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☁️ The Cloud V Backend

These are the source files for the Cloud V backend.

It supports simulation, synthesis, creating bitstreams for FPGAs, and much more.

Before you begin

Install the following as they are needed by all components of Cloud V:

  • Node 14 with npm. You may want to install it using tj/n
  • yarn
  • MongoDB

Make sure you also have the Frontend ready. The frontend is served statically and is decoupled from the API. It can be found at


Data Storage

  • mongodb
  • redis (Optional)

Image Processing

  • pkg-config
  • cairo
  • libffi
  • glib

EDA Software

  • IcarusVerilog
  • Yosys
  • Icestorm
  • Arachne PNR
  • Qflow

Software Compilation Dependencies

  • The ARM GNU Toolchain
  • The RISC-V GNU Toolchain
  • GNU Make

Bypassing most dependencies (Using docker)

  • Visit for instructions on how to install mongodb.
    • MongoDB is not included in the Docker image as we rely on cloud providers: the docker containers are recommended to be stateless and ephemeral for the most part.
  • Visit for instructions on how to install Docker Community Edition.

To build the container, simply invoke:

yarn run build-docker

Then you can run it using:

docker run --rm -ti \
    -e CLOUDV_USERS_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/cloudv\
    -e CLOUDV_FS_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/cloudvfs\
    -p 3000:3000\
    yarn run cons

You can also run it using the code in your current working directory, albeit very, very slowly.

docker run --rm -ti \
    -e CLOUDV_USERS_URI=mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017/cloudv\
    -e CLOUDV_FS_URI=mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017/cloudvfs\
    -v $PWD:/var/www/CloudV/cloudv\
    -w /var/www/CloudV/cloudv\
    -p 3000:3000\
    yarn run cons

Installing Dependencies (Native)


Get Homebrew and then:

brew tap riscv/riscv brew tap ArmMbed/homebrew-formulae brew install redis pkg-config cairo libffi glib make riscv-tools arm-none-eabi-gcc icarus-verilog yosys

  • You will need to build icestorm and nextpnr-ice40 from scratch.
  • Visit for instructions on how to install mongodb.

Debian-based Linuces

sudo apt-get install mongodb redis pkg-config libcairo2-dev libffi-dev iverilog yosys make gcc-arm-none-eabi

  • You will need to build icestorm and nextpnr-ice40 from scratch.
  • Visit for instructions on how to install mongodb.
  • Visit for downloadable pre-built riscv binaries.

Then get the RISCV GNU Toolchain from



yarn install


Just one little note: You may need to find the IcarusVerilog ivl directory. If you installed iverilog using apt or brew, CloudV will be able to find it automatically when running with npm run dev and npm run dev-proc, but otherwise, you will have to export the IVL_PATH variable.

Make sure MongoDB is up and running.

Invoke yarn run cons-dev to start the API.

  • You can also run the basic API and the long-running job manager separately: npm run dev and yarn run dev-proc in separate terminals.

⚖️ License

All rights reserved, the American University in Cairo and the Cloud V Project.

You may distribute the software or any of its constituent source files; in part or in whole; under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3, or at your option, any later version. See 'License' for more information.