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v0.10 "Älter!"

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@CobaltWolf CobaltWolf released this 25 Mar 15:14
· 5860 commits to master since this release

-Added Hullcam support to camera parts, courtesy of Jso
-Added Juno/Jupiter rocket parts
-Added Diamant rocket parts
-Added a number of small early probe parts
-Added Castor 120 and 30, for making Athena / Carrack
-Added a number of upper stage solid boosters
-All upper stage solids can be shut down and restarted, to make them more useful
-Added new sepratrons based on PDCWolf's Perfectron series
-Added two new engines based on the Titan first stage
-Redid many of the textures, again. Parts should generally look higher res than they actually are
-Rearranged the tech nodes of many parts, to give a more steady progression
-Structural adapters no longer have fuel tank ends
-Fairing bases now look more like fairing bases, and not short fuel tanks
-Split Redstone tank into two separate parts
-Converted the Agena SPS to run on LFO
-Rescaled Agena to a more accurate 0.9375m
-Added a new BDB flag
-Probably many more things I've forgotten