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File metadata and controls

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Prototype Molly

We are to provision an operational Kubernetes (k8s) Cluster using 5 servers:

Server Hardware Specifications
Server Name CPU Cores RAM (GiB) Hard Disks
pve0 6 32 4 x 1.8TiB
pve1 6 32 4 x 1.8TiB
pve2 6 32 4 x 1.8TiB
pve3 6 32 3 x 1.8TiB
pve4 6 32 4 x 1.8TiB
Server Network Port Assignment
Server Port 1 Port 2 Port 3
pve0 Out-of-band Management (OOB) Internal network (LAN) Internet (WAN)
pve1 Out-of-band Management (OOB) Internal network (LAN) Internet (WAN)
pve2 Out-of-band Management (OOB) Internal network (LAN) OOB Network
pve3 Out-of-band Management (OOB) Internal network (LAN) OOB Network
pve4 Out-of-band Management (OOB) Internal network (LAN) Not in use

Base Server Setup

Install Proxmox VE v5.4 on all 5 servers. You can use a flashed a USB thumb drive with the Proxmox image. We set up zfs RAID 1 using 2 hard disks on each server. For our servers, we have to change bootup mode and SATA config to legacy in order for zfs RAID to setup successfully. The Remaining 9 hard disks are used to set up Ceph. Ceph storage are to be used for the provisioning of Debian9.8 virtual machines. CephFS will also be set up to mount volume shares into k8s pods.

Internet Access Provisioning

We will set up pve0 & pve1 with connection to the internet, but only 1 server will be connected to the internet at one time. The traffic in and out of the Proxmox cluster will be monitor by the firewall VM created in the cluster. We decided to go with OPNsense for our firewall because of its intuitive and user-friendly webGUI interface. The setup is as such:

Interfaces Firewall 1(pve0) Firewall 2(pve1) CARP/Comment
WAN [Public IP]
HA Use LAN network because not enough network interface

As shown above, both server will be sharing 1 public IP address and only one server will be using the public IP address at one time. This is achieved by using the Common Address Redundancy Protocol(CARP) available on OPNsense.

Basic Setup

The following details the steps taken to set up the firewall VMs:

  1. Boot OPNsense iso image

  2. Login to OPNsense using the following credentials:

    • ID : installer
    • Password : opnsense
  3. Proceed with the installation setup by choosing default options

  4. Reboot to complete installation

  5. Login using root account and the password you set and you should see the following:

    |      Hello, this is OPNsense 19.1          |         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    |                                            |        @@@@         @@@@
    | Website:        |         @@@\\\   ///@@@
    | Handbook:   |       ))))))))   ((((((((
    | Forums:  |         @@@///   \\\@@@
    | Lists:  |        @@@@         @@@@
    | Code:  |         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    *** OPN1.localdomain: OPNsense 19.1.4 (amd64/OpenSSL) ***
    LAN (vtnet0)    -> v4:
    WAN (vtnet1)    -> v4:
    HTTPS: SHA256 19 A8 83 86 42 4E 75 3C DC 0D AB C0 6F BC 54 91
                  22 ED E8 BB A1 B1 85 E3 A1 80 E5 15 89 9C 99 BC
    SSH:   SHA256 HpmbGXeyvNKd7Hyc4sx+FTR6pL0wytIIVAWDuVrDZMc (ECDSA)
    SSH:   SHA256 p0KjpBlqupzqBXOMot0beFKHKx2EJNgkabxl14CVCZ8 (ED25519)
    SSH:   SHA256 xvRzsU1SjclG9TxiV8D6dsWSUvSx7b5QDn25Y3n2e+U (RSA)
     0) Logout                              7) Ping host
     1) Assign interfaces                   8) Shell
     2) Set interface IP address            9) pfTop
     3) Reset the root password            10) Firewall log
     4) Reset to factory defaults          11) Reload all services
     5) Power off system                   12) Update from console
     6) Reboot system                      13) Restore a backup
    Enter an option:
  6. Select option 1 to assign the interfaces

    • WAN is for the interface with internet connection
    • LAN is for the interface with internal network
  7. Select option 2 to set IP addresses for the interfaces

    • WAN : or Public IP address
    • LAN :
  8. Access the web GUI of the firewall using its IP address to complete the installation setup

    • Installation wizard will prompt when you first enter the web GUI
    • Unchecked "Block private networks" option on WAN interface setting
    • Unchecked "Block bogon networks" option on WAN interface setting
  9. To enable port forwarding on the firewall:

    • Navigate to Firewall >> Settings >> Advanced
    • Checked "Reflection for port forwards" option
    • Checked "Automatic outbound NAT for Reflection" option

To use the firewall to route internet to the other VMs, go to the network config of the VMs and set gateway as the firewall. Subsequently, the VMs will be able to access the internet through the firewall.

