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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 2, 2024. It is now read-only.


Christian Moen edited this page Jun 1, 2017 · 3 revisions


General commands

Command What it does Who can do it?
!help Gives a list of all of the commands Everyone
!math <math question> Can do nearly everything you want in math Everyone
!summon Bot will join your channel if you're in a voice channel Restricted
!leaveChannel Bot will leave your channel Restricted
!smug Bot will reply with a smug image Everyone
!smugadd <a http link to image that are to be added> needs link to a image, and will add it to the smug list Restricted

Music commands

Command What it does Who can do it?
!queue <music_link> Add music into queue Everyone
!votenext Vote to skip current song Everyone
!next Skip to next song Restricted
!stop Stops the music player Restricted
!play <music_link> Starts playing song from link. Will force stop current one and start playing the link given Restricted
!playlist Show music queue Everyone
!timeleft Show time left in secounds to song ends Everyone
!setvolume <volume> Set the bot's volume (in percent) Everyone


Command What it does Who can do it?
!coins Display the users current balance Everyone
!toplist Display a list of top 5 coin holders Everyone
!toplist Display a list of top 5 coin holders Everyone
!donate <@ref_user> <amount> Donate coins to selected user Everyone
!tax setwealthtax <percentage> Set the wealth tax percentage Restricted
!tax wealthylvl <wealthyAmount> Anyone with coins greater than or equal to this has to pay wealthy fee Restricted
!tax taxstatus returns true or false if tax is enabled Restricted
!tax taxmoney Display the amount collected in fees by the bot Everyone
!tax settax <percentage> Set the tax percantage - usage: !tax settax 0.20 = tax 20 Everyone


Command What it does Who can do it?
!roll <amount> Gamble selected amount. Will roll from 1 - 100 if rolled over 50 member wins. Everyone
!bj new Open a new blackjack table for members to join into Restricted
!bj start Starts up blackjack table Restricted
!bj join <amount> Join a blackjack table with the selected bet Everyone
!bj hit If inside a blackjack table, hit for a new card Everyone
!bj stand If inside a blackjack table, stand Everyone
!bj forceStand if for some reason one of the members at the table, didn't stand. Force it. Restricted
!buyticket Buy a ticket to the lottery, ticket price is 100. Everyone

Channel management

Command What it does Who can do it?
!man flags Will give you a list of all flagged games for this channel Everyone
!man patrol Will start the patrolling and move members to correct rooms Restricted
!man wipe Will wipe clean all flags from this channel Restricted
!man addgame Flag channels for games only. If entered !man addgame free the room will be set to free-rom where every game is allowed Restricted
Usergroups #
Everyone Everyone in the channel, default usergroup
Restricted Restricted accsess. default the owner of the bot

As you can see many of these commands are restricted to the owner of the bot, which are the admin(s) in the server. You can find the logic for authenticating permissions here

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