-type:text/plain" --data-binary "@validation0.nlpql"

The curl command should generate output that looks similar to this:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2379
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Server: Werkzeug/0.15.2 Python/3.6.6
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2019 00:37:26 GMT

    "owner": "claritynlp",
     "name": "Validation 0",
     "population": "All",
     "context": "Patient",

     <lots of content omitted...>

     "debug": false,
     "limit": 100,
     "phenotype_id": 1

This is the JSON representation of the NLPQL file generated by the ClarityNLP front end. If you see JSON output similar to this your syntax is correct. If you do not get JSON output then something is wrong with your NLPQL syntax. There should be an error message printed in the Flask window. The validation0.nlpql file has been checked and should contain no syntax errors.

After the syntax check we're ready to run the job. POST the NLPQL file to the nlpql endpoint with this command:

curl -i -X POST http://localhost:5000/nlpql -H "Content-type:text/plain" --data-binary "@validation0.nlpql"

The system should accept the job and print out a message stating where you can download the results. The message should look similar to this:

    "job_id": "1",
    "phenotype_id": "1",
    "phenotype_config": "http://localhost:5000/phenotype_id/1",
    "pipeline_ids": [
    "pipeline_configs": [
    "status_endpoint": "http://localhost:5000/status/1",
    "results_viewer": "?job=1",
    "luigi_task_monitoring": "http://localhost:8082/static/visualiser/index.html#search__search=job=1",
    "intermediate_results_csv": "http://localhost:5000/job_results/1/phenotype_intermediate",
    "main_results_csv": "http://localhost:5000/job_results/1/phenotype"

The job_id increments each time you submit a new job. The system should launch approximately 22 tasks to run the commands in this sample file. If you open a web browser to the luigi_task_monitoring URL, you can watch the tasks run to completion in the luigi task status display. Just refresh the window periodically to update the task counts.

After the job finishes you can download a CSV file to see what ClarityNLP found. The intermediate_results_csv file contains all of the raw data values that the various tasks found.

To check the results, you need to generate a CSV file from the intermediate data with a comma for the record delimiter, not a tab. A tab character seems to be the default delimiter for Microsoft Excel.

Excel users can correct this as follows. Assuming that you have the intermediate result file open in Excel, press the key combination <COMMAND>-A. This should highlight the leftmost column of data in the spreadsheet. After highlighting, click the Data menu item, then press the Text to Columns icon in the ribbon at the top. When the wizard dialog appears, make sure the Delimited radio button is highlighted. Click Next. For the delimters, make sure that Comma is checked and that Tab is unchecked. Then click the Finish button. The data should appear neatly arranged into columns. Then click the File|Save As... menu item. On the dialog that appears, set the File Format combo box selection to Comma Separated Values (.csv). Make sure that a .csv extension appears in the Save As edit control at the top of the dialog. Give the file a new name if you want (but with a .csv extension), then click the Save button.

Users of other spreadsheet software will need to consult the documentation on how to save CSV files with a comma for the record separator.

With the file saved to disk in proper CSV format, run this command from the ClarityNLPNative/ClarityNLP/native_setup folder to check the values:

conda activate claritynlp  # if not already active
python ./ --file /path/to/your/csv/file.csv

This command runs a python script to check each result. If the script finds no errors it will print All results are valid. to stdout. If ClarityNLP is working properly no errors should be found.


Perform these actions to completely shutdown ClarityNLP on your system:

  1. Stop the Flask webserver by entering <CTRL>-C in the flask terminal window.
  2. Stop the Luigi task scheduler by entering <CTRL>-C in the luigi terminal window.
  3. MacOS users can stop the MongoDB database server by entering <CTRL>-C in the MongoDB terminal window. Ubuntu users can run the command sudo systemctl stop mongodb.
  4. Stop Solr by entering solr stop -all in a terminal window.
  5. MacOS users can stop Postgres by first clicking on the elephant icon in the menu bar at the upper right corner of the screen. Click the stop button on the menu that appears. Ubuntu users can run the command sudo systemctl stop postgresql.

Alternatively, you could just terminate Flask and Luigi and keep the other servers running if you plan to run more jobs later.

If you restart, always start Luigi before Flask, exactly as documented above.

Final Words

An introduction to NLPQL can be found here.

Additional information on how to run jobs with ClarityNLP can be found in our Cooking with Clarity sessions. These are Jupyter notebooks presented in a tutorial format. Simply click on any of the .ipynb files to open the notebook in a Web browser. These notebooks provide in-depth explorations of topics relevant to computational phenotyping.