CARP Setup using only 1 public IP

The following details the steps taken to create a CARP set up using 1 public IP instead of the conventional 3 public IPs:

  1. Set up both Firewall WAN interface with a dummy IP address

  2. Create CARP for WAN interface

    • Using any one of the Firewall(1), navigate to Firewall >> Virtual IPs >> Settings
    • click on the "Add" button
    • For Mode, select "CARP"
    • For Interface, select "WAN"
    • For Address, key in the public IP address you want to use
    • For Virtual IP Password, set your own password
    • For VHID Group, select a vhid which you want to use
    • For Advertising Frequency, Base: 1 Skew: 0
    • For Description, enter the description for the CARP
    • Select save option, and CARP will be created
  3. Create CARP for LAN interface

    • Repeat step 2
    • Change Interface to "LAN"
    • Change Address to a LAN IP you want to use
  4. Set up HA synchronization on Firewall(1)

    • On Firewall(1), navigate to System >> High Availability >> Settings
    • Checked "Synchronize States" option
    • For Synchronize Interface, select "LAN" (not enough network interface, ideally to have a separate network for synchronization)
    • For Synchronize Peer IP, select the LAN IP of the other Firewall(2)
    • For Synchronize Config to IP, select the other Firewall(2) LAN IP also
    • For Remote System options, key in the username and password of the other Firewall(2) root account
    • Checked all the synchronize options boxes
    • Save settings and wait for the data to synchronize
  5. Enable HA synchronization on Firewall(2)

    • On Firewall(2), navigate to System >> High Availability >> Settings
    • Checked Synchronize States option
    • For Synchronize Interface, select "LAN"
    • Save settings
  6. Check the CARP status on both Firewall

    • Navigate to Firewall >> Virtual IPs >> Status
    • Firewall(1) will show "master" status
    • Firewall(2) will show "backup" status
  7. CARP has been successfully set up

    • conduct testing on CARP by shutting down Master Firewall(1)
    • connection will be routed through Backup Firewall(2)

Done! HA has been successfully set up on Firewall.

Multi-Master Kubernetes Cluster

We will set up a multi-master K8s cluster with 3 master nodes and 5 worker nodes. The setup is as such:

Hostname Node Type IP Address CPU Cores RAM (GiB) Hard Disk (GiB)
kube0 Master 2 4 64
kube1 Master 2 4 64
kube2 Master 2 4 64
kube3 Worker 2 4 128
kube4 Worker 2 4 128
kube5 Worker 2 4 128
kube6 Worker 2 4 128
kube7 Worker 2 4 128
Default Gateway Name Server (Firewall Virtual IP)

Install Kubernetes first (Refer to our Github Page).

You can follow the official guide to form a multi-master k8s cluster. Otherwise, to form a k8s cluster with stacked control plane nodes (etcd and master node components reside on the same nodes), create the following file kubeadm-config.yaml:

kind: ClusterConfiguration
kubernetesVersion: stable
controlPlaneEndpoint: ""  #<Virtual IP>:<any port not in use>
   - "<cluster external IP>"
    advertise-address: ""
  podSubnet: ""  #Flannel subnet requirement

Then run the kubeadm init command as follows:

sudo kubeadm init --config=kubeadm-config.yaml --experimental-upload-certs

Two join commands will be produced after the initialization. One for joining control planes (master nodes) into the cluster, and the other for joining worker nodes into the cluster. Before joining in more nodes, the pod network of your choice should be implemented first.

Copy /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf out for permanent access for your user to kubectl:

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

For our cluster we will go for Canal's pod network implementation:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Now that we have formed our multi-master k8s cluster, we need to load balance API Server traffic among our master nodes. Recall the configuration in our kubeadm-config.yaml:

controlPlaneEndpoint: ""

The is a Virtual IP that should refer to all our master nodes collectively. To implement load balancing with this Virtual IP, we can use HAProxy and Heartbeat.

