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Adds flow_over_hills validation case (#2402)
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* Adds flow_over_hills validation case

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glwagner committed Apr 15, 2022
1 parent 266d734 commit 470fd11
Showing 1 changed file with 160 additions and 0 deletions.
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions validation/immersed_boundaries/flow_over_hills.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
using Printf
using Statistics
using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.ImmersedBoundaries: ImmersedBoundaryGrid, GridFittedBottom, mask_immersed_field!

@inline bottom_drag_func(x, y, t, u, Cᴰ) = - Cᴰ * u^2

function hilly_simulation(;
Nx = 64,
Nz = Nx,
ϵ = 0.1,
Re = 1e4,
= 1e-2,
bottom_drag = false,
stop_time = 1,
save_interval = 0.1,
architecture = CPU(),
name = "flow_over_hills")

underlying_grid = RectilinearGrid(architecture,
size = (Nx, Nz),
halo = (3, 3),
x = (0, 2π),
z = (0, 2π),
topology = (Periodic, Flat, Bounded))

if ϵ > 0
x, y, z = nodes((Center, Center, Center), underlying_grid, reshape=true)
hills = @. ϵ * (1 + sin(x)) / 2
grid = ImmersedBoundaryGrid(underlying_grid, GridFittedBottom(hills))
else # no hills
grid = underlying_grid

closure = isfinite(Re) ? ScalarDiffusivity=1/Re, κ=1/Re) : nothing

if bottom_drag
Δz = 2π / Nz
z₀ = 1e-4
κ = 0.4
Cᴰ =/ log(Δz / 2z₀))^2
u_bottom_bc = FluxBoundaryCondition(bottom_drag_func, field_dependencies=:u, parameters=Cᴰ)
u_bcs = FieldBoundaryConditions(bottom=u_bottom_bc)
boundary_conditions = (; u = u_bcs)
@info string("Using a bottom drag with coefficient ", Cᴰ)
boundary_conditions = NamedTuple()

model = NonhydrostaticModel(; grid, closure, boundary_conditions,
advection = WENO5(),
timestepper = :RungeKutta3,
tracers = :b,
buoyancy = BuoyancyTracer())

bᵢ(x, y, z) =* z + 1e-9 * rand()
set!(model, b=bᵢ, u=1)

Δx = 2π / Nx
Δt = 0.1 * Δx
simulation = Simulation(model; Δt, stop_time)

u, v, w = model.velocities
Uᵢ = mean(u)

wall_clock = Ref(time_ns())

function progress(sim)
δU = mean(u) / Uᵢ
elapsed = 1e-9 * (time_ns() - wall_clock[])
@info @sprintf("Iter: %d, time: %.2e, δU: %.2e, wall time: %s",
iteration(sim), time(sim), δU, prettytime(elapsed))
wall_clock[] = time_ns()
return nothing

simulation.callbacks[:progress] = Callback(progress, IterationInterval(100))

U = Average(u, dims=(1, 2, 3))
ξ = ∂z(u) - ∂x(w)

simulation.output_writers[:fields] =
JLD2OutputWriter(model, merge(model.velocities, model.tracers, (; ξ, U)),
schedule = TimeInterval(save_interval),
prefix = name,
force = true)

@info "Make a simulation:"
@show simulation

return simulation

function momentum_time_series(filepath)
U = FieldTimeSeries(filepath, "U")
t = U.times
δU = [U[1, 1, 1, n] / U[1, 1, 1, 1] for n=1:length(t)]
return δU, t

Nx = 256
stop_time = 100.0
reference_name = "bottom_drag_reference"
reference_sim = hilly_simulation(; stop_time, Nx, ϵ=0, name=reference_name, bottom_drag=true)
δU_ref, t_ref = momentum_time_series(name * ".jld2")

experiments = []
for ϵ = [0.02, 0.05, 0.1]
name = string("flow_over_hills_height_", ϵ)
push!(experiments, (; ϵ, name))
simulation = hilly_simulation(; stop_time, Nx, ϵ, name)

using GLMakie

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
lines!(ax, t_ref, δU_ref, label="Reference with bottom drag")

for experiment in experiments
name =
ϵ = experiment.ϵ
δU, t = momentum_time_series(name * ".jld2")
lines!(ax, t, δU, label=string("ϵ = ", ϵ))



# Animate vorticity if you like
filepath = experiments[end].name * ".jld2"
ξ = FieldTimeSeries(filepath, "ξ")
Nt = length(ξ.times)
fig = Figure()
slider = Slider(fig[2, 1], range=1:Nt, startvalue=1)
n = slider.value
title = @lift @sprintf("Vorticity in flow over hills at t = %.2e", ξ.times[$n])
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1]; title)
ξn = @lift interior(ξ[$n], :, 1, :)
masked_ξn = @lift begin
ξn = ξ[$n]
mask_immersed_field!(ξn, NaN)
interior(ξn, :, 1, :)
heatmap!(ax, ξn)

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