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AWS Config Terraform Module



Resource List

Code Updates

  • Please be sure to update AWS Config Rules yaml files from here
  • Due to the nature of this Github repository being opensource there are a few rules out of the box that were removed in order to get this module to properly scan the AWS Accounts

Deployment Steps

This module can be called as outlined below.

  • Change directories to the config directory.
  • From the terraform/aws/config directory run terraform init.
  • Run terraform plan to review the resources being created.
  • If everything looks correct in the plan output, run terraform apply.


Include example for how to call the module below with generic variables

module "config" {
  source = ""

  resource_prefix        = var.resource_prefix
  s3_config_arn          = data.terraform_remote_state.mgmt_account_setup.outputs.s3_config_arn
  s3_config_id           = data.terraform_remote_state.mgmt_account_setup.outputs.s3_config_id
  config_kms_key_arn     = data.terraform_remote_state.mgmt_account_setup.outputs.config_kms_key_arn
  s3_kms_key_arn         = data.terraform_remote_state.mgmt_account_setup.outputs.s3_kms_key_arn
  sns_kms_key_id         = data.terraform_remote_state.mgmt_account_setup.outputs.sns_kms_key_id
  conformance_pack_names = ["Operational-Best-Practices-for-FedRAMP", "Operational-Best-Practices-for-NIST-800-53-rev-5"]
  delivery_frequency     = "TwentyFour_Hours"

  ## Aggregator 
  aws_regions      = var.aws_regions
  account_ids      = local.share_accounts
  aggregation_type = "organization"


Name Version
terraform >=1.5.0
aws ~> 5.0


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_config_configuration_aggregator.account_config_aggregator resource
aws_config_configuration_aggregator.config_aggregator resource
aws_config_configuration_recorder.config resource
aws_config_configuration_recorder_status.config resource
aws_config_conformance_pack.conformance_packs resource
aws_config_delivery_channel.config resource
aws_iam_role.aggregator_organization resource
aws_iam_role.custom_aws_config_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy.kms_config_role_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy.s3_config_role_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.aggregator_organization resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.config_role_attachment1 resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.config_role_attachment2 resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.config_role_attachment3 resource
aws_s3_object.fedramp resource
aws_s3_object.nist resource
aws_sns_topic.config_delivery resource
aws_iam_policy_document.aggregator_assume_role data source
aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role data source
aws_iam_policy_document.kms_role_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.s3_role_policy data source


Name Description Type Default Required
account_ids AWS Account IDs for AWS Config Aggregator list(string) n/a yes
aggregation_type Aggregation Type string n/a yes
aws_regions The AWS region(s) for AWS Config Aggregator list(string) n/a yes
config_kms_key_arn AWS Config KMS Key Arn string n/a yes
conformance_pack_names A list of conformance pack names to be deployed list(string) n/a yes
delivery_frequency frequency for the config snapshots to be sent to S3 string n/a yes
is_enabled Should config recorder be enabled? bool true no
packs_s3_key S3 Bucket prefix for the Packs uploaded string "packs" no
resource_prefix The prefix for the s3 bucket names string n/a yes
s3_config_arn S3 Bucket ARN for AWS Config string n/a yes
s3_config_id S3 bucket ID for AWS Config string n/a yes
s3_kms_key_arn AWS S3 KMS Key Arn string n/a yes
sns_kms_key_id SNS KMS key ID string n/a yes


Name Description
fedramp_conformance_pack_arn n/a
nist_conformance_pack_arn n/a


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