HAProxy is to implement port forwarding with endpoint health checks to load balance traffic among the master nodes. We will need more than one HAProxy running for high availability. For our setup we will be running HAProxy on each of our master nodes. Install HAProxy

sudo apt-get install haproxy

Add the following to the end of /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:

frontend k8s-haproxy
    mode tcp
    option tcplog
    default_backend k8s-haproxy

backend k8s-haproxy
    mode tcp
    option tcplog
    option tcp-check
    balance roundrobin
    default-server inter 10s downinter 5s rise 2 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 250 maxqueue 256 weight 100
        server kube0 check fall 3 rise 2
        server kube1 check fall 3 rise 2
        server kube2 check fall 3 rise 2

Port 6443 is the default listening port for k8s API Server. You can change this in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml. Just make sure that your HAProxy is configured to forward traffic to the correct destination port. Port 60443 is chosen as the binding port but you can choose any other ports that are not in use. Take note that our HAProxy resides on the master nodes, therefore 6443 is in use by default and therefore should not be used as the binding port.

Heartbeat is for the VMs that are running HAProxy to monitor each other's health such that at any point in time only one VM is bounded to the control plane endpoint Virtual IP This is to ensure as much as possible that the HAProxy logs are collected in order and are on the same VM. Allow system services to bind non local IP on each HAProxy node:

nano /etc/sysctl.conf


Then run

sysctl -p

Then start the HAProxy services

systemctl start haproxy

Install and enable Heartbeat on each HAProxy node

sudo apt-get -y install heartbeat && systemctl enable heartbeat

Now create a passkey for Heartbeat authentication

echo -n <any text> | md5sum


Then create the file /etc/ha.d/authkeys:

auth 1
1 md5 ThisIsTheGeneratedKey

Make sure that all the HAProxy nodes have a copy of this file. This file also needs to be owned by root only

sudo chown root:root /etc/ha.d/authkeys
sudo chmod 600 /etc/ha.d/authkeys

Create the main configuration file /etc/ha.d/ for Heartbeat on all the HAProxy nodes. Change ens18 to your network interface that the node can use to communicate with other HAProxy nodes.

#       keepalive: how many seconds between heartbeats
keepalive 2
#       deadtime: seconds-to-declare-host-dead
deadtime 10
#       What UDP port to use for udp or ppp-udp communication?
udpport        694
mcast ens18 694 1 0
#       What interfaces to heartbeat over?
udp     ens18
#       Facility to use for syslog()/logger (alternative to log/debugfile)
logfacility     local0
#       Tell what machines are in the cluster
#       node    nodename ...    -- must match uname -n
node    kube0
node    kube1
node    kube2

Lastly create the /etc/ha.d/haresources file on all HAProxy nodes to specify the shared IP address and the preferred node to bind that IP.


Restart all Heartbeat services

sudo systemctl restart heartbeat

Set Up CephFS

CephFS is a convenient way to share files between servers and VMs. It is a mountable file system of Ceph. Containers can also use CephFS as mountable volume for data sharing or to make file changes dynamically from outside the container environment.

Proxmox VE v5.4 offers an intuitive and convenient way to set up CephFS. On the Proxmox web GUI, select one of the nodes then navigate the menu bar to 'CephFS' under 'Ceph'. Click on the 'Create CephFS' button to initialize CephFS with two auto-created pools. Then create one MDS (Metadata Server) for each node using the 'Create MDS' button. Assume the following setup for CephFS:

Name Data Pool Metadata Pool
cephfs cephfs_data cephfs_metadata
Name Host Address
pve0 pve0[auto-assigned port]/*******
pve1 pve1[auto-assigned port]/*******
pve2 pve2[auto-assigned port]/*******
pve3 pve3[auto-assigned port]/*******
pve4 pve4[auto-assigned port]/*******

AutoFS to mount CephFS

We want to mount CephFS on our servers to conveniently distribute our project resources across VMs and Servers. If we mount CephFS through /etc/fstab for our servers, the result would be catastrophic since CephFS requires Ceph and that Ceph requires enough quorom to function properly. Since our servers are also the hosts of CephFS, mounting CephFS on bootup would fail since quorom will only be established after the bootup. Therefore we should use AutoFS to mount CephFS only on demand (which is only possible after the bootup).

On each of your servers:

Use root account

su -

Extract the admin key of CephFS and save it into /root/secrets/cephfs.key

ceph auth get client.admin #copy the key from the output of this command
mkdir /root/secrets
nano /root/secrets/cephfs.key #paste the key inside this file
chmod -R 770 /root/secrets

Install AutoFS

sudo apt-get install autofs

Add the following into /etc/auto.master

/mnt    /etc/auto.cephfs  --timeout 60

Create the file /etc/auto.cephfs with the following contents:

shares  -fstype=ceph,name=admin,secretfile=/root/secrets/cephfs.key,noatime   

The 'noatime' option tells CephFS not to save access time information of the mounted file system. This is to improve performance by preventing unnecessary write operations when files are read. Change the ip address to the corresponding server's ip address accordingly.

Change directory to /mnt/shares to trigger the mount

cd /mnt/shares

For standardization, we also set up AutoFS to mount CephFS onto our VMs.

Useful Links:

Enable Monitoring on OPNsense

Monitoring of the kubernetes cluster can be done by deploying the prometheus-operator. However, the OPNsense VMs are outside of the kubernetes cluster. Thus, to allow monitoring on the OPNsense VMs, some configurations have to be done. OPNsense has a plugins feature and node exporter is available for installation on the machine.

To install node exporter plugins on OPNsense, access the web interface and log in as root user. The plugins option can be found under System > Firmware > Plugins. Search for os-node-exporter and install it. Once installed, reboot the machine.

Node exporter will now be available on the web interface under Services. Look for Prometheus Exporter and enable it. The Listen Address was set to the LAN IP address of the respective firewall LAN IP address, which is and By default, the Listen Address is interfaces).

Once the Prometheus Exporter is enabled, node exporter will start to export the host machine metrics. To verify that node exporter is working, access any machine within the LAN network and type curl In this case, to verify the node exporter is working on the OPNsense VMs, simply enter curl for firewall 1 and curl for firewall 2.

An example of the output of the command is as shown below:

# HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the GC invocation durations.
# TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 6.5231e-05
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 6.5231e-05
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 8.886e-05

The metrics of the OPNsense VMs is now ready to be scraped. In order for prometheus-operator to scrape from the OPNsense VMs, additional configuration is required. The instruction is available on the prometheus-operator Github Page.

Create an yaml file and name it as prometheus-additional.yaml. The following configuration was used to scrap the metrics from our OPNsense VMs.

- job_name: "firewall-node-exporter"
          - targets: ["", ""]
               namespace: "monitoring"
               service: "node-exporter"

Targets refer to the IP address and port of the machine that prometheus will scrape the metrics from. Additional labels can be added in as well.

Next, create a secret with the prometheus-additional.yaml with the following command.

Note: namespace is set as monitoring because prometheus-operator is deployed under namespace monitoring.

kubectl create secret generic additional-scrape-configs --from-file=prometheus-additional.yaml --dry-run -oyaml --namespace=monitoring > additional-scrape-configs.yaml

prometheus-additional.yaml will be base64 encoded and input into a secret config file additional-scrape-configs.yaml As shown below is the additional-scrape-configs.yaml created by the prometheus-additional.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
  prometheus-additional.yaml: LSBqb2JfbmFtZTogImZpcmV3YWxsLW5vZGUtZXhwb3J0ZXIiCiAgc3RhdGljX2NvbmZpZ3M6CiAgICAgICAgICAtIHRhcmdldHM6IFsiMTAuMC4xLjY6OTEwMCIsICIxMC4wLjEuNzo5MTAwIl0KICAgICAgICAgICAgbGFiZWxzOgogICAgICAgICAgICAgICBuYW1lc3BhY2U6ICJtb25pdG9yaW5nIgogICAgICAgICAgICAgICBzZXJ2aWNlOiAibm9kZS1leHBvcnRlciIK
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: additional-scrape-configs
  namespace: monitoring   

To check if the encoded text is the same as the prometheus-additional.yaml, the following command can be used to verify.

 echo "encoded text" | base64 --decode

Lastly, edit the prometheus-prometheus.yaml under the manifests folder of prometheus-operator folder and add in the following to the spec section.

  name: additional-scrape-configs
  key: prometheus-additional.yaml

Now deploy prometheus manifests folder and access the prometheus web interface. On the web interface, navigate to Status > Targets. firewall-node-exporter, the job_name for scraping from OPNsense VMs should be shown.

Creating Alerting Rule on Prometheus

The existing prometheus alerting rules does not include rules for OPNsense VMs. Prometheus will monitoring the specified alerting rules and trigger the alert if the condition of the rule is met. The alert will then be fired to Alertmanager, which will then send out notification to the user.

The existing rules from prometheus-operator can be found in prometheus-rules.yaml under the manifests folder. Simply add on additional alerting rules in the yaml file under spec > group The following alerting rules were added to prometheus-rules.yaml to trigger alerts for external nodes outside of the kubernetes cluster.

- alert: InstanceDown
  expr: up == 0
  for: 1m
    severity: critical
    summary: "Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down"
    message: "{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 1 minutes."
- alert: CPUThresholdExceeded
  expr: 100 - (avg by (instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{job="firewall-node-exporter",mode="idle"}[5m])) * 100) > 90
  for: 3m
    severity: warning
    summary: "Instance {{ $labels.instance }} CPU usage is dangerously high"
    message: "This device's CPU usage has exceeded the thresold of 90% with a value of {{ $value }} for 3 minutes."
- alert: MemoryUsageWarning
  expr:  ((node_memory_size_bytes - (node_memory_free_bytes + node_memory_cache_bytes + node_memory_buffer_bytes) ) / node_memory_size_bytes) * 100  > 80
  for: 5m
    severity: warning
    summary: "Instance {{ $labels.instance }} Memory usage is high"
    message: "This device's Memory usage has exceeded the thresold of 80% with a value of {{ $value }} for 5 minutes."
- alert: DiskSpaceWarning
  expr:  100 -  ((node_filesystem_free_bytes  * 100 / node_filesystem_size_bytes))  > 75
  for: 60m
    severity: warning
    summary: "Instance {{ $labels.instance }} Disk usage is high"
    message: "This device's Disk usage has exceeded the thresold of 75% with a value of {{ $value }}."

Note: The alerting rule for MemoryUsageWarning has a different expr as the metrics exposed are from FreeBSD, which is the OS for OPNsense. FreeBSD is a Unix-like Platform. Thus, the naming of the metrics is slightly different compared to Linux platform. A typical expr for high memory usage on a Linux platform is (((node_memory_MemTotal - node_memory_MemFree - node_memory_Cached) / (node_memory_MemTotal) * 100))

Add-on: Instruction on integrating Slack with Alertmanager can be found here. The alerts will be forward to Slack when prometheus fires to Alertmanager.

Additional Dashboard On Grafana

With the existing configurations of prometheus-operator, Grafana already have dashboards available to present a better visualization on monitoring prometheus data. To add on more dashboard on Grafana, you can either create your own or import existing dashboard from Grafana site.

In order to have a dashboard to monitoring the OPNsense VMs, we need to find a dashboard that can read FreeBSD metrics. Click here to download the dashboard to monitor the OPNsense VMs. A slight amendment on the json file for the dashboard is required to direct its path to the job name of our OPNsense VMs.

Open up the json file and search for the word job and replace the job variable:

"query": "label_values(node_time_seconds{job=\"firewall-node-exporter\"}, instance)",

This is to direct the query to the job_name which we have specified in prometheus-additional.yaml. Once this is done, the dashboard to monitor OPNsense should be ready.

Cloud Image Template setup

It is a tedious process to go through the installation setup and also having to log in to the VM to create user accounts when deploying new VMs. Cloud-init images is able to eliminate these problems by providing the function of creating user accounts on bootup based on user input.

The following details the steps taken to create a cloud-init image template of a distribution to be use for the deployment of VMs. All the commands will be run on the Proxmox node where the template will reside:

  1. Search for a certified cloud-init image of the distribution(OS) and use wget function to download it on to the Proxmox node
  2. Create a new VM which will eventually be converted into a template (for this setup guide, VM with ID number 9000 is used)
    qm create 9000 --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0
  3. Import the downloaded cloud image to the local storage or shared storage
    qm importdisk 9000 bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img local-zfs
  4. Attached the new disk to the VM as scsi drive
    qm set 9000 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --scsi0 local-zfs:vm-9000-disk-0
  5. Configure a local CDROM drive to pass the cloud-init data to the VM
    qm set 9000 --ide2 local-zfs:cloudinit
  6. Speed up the booting process by setting the boot parameters of the VM to boot directly from the Cloud-Init image
    qm set 9000 --boot c --bootdisk scsi0
  7. Configure a serial console to be use as a display. This step is required because most cloud-init images rely on this to work
    qm set 9000 --serial0 socket --vga serial0
  8. Convert the VM into a template
    qm template 9000

At this point, the template of the cloud-init image will be created. The template will appear on the Proxmox GUI under the corresponding node which the above setup is run on. Next is to use the template to deploy VM in the Proxmox cluster.

Run the following steps on the Proxmox GUI:

  1. Right-click on the template and select the clone function to deploy a new VM

  2. For migration to work on VM, select full-clone function instead of linked-clone function

  3. Once the VM is successfully cloned, navigate to the VM's cloud-init tab and fill in the necessary information for the creation of a User account

  4. Boot up the VM and it will be ready for use with the User account created

Do take note that the password function will not work for Debian cloud image, therefore the workaround is to fill in the SSH public key segment using the Proxmox node's public key and subsequently ssh into the VM to create a password for the User.

Nameserver also has to be added manually into /etc/resolv.conf file for the Debian cloud image. Add nameserver into the file so that the VM will be able to access the internet.